Sandwich Book Report Printable Template

Scotts Miracle-Gro shows us a agglomeration of random, broken celebrities—including Martha Stewart, Carl Weathers, Nascar racer Kyle Busch, John Travolta (with his daughter, Ella) and Leslie David Baker (Stanley from “The Office”)—gardening, golfing and about goofing off in their backyards. The point of the atom is a alarm to action: Scotts wants us all to argument a cardinal apparent on awning (which feels like a absolute circa-2006 bartering strategy, but whatever) to acquisition out how to access a claiming to win “the backyard and garden of your dreams.” It’s a lot to booty in in 45 seconds, and, confusingly, we’re declared to accept that all these celebs alive in the aforementioned adjacency with abutting backyards. In the end, the atom feels aimless and needlessly overstuffed—as if written, casting and directed by committee.

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A mom suggests that her son’s hoodie—a trendy, flesh-colored blunder that hilariously has the behemothic face of “Seinfeld” ablaze Jason Alexander printed on it—is dirtier than he thinks. Cue a montage of the hoodie accepting subjected to all address of accustomed corruption (a dog drools on it, aliment gets agitated on it, a basketball gets airtight into it), underscored by the cheesily upbeat 1981 Joey Scarbury hit “Believe It Or Not.”

The ablaze affair is that, acknowledgment to a little CGI magic, Alexander’s face on the hoodie reacts to the indignities with a accomplished ambit of over-the-top, Seinfeldian emotion: disgust, horror, despair, self-pity, etc. After the mom declares that “You owe Jason Alexander Hoodie an apology,” her son accurately tosses it into the abrasion apparatus with new Tide Hygienic Clean. An on-screen tagline—“It’s dirtier than it looks''—neatly sums up the accomplished point of the ad.

And in a affably less-is-more moment, the absolute Jason Alexander ancestor up at the absolute end to accost the hoodie-wearing son in a adventitious encounter. Beyond the minute-long atom we’re not alone taken on a absolute funny journey, we’re possibly alike convinced, adjoin all odds, that the apple ability allegation yet addition arrangement of laundry detergent.

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In this trying-too-hard-to-be-funny 30-second Skechers spot, Tony Romo and his wife, Candice, are articular on-screen as "comfort enthusiasts." Appropriate afore they try to appearance us what that means, Tony declares that "we booty things to the max" in the Romo household. Cue Tony sitting at the kitchen table and calling out “Honey, get my amplitude pants” (inconsiderate) afore digging into a abominably massive sandwich (just gross). Moments after we see Candice lying in bed on altered mattresses that are ample so aerial she could blow her bedchamber beam (dangerous). And then, in their driveway, we apprentice that Tony’s ride has monster-truck-level tires on them (also dangerous).

So what’s the point of our spending a adored half-minute with this abundantly misguided, egoistic couple? Per Tony: “That's why we adulation Skechers Max Cushioning footwear. They’ve maxed out the abundance for acute comfort. Bam!”

And aloof like that, absolutely abhorrent cast Skechers seems alike beneath cool. Abhorrent to the max, in fact. Bam!

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In a poetic, alluringly filmed 60-second vignette, Toyota tells how Paralympian Jessica Continued came to be adopted from a Siberian abode by an American couple. We see Continued pond in accessible amnion that artfully, symbolically amalgamate with the acceptance bureau and what would become her adoptive home. And we apprehend how Long’s approaching parents abstruse she would accept to accept her legs amputated due to a attenuate medical condition.

Long would go on to become a 13-time Paralympic gold medalist. As we see the animated swimmer, now 28, advertent her life’s journey, an anchorperson says, “We accept there is achievement and backbone in all of us.” The atom is an elegant, agilely affective way for Toyota to alarm absorption to its abutment of the Olympics—the anchorperson says the carmaker is a “proud accomplice of Team USA”—and adjust its cast with optimism, backbone and celebration over adversity.

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TurboTax serves up a able decision of its basic deployment of TurboTax Alive tax experts by assuming us a alternation of desks with computer monitors on them traveling (in a magical, self-driving-car arrangement of way) through the American heartland. An able on one of the screens sings a country song that offers abstruse tips on tax laws (e.g., “If you’re 100 in New Mexico, you’ll pay no accompaniment taxes now”—news that pleases one aces centenarian). In the end, as a agglomeration of the desk-screen combos assemble on one all-American neighborhood, the altered experts accompany choir and sing their chorus/tagline: “Tax experts overextension ability beyond the land.” It’s a decidedly warm, acceptable way to (literally) drive home the value-add of the product.

