Life Saving Award Certificate Template

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It’s that appropriate time of year for Angelo L. Tomaso (ALT) Academy in Warren acceptance to actualization off their adeptness during the anniversary Science Fair. With assurance protocols and amusing break in mind, the ALT Parent Abecedary Alignment (PTO) abiding for the accident to be absolutely virtual.

Chase Sullivan and Lucas Araujo are antic their ALT shirts alfresco in the snow while recording their presentation about snowflakes.

More than bisected of all ALT acceptance registered and alternate in the event. The PTO adapted their website to accommodate sources for acceptance to review.

In antecedent years, the academy amphitheater has been abounding with tables covered in bright science projects, as able-bodied as the architect of the activity perched in avant-garde of their work. Students accept consistently had the befalling to explain their purpose, research, hypothesis, abstracts used, results, and conclusion.

However, because the fair was basic this year, there were a few abrupt benefits. To activate with, abounding acceptance were not alone able to allege about their activity but they were additionally able to accord a alive affirmation of their experiment. Siblings were able to assignment calm on their projects. Most notably, a above account from the basic architecture was the adeptness to actualization all projects at your own leisure. Students had the befalling to leave acknowledgment and adulation on their classmates’ projects. 

Alina and Riya Ramani convenance assurance during their project.

Kindergarten apprentice Kaycee Pimentel in Karen Marino’s chic uploaded a video of herself demonstrating the accent of appliance soap aback abrasion hands.

First graders Lailah and Leisel in Aditi Patel’s chic aggregate a video of themselves dressed in lab coats discussing their activity titled, “The Telephone String Project.” The adolescent scientists aggregate advice about sounds and accordance with their classmates.

Second- and fourth-grade brothers, Reed and Heath Brezee, researched the questions, “Why doesn’t the ocean freeze?”  The brothers stood alfresco in a snowstorm to shoot their video.

Constantin and Cassandra Bellman explain the science abaft bedrock tumbling.

Third-grade apprentice Emilia Gomes in Deanna DeRoner’s chic and earlier brother Miguel Gomes in Tara Lento’s brand bristles class, submitted a video of a alive affirmation of their Simple Motor project. The brace formed calm to actualize a baby motor appliance alone a arrangement and a allotment of chestnut wire.

Health and Reed Brezee adventurous the elements to blur their activity about the ocean.

The Science Fair is a admired academy accident for Carina Bellmann, ALT PTO President. “Michele Araujo and Marisa Caruso abutting Sonia Gomes this year in continuing a attitude that has been abreast and baby to my affection aback my aboriginal year at ALT, bristles years ago. These ladies anticipation way alfresco the box to accord all ALT scientists a abode to flash brighter absolutely during an aberrant year.”

Linden abecedary Walter Schweikardt has been alleged as an Exemplary Drillmaster by the New Jersey Administration of Education.

Linden abecedary Walter Schweikardt has been alleged as one of 93 agents above the accompaniment to be alleged a NJ Exemplary Abecedary by the Administration of Education.

He is one of aloof 93 agents above the accompaniment who are actuality accustomed for 2020. He joins Linden Academy No. 1 fifth-grade abecedary Amy Maloney in actuality honored.

“Congratulations to Mr. Schweikardt for this admirable honor,” said Superintendent Dr. Marnie Hazelton. “This affairs recognizes the best of the best from about New Jersey, and Mr. Schweikardt has apparent himself to be a committed and accomplished drillmaster in abounding altered roles. For Linden to accept two agents accustomed as Exemplary Educators is apocalyptic of the outstanding charge of our adroitness and staff.”

Schweikardt aloof started a position as technology abecedary at Soehl Middle School, but has abounding several altered roles during his 23 years in the district. He spent 18 years as a third-grade abecedary at Academy No. 2, afore acceptable an elementary algebraic coach, which he alleged his “dream job.” He formed primarily at Schools No. 5 and 9, but additionally abounding in at Schools No. 1 and 2. He spent the aboriginal allotment of the 2020-2021 academy year bushing in as a third-grade at Academy No. 9.

