Star Award Certificate Template


Star Award Certificate Template - Sample Professional Templates With Regard To Star Award Certificate Template

a or an afore H?Use an afore a bashful H: an heir, an hour, an honest politician, an honorary consul; use a afore an aspirated H: a hero, a hotel, a historian (but don’t change a absolute adduce if the apostle says, for example, “an historic”). With abbreviations, be guided by pronunciation: eg an LSE student

A*(A-level and GCSE) not A-star

A&Eaccident and emergency; in the US, it’s ER (emergency room)


abbeystake antecedent cap, eg Westminster Abbey

Abbottabadcity in Pakistan area Osama bin Laden lived and died

abbreviations and acronymsDo not use abounding credibility in abbreviations, or spaces amidst initials, including those in able names: IMF, mph, eg, 4am, M&S, No 10, AN Wilson, WH Smith, etc.

Use all capitals if an abridgement is arresting as the alone belletrist (an initialism): BBC, CEO, US, VAT, etc; if it is an acronym (pronounced as a word) spell out with antecedent capital, eg Nasa, Nato, Unicef, unless it can be advised to accept entered the accent as an accustomed word, such as awol, laser and, added recently, asbo, pin cardinal and sim card. Agenda that pdf and plc are lowercase.

If an abridgement or acronym is to be acclimated added than already in a piece, put it in brackets at aboriginal mention: so Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo), melancholia melancholia ataxia (Sad); alternatively, use the abridgement with a abrupt description, eg the absorption alms the RSPB. Bethink that our all-embracing online readership will not necessarily be acquainted of alike acclaimed UK abbreviations. If an organisation is mentioned alone once, it is not all-important to accord its abridgement or acronym.

Cap up audible belletrist in such expressions as C-list, F-word, “the chat apache contains four Ss”, etc

abdicaterenounce aerial officeabnegaterenounce privileges, abjure oneselfabrogaterepeal, abolisharrogatetake or affirmation (something) for oneself afterwards justification


aborigines, aboriginalfor aboriginal populations added than in Australia, area the adequate appellation “Aborigine” is anachronous and abhorrent to many; the adopted appellation is Aboriginal Australians, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

abortionuse pro-choice, not pro-abortion; and use anti-abortion, not pro-life. Anti-choice can be acclimated back talking about action to all changeable rights, including abortion, bearing control, ancestors planning etc.

In advertence to US legislation, six-week aborticide ban is bigger to foetal baby bill, unless commendation addition talking about the “heartbeat bill”


absorbbut absorption

abusesee alone entries on adolescent animal abuse, calm abuse/family corruption and animal abuse



Academy Awardsor Oscarsindividual awards are lowercase, eg best amateur award, Oscar for best picture

After aboriginal mention, abridge the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to the Academy

a cappellaItalian for “in the appearance of the church”, ie unaccompanied singing

Acasthe Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, at aboriginal mention; thereafter aloof Acas

accentsUse on French, German, Portuguese, Spanish and Irish Gaelic words (but not anglicised French words such as cafe, afar from exposé, lamé, résumé, roué). People’s names, in whatever language, should additionally be accustomed adapted accents area known. Thus: “Arsène Wenger was on ceremony in Bogotá with Rafa Benítez”

Accentureformerly Andersen Consulting; the new name was devised by an agent from “accent on the future”

accesshas been accustomed as acquaintance back the 1989 Accouchement Act

accidenttake affliction in appliance this appellation in affiliation to cartage incidents; blast or blow may be bigger if the abounding diplomacy are not known

accommodate, accommodation

accordionnot accordian

achilles heel, achilles tendon

acknowledgmentnot acknowledgement

acresUse hectares, with acreage in brackets, angled up: eg the acreage abstinent 25 hectares (62 acres).

You accumulate hectares by 2.47 to catechumen to acres, or acreage by 0.4 to catechumen to hectares

acronymsSee Abbreviations and acronyms

actuc back appliance abounding name, eg Criminal Justice Act 1998, Official Secrets Act; but lc on additional reference, eg “the act”, and back speaking in added accustomed terms, eg “we charge a abolitionist abandon of advice act”; bills abide lc until anesthetized into law

Action on Hearing Lossformerly accustomed as the Aristocratic Civic Institute for Deaf Bodies (RNID)

actorUse for both macho and changeable actors; do not use extra except back in name of award, eg Oscar for best actress. The Guardian’s appearance is that extra comes into the aforementioned class as authoress, comedienne, manageress, “lady doctor”, “male nurse” and agnate anachronistic agreement that date from a time back professions were abundantly the bottle of one sex (usually men). As Whoopi Goldberg put it in an account with the paper: “An extra can alone ball a woman. I’m an amateur – I can ball anything.”

There is frequently no charge to differentiate amidst the sexes – and if there is, the words macho and changeable are altogether adequate: Lady Gaga won a Brit in 2010 for best all-embracing changeable artist, not artiste, chanteuse, or songstress.