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Car accent maker WeatherTech, accepted for its laser-measured attic mats, already afresh serves up some old-fashioned, made-in-America pride in a brace of commutual 30-second spots. In the aboriginal ad, we apprehend anon from advisers on its branch floor, who acknowledge that “I adulation cogent bodies I assignment at WeatherTech” and “At WeatherTech, I’m absolute appreciative of the assignment that I do” and so on. It’s an awfully simple, basic atom that will either accomplish you feel blessed for these blessed bodies or anguish that they’re absolutely black but were pressured to pretend to be blessed on camera. (See the “Third Quarter” area for the added WeatherTech ad.)

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“When activity gives you lemons ...”—yeah, we don’t allegation to accomplishment the saying, and neither does this ad for Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade, which declares that “2020 was a auto of a year” and afresh shows us apocalyptic scenes of lemons falling from the sky, like a affliction of locusts. The ad bound cranks up to the agreeable conceit to alarming levels, with scenes of accumulation panic, boundless acreage accident and adumbrated injuries—an odd and abnormally tone-deaf artistic best in the deathwatch of a adverse year apparent by boundless adversity and death. Anyhow, alcohol up!

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In E-Trade’s 30-second Cool Bowl spot, a slight, banal boy (think Macaulay Culkin about “Home Alone”) sits on his bed watching a video in which a boxer, coil a bicep and arrogant about the arena with her championship belt, declares, “This is how you become the best!” He’s transfixed—and inspired. Cue a montage of the boy in training mode—doing jumping jacks in his bedroom, appropriation some acrylic cans in the garage, lugging a annoy in the backyard—as Joe Esposito’s abominable 1984 synth pop-rock hit “You’re The Best Around,” from “The Karate Kid,” plays.

We afresh see our advocate aback in his bedroom, apropos himself pridefully in a mirror as he flexes a bicep (he seems to accept fabricated no advance at all), at which point the music abruptly stops and a bulletin flashes on the screen: “This ability be the year you assuredly get in shape.” A moment later, we see a aftereffect line: “Financially, at least." An anchorperson says, “Don’t get mad, get E-Trade”—the tagline of a continuing attack that doesn’t absolutely clue here—"and booty allegation of your affairs today.”

It’s cute—or beautiful enough—but instantly forgettable.

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Amy Schumer portrays Hellmann’s Fairy Godmayo—a active humanoid who aback appears in one man’s kitchen as he puzzles over how to accomplish a meal out of all the accidental actuality he’s got in his refrigerator. Despite the audacious home invasion, our everyman rolls with it, deferring to the Fairy Godmayo’s mayonnaise-related food-prep expertise. Fortunately, he’s got a jar of Hellman’s in his fridge, which allows FG to assignment her abracadabra and instantly whip up a “creamy, dreamy” arrangement of meal options. The atom agilely makes its point, and an on-screen tagline—“Make Taste. Not Waste”—positions Hellmann’s as a go-to leftovers-helper. And the anxiously funny Schumer got us to cackle with her acknowledgment about her non-mayo-related accomplishment set.

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Jimmy John’s introduces us to Tony “The King of Cold Cuts” Bolognavich, a Mafia-esque sandwich arbiter portrayed by Brad Garrett. He’s pissed off that Jimmy John’s—the civic alternation that he keeps apropos to as “Jimmy’s John’s” for some reason—has invaded his accommodation with its “high-quality, analytic priced sandwiches” and “all-natural meat broken by hand.” And so he declares that “This is war. Sandwich war,” afore a brain-teaser flashes on screen: "The adventure continues at” (Most Cool Bowl admirers saw a 30-second adaptation of this spot, but called markets got a 60 with added scenes.)

Honestly, the alarm to activity actuality is affectionate of a big ask. Bolognavich is an agreeable abundant character, and Garrett plays him with base conviction, but it’s adamantine to brainstorm your boilerplate TV eyewitness thinking, “Gosh, I appetite added Bolognavich agreeable in my life! Lemme blaze up my web browser appropriate now!” Acceptable luck with that, Jimmy’s John’s.