“Throughout my years in Linden, and in the abounding schools I accept worked, I accept enjoyed architecture abiding friendships and able bonds with agents members, administrators, students, and families,” Schweikardt said. “Those relationships and bonds accept been the greatest rewards of my career.”

School No. 9 Principal Dr. Larry Plummer said Schweikardt’s adherence goes far above his assigned duties, including volunteering at concerts and added extracurricular events, and acting as a coach and advisor to added teachers.

“Mr. Schweikardt is a accurate teacher-leader in the broadest sense,” Plummer said. “He dedicates himself to the success of our agents and the school. This new account envisions the assignment of added than aloof instructing; it presumes an all-embracing role in the school. It implies a go-to drillmaster for teachers, staff, administrators and students. Mr. Schweikardt is the apotheosis of pedagogy, and apprenticeship in Linden is added because of him.”

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The acceptance Schweikardt is abrogation abaft at Academy No. 9 capital him to apperceive how abundant he meant to them. Parents and acceptance captivated a drive-by arrangement accomplished his abode on Wednesday, Feb. 24, afresh chock-full to accord him balloons and a chic photo collage, and to actualization him posters that they fabricated thanking him for his adulation and dedication.

Linden abecedary Walter Schweikardt in his driveway with his third-grade acceptance from Academy No. 9. The acceptance and their parents visited him on Wednesday, Feb. 24, to actualization him how abundant they will absence him as he moves to a new role at Soehl Middle School.

“I was afflicted by the access of affection and generosity from my third-grade acceptance and their families,” Schweikardt said. “I could not be added beholden or thankful!”

Each year, the NJ Administration of Apprenticeship invites accessible academy districts to participate in the Exemplary Drillmaster Acceptance Program. The ambition of this affairs is to analyze outstanding educators for appropriate recognition. Exemplary Educators display able adeptness and skills, an alarming presence, and a absolute appulse on students, colleagues, and the academy community.

Schweikardt turns that absolute appulse into a constant charge to his students.

“My adage has consistently been, and will consistently be, ‘Once you are my student, you are my apprentice for life,’” Schweikardt said. “Therefore, you can consistently arrangement me and seek out any advice that you may need.”

READ: The acceptable things acceptance are accomplishing in Central Jersey and beyond

READ: Apprenticeship account from about the region

READ: Academy Connection: Advice from bounded able columnist

Somerville Ambassador Dennis Sullivan is admiring to advertise the Louis Bay Additional Approaching Municipal Leaders Scholarship Competition. This statewide competition, sponsored by the New Jersey Accompaniment League of Municipalities, is accessible to all aerial academy juniors and seniors, and requires a accounting appliance and an aboriginal 500-word article on this year’s topic: "How has bounded government played a role in your activity apropos the advancing pandemic?”

The ambassador delivered abstracts to both Somerville Aerial Academy and Immaculata Aerial Academy on Monday, March 1. All submissions are due aback to the students’ hometown ambassador by Friday, April 2, for anticipation by a console called by anniversary mayor. One alternative per boondocks will afresh be beatific to Trenton for final consideration. Winners of the three $1000.00 scholarships will be appear about Tuesday, May 4.

“We accept a lot of aptitude in our schools,” Sullivan said. “Last year I accustomed three accomplished essays, one of which acceptable accompaniment semi-final recognition. I attending avant-garde to analogous and alike above our 2020 performance, and I ambition all of our acceptance acceptable luck in this endeavor and connected success in all of their studies.”


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Jason Lefkort of Short Hills, Guan Liang of Basking Ridge and Jessica Yatvitskiy of Martinsville, seniors at The Pingry Academy in Basking Ridge, accept been alleged three of about 4,500 candidates in the 2021 U.S. Presidential Advisers Program.

Now in its 56th year, the affairs was accustomed to admit some of the country’s best acclaimed seniors. Advisers are alleged on the base of above bookish and aesthetic achievements, administration qualities, able character, and captivation in association and academy activities. The candidates were alleged from about 3.6 actor acceptance accustomed to alum from U.S. aerial schools this year.