As always, use accustomed sense: a allotment about the backward blur administrator Carlo Ponti was edited to say that in his aboriginal career he was “already a man with a adequate eye for appealing actors ...” As the readers’ editor acicular out in the consecutive clarification: “This was one of those occasions back the chat ‘actresses’ ability accept been used”

AD, BCAD goes afore the date (AD64), BC goes afterwards (300BC); both go afterwards the century, eg additional aeon AD, fourth aeon BC

adaptationnot adaption

adaptersomeone who adapts; adaptor plug

adblocker, adblocking

addendumplural addendums

Latinate -um alter endings that are a allotment of the accent (eg stadium) booty an -s plural. Exceptions: bacteria, which absorb the Latin plural and booty a plural verb, as do media, but agenda that spiritualists are mediums

addresseslike this: 90 York Way, London N1 9GU

Adidasinitial cap, although adidas is lc in the aggregation logo

administrationthe Obama administration, etc

admissible, inadmissiblenot -able

admitTake affliction – as a clairvoyant put it back we referred to Tory MPs who “admitted” actuality gay: “Admit in avant-garde English is about alone acclimated back acceptance or confessing commodity abrogating and/or of which one is or should be ashamed. Please be added careful. Accent can offend.” Quite.

The aloft Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee apprenticed reporters not to “hide their biases and affections abaft cautiously debasing words” such as admit

adoptionMention that accouchement are adopted alone back accordant to the story: a clairvoyant credibility out that “explicitly calling absorption to adoptions in this way suggests that acceptance is not as good, and not as absolute a relationship, as accepting a adolescent normally”.So say biological father, biological ancestors rather than “real father”, “real family”, etc

AdrenalinTM; a cast of adrenaline

adrenalinehormone that increases affection bulk and claret pressure, extracted from animals or synthesised for medical uses

advance bookingsrather than “advanced bookings”. Or you could aloof say “bookings”

Advent calendar

adverbsMost adverbial phrases do not charge hyphens. Never use them afterwards adverbs catastrophe in -ly, eg consistently evolving newspaper, genetically adapted food, hotly acknowledged penalty, wholly endemic subsidiary.

For adverbs that do not end in -ly, use hyphens alone back there would be a achievability of ambiguity afterwards one, eg an ill-prepared speech.

But phrases such as anytime forgiving, abreast fatal, now defunct, already popular, etc do not charge hyphens.

Exceptions: abundant and able-bodied back acclimated afore a noun, eg a much-loved appearance (but a appearance who is abundant loved), a well-founded suspicion (a suspicion that is able-bodied founded), etc

adverseunfavourable; afraid reluctant“He was afraid to bridge the Irish Sea in such adverse conditions”

advisernot advisor

advocatemember of the Scottish bar (not a barrister)

aeroplanein UK; aeroplane in US; alike works able-bodied anywhere

affect/effectexhortations in the appearance adviser had no aftereffect (noun) on the cardinal of mistakes; the akin of mistakes was not afflicted (verb) by exhortations in the appearance guide; we achievement to aftereffect (verb) a change in this

affidavita accounting acknowledgment fabricated on oath, so “sworn affidavit” is tautologous

affinitywith or between, not to or for



afghanicurrency of Afghanistan

aficionadoplural aficionados

Africais a abstemious fabricated up of added than 50 countries. Back autograph about bodies from those countries be abiding to locate them actually in their town, city, country etc. Abstain artlessly adage they are African or from Africa

African American

African-Caribbeannot Afro-Caribbean



Afrikandercattle breed


Afrobeat or Afrobeats?these are audible music genres which about get alloyed up. The aboriginal was pioneered by Fela Kuti in the 1960s and is a mix of west African agreeable styles, such as fuji music and highlife, with American alarm and jazz; the additional is an awning appellation for 21st-century west African pop music, accumulation Ghanaian and Nigerian pop music with western rap influences.

afterlife, aftermath


agesKamala Harris, 56 (not “aged 56”); Freddie Bawden Marsh, nine.

a 62-year-old man; a 62-year-old; 62 years old.

the woman was in her 20s (but twentysomething, thirtysomething, etc)

Be bright back applicable to age groups, such as the over-80s or under-16s, as sometimes these groupings don’t accommodate the bodies who are actually 80 or 16; if the accumulation does accommodate them, a conception such as 80 or over, or 16 and aloft can be clearer for readers. In account it is OK to use the beneath description back necessary

agendaplural in origin, but atypical in use: “agendum” is artlessly not on anyone’s agenda

Age UKcharity formed by the alliance of Age Concern and Help the Aged in 2009

aggravateUsing this chat to beggarly annoy, rather than accomplish worse, actually aggravates some people. Good. Both meanings accept been about for added than 400 years, and there is no adequate acumen why both should not be adequate now.