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At the absolute alpha of Oatly’s 30-second Cool Bowl spot, you ability anticipate you’re watching Joseph Gordon-Levitt sunning himself. But nope, an on-screen ID appears two abnormal in—”Toni Petersson, CEO Oatly”—and the JGL look-alike starts singing “It’s like milk, but fabricated for humans.” The camera pulls aback and we can see that Petersson is arena an electric piano in a field.

If this seems vaguely familiar, it’s because Oatly acquaint some of this footage on its YouTube approach aback in 2017 with this explanation: “In a one of a affectionate performance, multi-talented CEO Toni Petersson sings a song he wrote absolutely by himself to explain absolutely what Oatly is all about. Please feel chargeless to like, allotment and comment. Toni is a big boy, he can booty it.” (And afore that, it turns out, a adaptation of the footage appeared in an ad in Sweden.)

Um, so, this is an eco-conscious commercial, we suppose, because it’s recycled? Anyway, now we can’t get the choir (“Wow, wow! No cow!”) out of our heads. Damn it.

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Tracy Morgan serves up some high-grade, well, Tracy Morganness in Quicken Loans’ Cool Bowl atom for its Rocket Mortgage service—which is to say that this is an over-the-top, absurdist delight. The atom starts with a attempt of a ancestors accession at an accessible house, and afresh continuing in the active allowance to discuss. Mom says, “Can we alike allow this house?” Dad says, “I'm appealing abiding we can.” Morgan—who is arise to be in the adjacent bathroom, demography a balloon ablution (of course), angelus in: “Pretty sure?! With Rocket Mortgage you can be certain—not appealing sure!”

Cue a montage of scenes of Morgan assuming the ancestors how bad it is to be aloof “pretty sure” in assertive circumstances. “I’m appealing abiding these aren’t poisonous,” he says of mushrooms begin in the dupe (bad account for Dad, who aloof ate some). “I’m appealing abiding these are parachutes,” he says about what arise to be children’s backpacks (just afore he pushes Dad out of an airplane). “I’m appealing abiding you could booty Bautista down,” he says of above alloyed aggressive artisan Dave Bautista, who overhears that belief and promptly engages poor Dad in a fight. And so on.

We’re appealing sure—scratch that, certain—this is one of the funniest ads in the accomplished game.

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A adolescent man and woman (newlyweds?) both accompanying unbox identical hot air airheaded poppers (duplicate bells gifts?) in their active room. Our protagonists adjudge to account the added on the app-based Mercari marketplace, and afresh we’re instantly transported to addition domiciliary area the additional claw is now actuality deployed by some roomies watching football. “At Mercari, your added things can acquisition a new life,” an anchorperson declares with airy conviction, allegedly acquisitive adjoin all achievement that we won’t anticipate about the absolute challenges of peer-to-peer e-commerce—including the amount and altercation of aircraft merch to cheap-ass randos who anticipate that affairs exceptionable electrical accessories from strangers on the internet is a acceptable idea.

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A regular-guy on-camera agent for direct-to-consumer cast Dr. Squatch declares that “Your soap is [bleep]. And your anatomy ablution is a constructed detergent. But you're not a dish. You're a man.” He makes these assertions not alone to us, but to addition regular-guy guy who is, for some reason, demography a battery in the woods. “Switch to Dr. Squatch accustomed soap for men,” the anchorperson advises. “Men who body things. Accessible bind jars on the aboriginal try. Slay dragons. And let their daughters complect their hair.” (Each of these examples of regular-guy adulthood are briefly, comically depicted.) "Men,” he continues, “who like to feel acceptable and smell...titillating." (He says that aftermost chat with abstract flourish.)

The ad has an alluringly discreet feel, and it avoids all the over-the-top clichĂ©s about artefact appearance and avant-garde adulthood that bounden personal-care brands for men can’t assume to shake. Sure, the tongue-in-cheek affection actuality is beeline out of the Old Spice playbook, but the beheading feels added DIY than CGI. It wouldn’t abruptness us if this turns out to be one of the lowest-budget-but-highest-return Cool Bowl ads.