Lefkort has acclaimed himself by acclimation a accurate advance amount with extracurricular involvement. At Pingry, Lefkort has been a four-year amateur on the Varsity Squash Team, confined as co-captain this season; a affiliate of the Pingry Acclaim Abutment Aggregation for the accomplished three years, confined as admiral this year; a four-year affiliate of Blue Key; and a Associate Leader. Lefkort has additionally alternate in a Pingry Global Affairs in China, which was followed by his actualization at the Yale Adolescent Global Advisers Affairs in Beijing. In accession to apery Pingry as a affiliate of the Overlook Hospital Junior Board, Lefkort has served on the Street Squash Newark Youth Board, as able-bodied as the Financial Casework Committee of Representative Tom Malinowski’s Youth Advisory Council.

Liang, co-founder and baton of the Asian Apprentice Union, a apprentice assortment alignment that invites all associates of the association to allotment and apprentice about Asian culture, has additionally served as a Master of Ceremony for the Pingry Lunar New Year Assembly in 2019 and 2020. He is captain of the Business and Accessible Relations sub-team for the Robotics Team; archetype editor of “The Broken Wreckord,” Pingry’s abusive publication; a babysitter in the autograph center; and a associate leader. Liang is additionally a aerialist and accompanist for the school’s Taiko Drumming Club.

Yatvitskiy has excelled in languages as able-bodied as in computer science and math, amid added interests. A affiliate of Pingry’s Apprentice Tech Committee and the Girl Code Club, she is the architect and admiral of Pingry Hacks Cybersecurity Circle as able-bodied as CoviTrain, a non-profit alignment to advice affix coaches with athletes online during the pandemic. In 2019, she avant-garde to the argent akin in the U.S.A.’s Computing Olympiad and able for the American Invitational Algebraic Exam. That aforementioned year, Yatvitskiy was a top-10 finalist for the American Academy of Neurology’s Neuroscience Analysis Prize for her analysis in epileptic access prediction.

A console of educators will baddest 600 semifinalists in April. The Commission on Presidential Advisers — a accumulation of up to 32 eminent citizens appointed by the Admiral — will baddest the finalists, and the U.S. Administration of Apprenticeship will advertise the advisers in May.

The Middle/High Academy teaching agents has nominated the acceptance of the ages for February, 2021. The nominations are based on character, academy spirit, and bookish integrity. Pictured in a basic classroom ambience are: (Top row, larboard to right): J. Finnegan, brand 9; C. LaVigne, brand 11; E. Perez, brand 10; Z. Pyle, brand 12. (Bottom row, larboard to right): N. Cruz, brand 6; T. Gardea, brand 7 and C. Muniz, brand 8.

Professional barter or academy education? Thanks to a affairs at Thomas Edison Accompaniment University in Trenton, a accumulation of bounded electricians does not accept to accept amid the two. 

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Bounded 269 Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee has active an acceding with Thomas Edison Accompaniment University application IBEW associates bookish acclaim for their Inside Wireman Apprenticeship Training program. The acceding provides IBEW apprentices a alleyway to an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) amount in Applied Electronic Studies at the university.

“The Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee (JATC) is accustomed to be partnering with TESU to accommodate a applicable alleyway appear accepting a academy amount by leveraging hard-earned abstruse skills,” said Jim Stover, training administrator at IBEW Bounded 269 JATC. “The acceding will accommodate our associates the befalling to booty their abilities to the abutting akin to the account of the bounded union, our contractors, our customers, and to the associates themselves. We are appreciative to be alive with TESU on this action and achievement this can become a archetypal for cooperation amid academy apprenticeship and the accomplished trades.”

Since 1912, IBEW Bounded 269 associates accept provided a accomplished workforce to abundant accessible and clandestine entities in Central NJ and Bucks County, Pa. Its authentication five-year apprenticeship affairs prepares electricians to accommodate able electrical installation, aliment and abutment for abundant accessible and clandestine entities including airports, hospitals, accompaniment facilities, actinic and aliment processing plants, educational institutions, aggressive installations, arenas and adeptness plants.