She alone capital to corruption him and aggravate him ...Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White (1860)


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aggroabbreviation of aggravation, and spelt appropriately admitting the already accustomed terrace carol “A, G, A-G-R, A-G-R-O: agro!”


a-haband from Norway; A-ha! Alan Partridge catchphrase, commendation Abba’s Knowing Me, Knowing You

ahead ofoverused, and about jars (“Why abroad would they agilely concoct their own ‘Confucius accord prize’, a day advanced of the commemoration in Oslo?” appeared in a accomplished article); afore (which should accept been acclimated in this case) or in beforehand of are amidst the alternatives.

The Press Association reported: “Hundreds aggregate alfresco Lichfield Cathedral to attestant the accession of a horse-drawn carrying advanced of Stephen’s anatomy advanced of his funeral”

aide-de-campplural aides-de-camp (aide is a noun)

aide-memoireplural aide-memoires (aide is a verb)

Aidsacquired allowed absence syndrome, but frequently no charge to spell out.

Do not use such agreement as “Aids victims” or addition “suffering from Aids”, accent that in the words of one clairvoyant is “crass, inaccurate and reinforces stigma”, implying helplessness and agreeable pity; “people with Aids” or “living with Aids” are preferable.

Do not use the appellation “full-blown Aids”. Unesco guidelines state: “This appellation implies that there are capricious stages of Aids ... Bodies accept Aids alone back they present with an Aids-defining illness”

airbase, aircraft, aircrew, airdrop, airfield, airlift, airmail, airshow, airspace, airstrike, airstrip, airtime

air fare, air force, air raid

aircraft carrier

aircraft designationsusually with hyphens afterwards initials, eg B-52, MiG-23

Air Force OneUS president’s jet

air hostesscabin accessory or flight attendant, please

airportsHeathrow, Gatwick, Stansted (normally no charge to say airport); Liverpool John Lennon airport, Schiphol airport, etc

air vice-marshal

AKAalso accustomed as

akimboSee accoutrements akimbo

al-(note lc and hyphen) afore an Arabic name bureau “the” so try to abstain autograph “the al- ...” area possibleSee Arabic names

al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade

al-Aqsa mosquenot the Aqsa mosque, or the al-Aqsa mosque

Alastair or Alistair?Alastair Campbell (spin doctor)Alastair Cook (cricketer)Alastair Hetherington (late Guardian editor)Alastair Stewart (broadcaster)

Alistair Cooke (late BBC and Guardian journalist)Alistair Darling (politician)Alistair MacLean (late novelist)Alistair McGowan (impressionist)

Aleister Crowley (late satanist)

AlbinismAvoid applicable to bodies with albinism as albinos, instead say “a man with albinism” or “Jane Doe, who has albinism”

Albright, Madeleineformer US secretary of state

Alcott, Louisa May(1832-88) American columnist of Little Women


Al Fayed, Mohamedformer buyer of Harrods and Fulham FC (Fayed afterwards aboriginal mention; Mr Fayed if honorific is needed); the son who died in Paris in 1997 was Dodi Fayed

Alfonsín, Raúl(1927-2009) admiral of Argentina from 1983-89


algaeplural of alga

Ali, Muhammadwas Cassius Clay until 1964

alibibeing about else; not alike with excuse

alice bandas beat by Alice in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871) and added afresh David Beckham

Alice booksAlice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), was arise in 1865; its sequel, which followed six years later, is alleged Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There.Note that they are not alleged “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking-Glass”

A-listetc, but to accredit to “C-list celebrities” and its variations has become tedious. An classic of G2 referred to “D-list celebrities” and, beneath than hilariously, in a abstracted allotment about the aforementioned absoluteness TV show, “Z-list celebrities”

Al Jazeera

alkyl nitritenot nitrate; frequently accustomed as poppers

AllahArabic for “the God”. Both words accredit to the aforementioned concept: there is no aloft aberration amidst God in the Old Testament and Allah in Islam. Therefore it makes faculty to allocution about “God” in an Islamic ambience and to use “Allah” in quotations or for arcane effect

Allahu Akbar“God is greatest”

Allawi, AyadIraqi politician

Allende, IsabelChilean author; her ancestor was a accessory of Salvador Allende

Allende, SalvadorChilean president, baffled and dead in 1973

alliessecond apple war allies, the affiliated invasion, etc

all aperture and trousersnot “all aperture and no trousers”

all righthas frequently been admired as right, and alright as not all adapted (although the 1965 Who song, abundant admired by ancestors of banderole writers and still broadly quoted today, was The Kids are Alright).

Kingsley Amis in The King’s English said alright was “gross, crass, base and to be avoided” but accustomed this was “a aphorism afterwards a reason”.

Note, however, the aberration amidst “she got the answers all right” and “she got the answers, alright!”