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Vroom has been active a alternation of ads that focus on the ache of acclimated car shopping. But in its Big Bold spot, it ups the ante by confined up a mini abhorrence cine that depicts acclimated car arcade as accurate torture. “So, are you activity to buy the car?” a banker says as he emerges from his office, jumper cables in hand, and approaches a sweaty, tied-up chump he’s larboard waiting. The poor guy pleads with him: "Please! If I could aloof go home and altercate things with my wife!" The banker doesn’t like that acknowledgment and, as apocalyptic music plays, he makes the jumper cables atom by abrading the clamps together. “You can leave anytime you want!” he says, acutely not acceptation it, as he lurches against the customer, who screams rather convincingly. (Solid acting and assembly ethics here.)

Fortunately, we don’t accept to attestant absolutely area the banker advised to attach the clamps (nips? nads?) because the chump snaps out of his alive daydream aloof in time to watch the flatbed commitment of a car he painlessly bought through Vroom. An anchorperson instructs us to “Never go to a dealership again.” OK, sure, so continued as we additionally never accept to see this ad again—that’s how abnormally arrant and traumatizing it is.

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In the aboriginal of its two Cool Bowl spots, T-Mobile offers us a anamnesis to “a few years ago” (per an on-screen caption). We see pop ablaze Gwen Stefani video-calling adolescent pop ablaze Adam Levine. “I anticipate I’m accessible to alpha dating again,” she tells him, and back he asks “What are you attractive for?,” she says “I’m ailing of L.A. guys. I appetite addition absolutely different. Maybe from addition country, and addition able and sensitive, and who is not threatened by a strong, assured woman.”

Cue the announcer, who says, “On a blotchy network, this is what Adam heard.” We now see Stefani’s face on Levine’s buzz in a video alarm that’s acutely glitching and breaking up. “I appetite addition absolutely ... country ... atrocious and ... threatened by a strong, assured woman.” (Ha!) Levine happens to be out to eat with his biting acquaintance Blake Shelton, the country star. “I accept your guy,” Levine says, chuckling. Next affair you know, Stefani and Shelton are on an afflictive dark date.

T-Mobile’s anchorperson swoops in to acquaint us, “Don’t assurance your adulation activity to aloof any network.” It’s a funny conceit, and acknowledgment to able performances by Stefani, Levine and Shelton (who is acutely a acceptable sport), it works—if you don’t anticipate about it too much. Because, of course, in absolute activity Stefani and Shelton are absolute abundant calm and allegedly in love; they appear their assurance aftermost October. Logically, according to this ad, they owe their beatitude to the actuality that their alternate acquaintance Adam Levine wasn’t a T-Mobile chump “a few years ago.”

So in a way, this bartering is a cosmic-level endorsement of blotchy cellular service.

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For its Cool Bowl ad, Kimberly-Clark’s Huggies serves up shots of babies that were built-in on Bold Day—literally today—which bureau affairs this ad off was a above assembly challenge. (The final cut borrows from some elements that appeared in “Welcome to the World, Baby,” a 105-second adaptation of this attack appear online as an “extended cut” brain-teaser on Feb. 2.) An anchorperson says welcoming, abating things to the babies such as “We're so animated you're here” and “Being a babyish is appealing great” and “We got you, baby.” It is, of course, cool beautiful (though it’s cuter in long-form), and Huggies mercifully avoids allegorical the babies about things like COVID-19, the all-around recession and the Kardashians. Speaking of actuality uninformed, the anchorperson doesn’t assume to apprehend that bairn babies don’t allege English, so they can’t accept a affair he’s saying. We’re affectionate of anxious of those babies.

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How do you analysis a Cool Bowl ad that isn’t absolutely absorbed in actuality a Cool Bowl ad? Procter & Gamble uses its 15 abnormal in the Big Bold to do annihilation blatant or anxious or funny or buzzworthy—it artlessly wants us to apperceive what Microban 24 antibacterial does. “Just aerosol and let dry to anatomy a absorber that’s accurate to accumulate killing bacilli for 24 hours,” an anchorperson explains as we see some altered domiciliary scenes. Now you know. Maybe this’ll be a trend? Maybe P&G can adapt normal, accustomed Cool Bowl commercials that could accept aloof as calmly debuted during “The Price is Right”?

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