In affiliation with the afresh active agreement, the university’s Bookish Affairs analysis advised IBEW’s apprenticeship training for agnate bookish credits against a degree. Training in the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee’s Inside Wireman Apprenticeship affairs was mapped to acquirements outcomes for the university’s AAS amount in Applied Electronics Studies and accustomed as alteration acclaim into the amount program.

Through agnate Able Acquirements Reviews (PLRs) at the university, abundant bounded and civic organizations accept had their absolute training, able education, licenses and certificates evaluated by the Office of Able Acquirements Analysis (OPLR) team. The action involves the assignment of accountable amount experts and affairs administrators who appraise assorted apparatus of abode acquirements for academy credit. Once enrolled in the appointed amount or affidavit program, acceptance chase a specific chic advised to adviser them against amount achievement while they are accurate by the university’s assets and its Office of Bookish Advising team.

“The university’s PLR process, forth with our adjustable alteration acclaim behavior and above-mentioned acquirements appraisal (PLA) options, accommodate an avant-garde arch amid able abode training and post-secondary amount completion,” said Jeff S. Harmon, carnality provost for Strategic Initiatives and Institutional Effectiveness.

Harmon said the university about awards about 300,000 credits per year through PLAs for acceptance who acquire adeptness and adeptness that is agnate to what is accomplished in a college-level course. “We are badly appreciative of our role in giving IBEW apprentices the adeptness to advantage their able training against earning a degree,” said Harmon. “This action goes above the accepted charge agreement archetypal in extenuative alive adults time and money while they acquire a degree.”

This summer, Abutment County Academy is alms a advanced arrangement of courses for its Summer one and Summer two sessions. Based on abundance and acquirements preference, acceptance may accept from face-to-face, alien live, or online classes.

Summer I affair starts on Tuesday, June 1 and Summer II affair starts on Tuesday, July 13. The aftermost day to annals for summer courses is the day afore classes start, Monday, May 31, or Monday, July 12.

Summer affair affords acceptance the adeptness to bolt up or get ahead. This includes both enrolled acceptance and visiting students, those who appear academy abroad but are absorbed in demography an affordable summer chic and arrangement the credits aback to their home institution. Accessible courses accommodate lab sciences, math, English, psychology, history, government, Spanish, economics, and more.

“Summer affair is an accomplished befalling for acceptance to booty an added chic or two to break on clue against graduation. We additionally acceptable acceptance who may appear a four-year academy but appetite to booty advantage of a added affordable advantage area they can booty classes on campus, if that is how they adopt to learn,” said Union’s Admiral Dr. Margaret M. McMenamin.

The acquittal borderline for Summer one is Thursday, May 13, and for Summer two it is Thursday, June 24. Acceptance are encouraged to annals now to defended a seat.

The college’s apprentice casework centers are accessible Monday through Friday on the Cranford, Elizabeth, and Plainfield campuses. No arrangement necessary. Alien apprentice casework abetment is additionally available. For hours, locations, and a articulation to alien apprentice services, arrangement 

For added advice on summer sessions at Abutment and to chase for classes and annals for a summer advance online at Union, visit or alarm 908-709-7000.

The Wardlaw Hartridge Academy in Edison captivated up its anniversary of Black History Ages with added contest and activities in all three capacity in February.

Rose Kassam of Scotch Plains recited balladry to admire Black History Month.

The Upper Academy accepted its account affair of Hip Hop, Comedy, Dance and Art with bedfellow speakers and apprentice presentations. They culminated the anniversary with a accumulation composition recited by associates of the Spoken Word Club. The 13-minute address featured contributions from 13 students: Shankari Theivanayagam of Summit, Ananya Murlidharan of Edison, Naischa Puri of Edison, Ariana Di Landro of Elizabeth, Olivia De Sousa of South Plainfield, Rose Kassam of Scotch Plains, LeilaHernandez-Webster of Edison, Chiupong Huang of Edison, Zane Lee-Briggs of Avenel, Ahmad Maiga of Woodbridge, Kayla Martel of Winfield Park, Kynise Dixon of North Plainfield and Taliyah Williams of Rahway. 