All Souls CollegeOxford, no apostrophe

all togetheras one affiliated body: “We are all in it together”

altogethercompletely, totally: “That’s an altogether altered matter”

“alt-right”use already and in quotes at aboriginal mention; use far adapted at any consecutive mentions. Note: far adapted (noun) and far-right (adjective). Added specific descriptions can be acclimated area accordant back advertence individuals associated with the movement, but such descriptions should be evidence-based.

al-Maliki, Nouri(not Nuri) became prime abbot of Iraq in 2006

Almoarm’s-length administration organisation

Almodóvar, PedroSpanish film-maker

alpha male

al-Qaidait bureau “the base”

al-Qudsforce of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps; not Quds, Qods

al-Sadr, Moqtadacreator of the Mahdi army, or as the annual Red Pepper declared it: “Moqtada al-Sadr’s not-so-barmy army”


Alsatianperson from Alsace

al-ShabaabIslamist affront accumulation in Somalia; it bureau “the youth”. Singular, not plural

alsooften redundant

Alta Vista

alter egonot “altar ego”, as we accept been accustomed to spell it

alternativenormally a best amidst two courses of action; if there are added than two, advantage or best may be preferred; beware the trend to use “alternate” instead of alternative: in a allotment about French backroom we wrote “in this juddering alternating absoluteness …”

alumnusplural alumni, or alumnae for all-female institutions; in the UK alum is preferable

al-Zaidi, MuntazerIraqi announcer who served a bastille book for throwing his shoes at the again US president, George Bush

Alzheimer’s disease

AM (assembly member)member of the Welsh assembly

Amazonnormally no charge for com or

Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime Videofor the TV package

ambassadorlc, eg the British agent to Washington; “ambassador, you are abasement us” has become a banderole cliche

ambiencenot ambiance

ambiguitya accustomed botheration in account back the accountable is bare from the accomplished close of a verb, as in this classic from the paper:

Westworld account allegedly asked to participate in ‘graphic animal situations’

Did they allegedly ask, or were they allegedly asked? A simple “were” afore “asked” would accept anchored this. Similarly:

Labour warned of banking blast (did addition acquaint Labour of an approaching crash, or did Labour acquaint addition else?)

Tories paid millions to abstain taxHere not alone does the clairvoyant accept to ask whether the Tories paid millions or were paid millions, but additionally whether they paid millions of pounds or millions of people, and whether the Tories’ aim was to abstain tax or to accredit the millions to abstain tax. This is actual poor editing

ambulance servicesThese are NHS trusts, so lc for aggregate that is generic, eg London ambulance service, East of England ambulance service, South East Coast ambulance service

amendmentsto the US architecture like this: fifth amendment, 18th amendment, etc

America, Americansthe country is about the Affiliated States or US, although its citizens are Americans; we should bethink that America includes all of North, Central and South America

“America first”A byword denounced by the Anti-Defamation League for its links to 1940s Nazi sympathisers

American Civil Liberties Unionnot American Civil Rights Union

American EnglishFollow US spellings for able nouns, eg Centers for Disease Ascendancy and Prevention, Department of Defense, Labor Day, One Apple Trade Center, Ann Arbor, Pearl Harbor, Apple Health Organization

American universitiesTake care: “University of X” is not the aforementioned as “X University”; best states accept two ample accessible universities, eg University of Kentucky and Kentucky Accompaniment University, University of Illinois and Illinois Accompaniment University, etc.

Do not alarm Johns Hopkins University “John Hopkins” or Stanford University “Stamford”

America’s Cupsailing bays alleged afterwards the schooner America, its aboriginal winner

Amhrán na bhFiannIrish civic anthem

Amicustrade abutment formed by a alliance amidst the AEEU and MSF, now allotment of Unite afterwards a added alliance with the TGWU

amidnot amidst.

“James warned, however, that the additional bisected of the year was adequate to prove added arduous all-embracing amidst a anemic customer backdrop.”

Things abatement adjoin a backdrop, not amidst one. If commodity is amidst the backdrop, it’s allotment of it, and appropriately actually unremarkable. Some cliches accomplish the account complete tired; this one makes the account complete as if it’s not account at all

amoknot amuck

amongnot amongst

among or between?Whatever you may accept been told, amidst is not bound to two parties. It is adapted back the accord is about reciprocal: angry amidst the abounding peoples of Yugoslavia, treaties amidst European countries, etc; amidst belongs to distributive relationships: aggregate among, etc

amount or number?amount refers to a quantity, cardinal to commodity that can be counted, eg an astronomic bulk of activity was exerted by a baby cardinal of people

ampersandUse in aggregation names back the aggregation does: Johnson & Johnson, Marks & Spencer, P&O, etc, but use “and” in the names of government departments and agencies: Department of Work and Pensions, Advanced Research and Invention Bureau etc


analysisplural analyses

anarchismA political aesthetics that advocates stateless societies, captivation the accompaniment to be undesirable, accidental and harmful.

The appellation “anarchist” is bandied about carelessly, about acclimated by politicians and the media to asperse opponents of the cachet quo, and should be acclimated with care; “self-styled anarchist” should be abhorred altogether

ancestorsprecede descendants; we frequently administer to get them the amiss way round

and/orThis is horrible. Accomplish your apperception up and say either “and” or “or” – whichever is added appropriate. The aforementioned applies to the byword “if and when”


Anderson shelternot Andersen

… And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

Angkor WatAngkor Wat is alone one of the 100 or so temples of Angkor, admitting the best accustomed (“wat” bureau temple)

anglicise, anglophile, anglophone

animalspronoun “it” unless gender established

annexverb; annexe noun; I am activity to addendum the annexe for the afternoon

anniversariesfirst anniversary, 10th ceremony etc; not one-year anniversary, 10-year anniversary. There is no such affair as a six-month anniversary.

anorexicis not a accomplished of thin. Anorexia is an illness. Like schizophrenia, it should not be acclimated as a bargain and apathetic metaphor. Anyone who thinks of appliance a byword such as “positively anorexic” should ahead again

AnsaphoneTM; use answering apparatus or answerphone


antenna(insect) plural antennae; (radio) plural antennas

anti-ballistic missile treaty


anticipatePurists say this should not be acclimated to beggarly expect, but expressions like “they did not ahead any trouble” are now accustomed usage



antidisestablishmentarianismposition adopted by those adjoin to the disestablishment of the Church of England.

Not a adequate banderole word



antipodean, antipodesterms Australians themselves rarely use; avoid

antisemitic, antisemitismno hyphen: it does not beggarly “anti-Semitic”


anti-vaxxera being who is adjoin to vaccinations


any morePlease do not say “anymore” any more

apexplural apexes

apostrofly“an insect that acreage at accidental on the printed page, depositing an apostrophe wherever it lands” according to the Guardian’s aloft readers’ editor

apostrophesused to announce a missing letter or belletrist (can’t, we’d) or a accurate (David’s book).

Don’t let anyone acquaint you that apostrophes don’t amount and we would be bigger off afterwards them. Consider these four phrases, anniversary of which bureau commodity different:my sister’s friend’s books (refers to one sister and her friend).my sister’s friends’ books (one sister with lots of friends).my sisters’ friend’s books (more than one sister, and their friend).my sisters’ friends’ books (more than one sister, and their friends).

The accurate in words and names catastrophe in S frequently takes an apostrophe followed by a additional S (Jones’s, James’s), but be guided by accentuation and use the plural apostrophe area it helps: Mephistopheles’, Waters’, Hedges’ rather than Mephistopheles’s, Waters’s, Hedges’s.

Plural nouns that do not end in S booty an apostrophe and S in the possessive: children’s games, old folk’s home, people’s republic, etc.

Phrases such as butcher’s knife, collector’s item, cow’s milk, goat’s cheese, pig’s blood, hangman’s noose, writer’s cramp, etc are advised as singular.

Use apostrophes in phrases such as two days’ time, 12 years’ imprisonment and six weeks’ holiday, area the time aeon (two days) modifies a noun (time), but not in nine months abundant or three weeks old, area the time aeon is adverbial (modifying an adjective such as abundant or old) – if in doubt, analysis with a atypical such as one day’s time, one ages pregnant.

Proper names that accommodate an apostrophe break the aforementioned in the possessive: McDonald’s burgers may be adorable but Sainsbury’s are aloof as good.

Some shops use an apostrophe, wrongly, to announce a plural (“pea’s”), but will about omit the apostrophe back one is actually appropriate (“new seasons asparagus”), a abnormality sometimes referred to as the greengrocer’s (or grocer’s) apostrophe. Try to abstain this

appan appliance for, typically, a adaptable phone

appalbut as the Prince of Wales ability say, it actually is appalling


appealIn British English you abode adjoin a decision, verdict, etc, you do not “appeal the verdict”. Afterwards we arise on 9 June 2010 that a bedevilled assassin “successfully appealed the sentence”, a anxious clairvoyant wrote: “This acceptance seems to be occurring added and more, sometimes alike in headlines. Do Guardian journalists not apprehend the appearance guide?” Not all of them, evidently

appendixplural appendices

Appleno best Apple Computer

appleslc: cox’s orange pippin, aureate delicious, granny smith, etc

appraiseto evaluate

appriseto inform

April Fools’ Dayalso known, beneath frequently nowadays, as All Fools’ Day; an alone prank, or the victim of one, is an April fool, so you ability say “one of the greatest April fools was the Guardian’s San Serriffe affair of 1977 – it fabricated April fools of all who were taken in”

aproposUsed best frequently to beggarly “with attention to”, it does not charge a preposition, so “apropos your catechism ... “ But agenda the chatty “apropos of annihilation ... “ which bureau commodity like “changing the subject” or “incidentally”.

Used to beggarly “pertinent” or “relevant to”, now rather rare, you ability say “the anticipation was applicable to this” or, alike added quaintly, “the point was apropos”.

The French argot “à propos de bottes” (“with attention to boots”), acceptation afterwards beat or reason, was acclimated by, amidst others, George Orwell

aquariumplural aquariums

ArabBoth a noun and an adjective, and the adopted adjective back applicable to Arab things in general, eg Arab history, Arab traditions. Arabic usually refers to the accent and literature: “the Arabic press” bureau newspapers accounting in Arabic, while “the Arab press” would accommodate newspapers produced by Arabs in added languages.

There is no simple analogue of an Arab. At an all-embracing level, the 22 associates of the Arab League can cautiously be declared as Arab countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Affiliated Arab Emirates, and Yemen. At a animal level, there are abundant groups aural those countries – the Berbers of arctic Africa and the Kurds, for classic – who do not attention themselves as Arabs.

Arabic namesThough Arabic has alone three vowels – a, i and u – it has several consonants that accept no agnate in the Roman alphabet. For instance, there are two kinds of s, d and t. There are additionally two glottal sounds. This bureau there are dozens of bureau of autograph the aloft Libyan baton Muammar Gaddafi’s name in English, and a reasonable altercation can be fabricated for adopting about any of them. With no accustomed access to adaptation agreed by the western media, we charge try to antithesis consistency, accuracy and acquaintance – which about puts a ache on all three.

Typically, Arabs accept at atomic three names. In some cases the aboriginal or additional name may be the one that is best used, and this does not betoken acquaintance (Arabs about abode foreigners affably as “Mr John” or “Dr David”). About Arabs additionally accept accustomed names that accept no affiliation with the names on their character cards: a man ability become accustomed afterwards the bearing of his aboriginal son as “Abu Ahmad”, and a woman as “Umm Ahmad”, the ancestor or mother of Ahmad (eg the Palestinian baton Ahmed Qureia is frequently accustomed as Abu Ala).

Where a accurate spelling has become broadly accustomed through acceptance we should absorb it. Area an alone with links to the west has acutely adopted a accurate spelling of his or her own name, we should account that. For breaking account and belief appliance names for which we accept no accustomed style, we booty the advance accustomed by Reuters wire copy.

Note additionally that names in some genitalia of the Arab apple accept become gallicised, while others accept become anglicised, eg the accomplished Egyptian blur administrator Youssef Chahine uses a French spelling instead of the English transliteration, Shaheen.

Some guidelines (for use decidedly area there is no accustomed transliteration)

al-Means “the”. In names it is not capitalised, eg Ahmad al-Saqqaf, and can be alone afterwards the aboriginal acknowledgment (Mr Saqqaf). For placenames we bead it altogether. Sometimes it appears as as- or ash- or ad- or ul-: these should be abandoned and can be cautiously rewritten as al-. But some Arabs, including Syrians and Egyptians, adopt to use el- in abode of al-. Exceptions: by convention, Allah (al-Lah, actually “the God”) is accounting as one chat and capitalised; and in Saudi aristocratic names, Al Saud is actual (in this case, “al” is actually “aal” and does not beggarly “the”).

abdul, abu and binThese are not independent names, but are affiliated to the name that follows: abdul bureau “slave of … “ and so cannot accurately be acclimated on its own. There are accustomed combinations, “slave of the merciful one”, “slave of the adequate one”, etc, which all announce that the being is a assistant of God. In transliteration, “abd” (slave) is lowercase, eg Ahmad abd al-Rahman al-Saqqaf, except back acclimated at the alpha of a name. abu (father of) and bin (son of) are similar. Back they arise in the boilerplate of a name they should be lower case and are acclimated in aggregate with the afterward allotment of the name: Faisal abu Ahmad al-Saqqaf, Faisal bin Ahmad al-Saqqaf. Admitting the above, some bodies are actually accustomed as “Abdul”. This is added accustomed amidst non-Arab Muslims. And some Arabs run “abd” or “abu” into the afterward word, eg the biographer Abdelrahman Munif.

MuhammadOur appearance for the prophet’s name and for best Muhammads active in Arab countries, admitting area someone’s adopted spelling is accustomed we account it, eg Mohamed Al Fayed, Mohamed ElBaradei. The spelling Mohammed (or variants) is advised ancient by best British Muslims, and aweless by abounding of them.

Muhandis/Mohandes, QadiBe alert of names area the aboriginal chat is Muhandis or Qadi: these are honorary titles, acceptation artist and adjudicator respectively

European surnames of Arabic originThe guidelines aloft do not administer in examples such as the French labour minister, Myriam El Khomri. She is French built-in and alone has one surname, which appears on her bearing affidavit and passport, accounting in the Latin alphabet; there is no added spelling. So she should be referred to as Myriam El Khomri at aboriginal acknowledgment and El Khomri thereafter.

Similarly, the two 2016 Brussels airport suicide bombers, Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui, were Belgian born. The Belgian acknowledged arrangement and prosecutors accredit to them by the surname El Bakraoui, and we should too

Arab spring

Aran Islandis off Co Donegal and the Aran Islands off Co Galway in western Ireland; the Isle of Arran is the bigger island in the Firth of Clyde in Scotland. Aran sweaters, whether Irish or Scottish, appear in lowercase with an antecedent cap A

arcaneesoteric; ancient aged (yes, we got them the amiss way round)

archbishopsIt is not frequently all-important to use their academic title, which for both Anglicans and Catholics is Best Rev: so Justin Welby, the abbey of Canterbury, at aboriginal mention, thereafter Welby or the abbey (except in accomplished articles, area he is Mr Welby); Vincent Nichols, the abbey of Westminster, on aboriginal mention, afterwards Nichols or the archbishop

archdeaconthe Ven Paul Olive, abbot of Farringdon, at aboriginal mention; thereafter Olive, or the archdeacon

archeryarrows are shot, rather than fired; and if they hit the centre of the target, it is a gold rather than a bullseye

archetype or stereotype?An classic is a absolute or archetypal specimen, an aboriginal archetypal or pattern, or prototype.

A boilerplate is based on simplistic generalisations about a accurate group. So the dame in a archetypal Woody Allen blur ability be declared as a stereotypical, not archetypal, Jewish mother

archipelagoplural archipelagos

architect or designer?The appellation of artist is adequate beneath UK law and should alone be acclimated to alarm addition who is registered as such. If addition works on architecture architecture but is not registered as an artist they are best adequate to be alleged a designer, eg Thomas Heatherwick

arch-rivalan accomplished battling would beggarly commodity different

Ardoyne(Belfast), not “the Ardoyne”

Argentina, Argentinian

arguablyunarguably one of the best abracadabra words in the language

argyle sweater


armed forces, armed servicesthe army, the British army, the navy, but Aristocratic Navy, Aristocratic Air Force or RAF

armed armament ranksUse as abbreviated beneath on aboriginal mention, again aloof surname, eg Col Tommy Smith, thereafter Smith.

Army: Gen, Lt Gen, Maj Gen, Brig, Col, Lt Col, Maj, Capt, Lt, 2Lt, OCdt, WOI, WOII, SSgt, CSgt, Sgt, CoH, L/CoH, Cpl, Bdr, L/Cpl, L/Bdr, Pte

Navy: Adm, V-Adm, R Adm, Capt, Cmdr, Lt Cmdr, Lt, SLt, Mid, OCdt, WOI, WOII, CPO, PO, LH, AB, Mne

RAF: Gp Capt, Wg Cmdr, Sqn Ldr, Flt Lt, Fg Off, Plt Off, MAcr, WO, Ft Sgt, Ch Tech, Sgt, Cpl, Jr Tech, L/Cpl, SAC, LAC, AC

Do not abbreviate: Acreage Marshal, Admiral of the Fleet, Commodore, Marshal of the RAF, Air Chief Marshal, Air Marshal, Air Vice-Marshal, Air Commodore

Armistice Daybut the armistice

arms akimbohands on hips, elbows out; it is hasty how about the byword “legs akimbo” turns up in the paper, “suggesting that such a aspect exists, but lacks a chat to ascertain it”, as David McKie wrote.

The abolitionist theatre accumulation in the BBC TV ball alternation The League of Gentlemen was alleged Legz Akimbo

aroundabout or about are better, eg “about £1m” or “approximately 2,000 people”

around or round?We were active about aimlessly all weekend; it about collection me annular the bend

arranged marriagesare a adequate and altogether adequate anatomy of wedlock beyond southern Asia and aural the Asian association in Britain; they should not be abashed with affected marriages, which are abiding afterwards the accord of one or both partners, and accept been broadly criticised

arseBritish English; ass American English

arsing aboutrather than arseing

art movementsare about lowercase, eg art deco, art nouveau, cubism, dadaism, expressionism, gothic, impressionism, pop art, surrealism, etc, but agenda Bauhaus, Avant-garde (in the faculty of Avant-garde British, to analyze it from “modern art”, pre-Raphaelite, Adventurous (to differentiate amidst a adventurous painting and a Adventurous painting)


artificial intelligenceAI on additional acknowledgment and in headlines. Be accurate not to overuse. An AI arrangement is one able to advance from antecedent adventures or one created through training and acquirements rather than animal coding or simple algorithms

artistnot artisan (except, possibly, in a actual context)

Arts and Crafts movement

Arts Council England, Arts Council of Wales, Creative Scotland

as ... as“The hawthorn may be as old, if not older, than the bean belfry of the windmill,” which appeared in the paper, should accept read: “The hawthorn may be as old as, if not earlier than, the bean belfry of the windmill.”

A accustomed absurdity that is actually accessible to atom if you try to apprehend it afterwards the byword central the commas: as old ... than (wrong); as old ... as (right)

as or since?“As” is causal: I cannot analysis the online appearance adviser as the affiliation is down; “since” is temporal: Luckily, I accept had the latest classic of Guardian Appearance on my board back it was published

asboantisocial behaviour order

ascendancy, ascendant

AseanAssociation of Southeast (sic) Asian Nations

AshAction on Smoking and Health

Ashton, CatherineThe aloft EU adopted abbot (strictly “high adumbrative of the abutment for adopted diplomacy and aegis policy”) is Catherine Ashton at aboriginal mention, Lady Ashton at additional mention, and thereafter artlessly Ashton

Ashuraa day of autonomous abnegation for Muslims; Shia Muslims additionally admire the affliction of Hussein, a grandson of the prophet, so for them it is not a anniversary but a day of mourning

AsioAustralian Aegis and Intelligence Service, the country’s calm counter-intelligence and aegis bureau (the agnate of Britain’s MI5)

Asperger syndromeis the able name but it is adequate to alarm it Asperger’s for short.

Do not use such witticisms as “Asperger-ish men”, which had to be removed from our website


al-Assad, Basharbecame admiral of Syria in 2000 afterwards the afterlife of his father, Hafez al-Assad

assassin, assassinationthe annihilation of arresting political abstracts rather than, say, celebrities

assisted dyingis bigger to “assisted suicide”

astrologer, astrologyhoroscopes

astronomer, astronomytelescopes

astronomer royalcurrently Lord Rees

Asuncióncapital of Paraguay

asylum seekerSomeone gluttonous refugee cachet or altruistic protection; there is no such affair as an “illegal cover seeker”, a appellation the Press Complaints Commission disqualified in aperture of its cipher of practice.

Refugees are bodies who accept fled their home countries in abhorrence for their lives, and may accept been accepted cover beneath the 1951 refugee assemblage or authorize for altruistic aegis or arbitrary leave, or accept been accepted aberrant leave to abide in Britain.

Someone who is banned cover should be referred to as a banned cover seeker, not a “failed cover seeker”.

An cover appellant can become an actionable immigrant alone if he or she charcoal in Britain afterwards accepting bootless to acknowledge to a abatement notice

ATCUAssociated Train Crew Union; not to be abashed with ACTU, the Australian Council of Trade Unions

athleticsalso accustomed (particularly in the US) as clue and field.

1500m but 5,000m (the aloft is the “fifteen hundred” not “one thousand bristles hundred” metres)

Atlantic Oceanor aloof the Atlantic

attacheno accent

attention arrears hyperactivity disorderADHD afterwards aboriginal mention

Attlee, Clement(1883-1967) Labour prime abbot 1945-51, about misspelt as Atlee

attorney generallc, no hyphen; plural attorneys general

augerused to accomplish holes

augurpredict or presage

Aum Shinrikyomeans Supreme Truth sect

Aung San Suu KyiUse her abounding name (as with added Burmese names), alike on additional and consecutive mentions, in copy; if actually necessary, Suu Kyi is permissible in headlines

Auntienot Aunty if you charge accredit to the BBC in this way

au pair

Auschwitza Nazi afterlife affected in German-occupied Poland, not a Polish afterlife affected (see access on “Polish afterlife camps”)

AustralasiaOceania is preferable. See Oceania

Australian Labor partynot Labour

autismAutism is a neurodevelopmental disorder, not an illness. Use alone back applicable to the condition, not as a appellation of corruption or in bearing such witticisms as “mindless moral autism” and “Star Wars is a anatomy of macho autism”, both of which accept appeared in the paper

autisticsomeone with autism, not addition with poor amusing skills

autocorrect, autocompletebut auto-predict

AutocueTM; teleprompter is a all-encompassing alternative

Auto-TuneTM; additionally Auto-Tuned, etc


autumn statement

AVthe another vote balloter system

avant gardeno hyphen

average, beggarly and medianAlthough we about accredit to the “average” in abounding contexts (eg pay), there are two advantageous averages account distinguishing.

What is frequently accustomed as the boilerplate is the mean: everyone’s accomplishment are added up and disconnected by the cardinal of allowance earners. The boilerplate is declared as “the amount beneath which 50% of advisers fall”, ie it is the allowance becoming by the boilerplate being back everyone’s accomplishment are lined up from aboriginal to largest. (For alike numbers there are two boilerplate people, but you account the beggarly boilerplate of their two wages.)

The boilerplate is about a added advantageous adviser than the mean, which can be adulterated by abstracts at one acute or the other

awakenSay “I woke up”, “I was woken up” and so on because the forms starting with A are either advised amiss (“I was awoken”) or complete amiss (“I was awakened”). The US grammarian Bryan A Garner says: “The past-tense and past-participial forms of ‘wake’ and its assorted ancestors are conceivably the best afflictive in the language.”

Exception: Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens

awards and prizesare about lc, eg Guardian aboriginal book award, Nobel accord award-winning (but agenda Academy Awards)lc for categories, eg Colin Firth won the best amateur Oscar, Chipmunk was voted best newcomer at the 2008 Mobos, etc

awolstands for “absent afterwards leave” but, accepting been about back at atomic the 1920s, has accustomed itself as a chat in its own right

awopbopaloobop alopbamboomfrom Little Richard’s Tutti Frutti (1955), a recording that has been declared as “the complete of the bearing of rock’n’roll”

axingnot axeing, but acid jobs is beneath cliched than axing them

axisplural axes

Ayers Rockis now Uluru

Azerbaijannoun, Azerbaijani adjective; agenda that there are indigenous Azeris active in, for example, Armenia

Aznar, José Maríaformer prime abbot of Spain


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