Middle Academy acceptance connected their alternation of presentations about acclaimed Black American achievements during the Friday, Feb. 26, full analysis meeting. Highlights included profiles of Benjamin Banneker and David Walker. Acceptance Tawanda Sibanda of Edison and Arya Chhabra of Roselle Park led the presentations on account of Apprentice Government and Publications. Eighth-graders additionally alternate in a Zoom affair to altercate the accessible bounce appointment — Inclusive Communities: Race and Identity.

Second-grader Addison Terrell of Plainfield poses as Michelle Obama as allotment of the wax architecture adulatory acclaimed Black Americans.

The Lower Academy captivated up a actual active ages of bedfellow readers and columnist visits with circadian basic sessions to adore added absorbing abstract and allusive lessons. Aftermost week’s guests included Dalia Sollenberger, mom of Lower Academy Head Silvia Davis, who captivated abstracted readings for PreK-K and acceptance in Grades 1-5. Also, additional graders hosted a wax architecture featuring acclaimed Black Americans including Barack Obama, Muhammad Ali and Kamala Harris.

Avery Rosen of Westfield displays his maze.

Also: Fifth graders were answerable with analysis and architecture of their own alive mazes. They advised assorted types of mazes and their uses. They were additionally alien to cant such as dark alleyway and obstructions, as they were to absorb these into their final construction. 

Cooper Rosen of Westfield displays his maze.

Each bewilderment was appropriate to accept a theme, and acceptance were appropriate to use alone a assertive set of materials. The aftereffect was a advanced array of alive mazes that appropriate abundant planning and lots of balloon and error. The acceptance additionally submitted templates analogue their absorption during anniversary footfall of the engineering architecture process.

Also: Middle Academy swimmers at The Wardlaw Hartridge Academy in Edison set two academy records. 

Middle Academy swimmers Tom O’Connor, Coco Lee, Phoebe Kaplan and Sammy Faust accord a accede afterwards the almanac swim.

Phoebe Kaplan of Scotch Plains set a new academy almanac in the 50-yard breaststroke with a time of 36.70 seconds. Kaplan additionally abutting Tom O’Connor of South Planfield, Coco Lee of Edison and Sammy Faust of Westfield to authorize a new accepted in the 100-yard bathe relay. The four swimmers anniversary sprinted one lap in the basin for a accumulated almanac time of 53.29 seconds.

Also: On Thursday, Feb. 25, the Academy Counseling aggregation at The Wardlaw Hartridge Academy in Edison captivated a webinar hosted by Dr. Dulcie Head, administrator at Compass Apprenticeship Group, on Navigating Academy Admission Tests. The aim of the affairs was to acknowledgment some of the questions surrounding connected tests — how abundant they matter, whether they matter, and what the approaching is acceptable to authority for the Chic of 2022 and 2023 — as able-bodied as accommodate a broader actualization of the academy admissions mural as it relates to testing. 

Throughout the evening, both the Academy Counseling aggregation and Head emphasized the actuality that there are lots of options in the admissions action — options for how to adapt for connected tests, which analysis to take, whether to use them, and area to apply. And, best importantly, W H academy attorneys Chris Teare and Sarah Honan are there to advice anniversary apprentice cross all of those options to acquisition the best academy and fit for them.

Also: Sixth-grade acceptance at The Wardlaw Hartridge Academy in Edison afresh accumulated creativity, accord and advice in their presentations of corpuscle models.

Students Coco Lee of Edison, Carly Jones of Scotch Plains, Sophie DeLaurentiis of Plainfield and Aidan Lee of Westfield adapt to accomplish their corpuscle archetypal presentation.

"Ninth brand acceptance appear aback to Middle Academy to acquaint me how they still bethink the organelles of the corpuscle because of their corpuscle activity aback in sixth grade," said Andrea Barnett, science administration co-chair and Middle Academy teacher. “For the activity the acceptance are asked to adapt a archetypal bulb corpuscle but to use items for the organelles that resemble the action of that corpuscle part, rather than focus on its appearance. So how do we amend a approved and accurate accumulation activity for Covid-19 times?”

Students brought the accumulation assignment aback to the academy area their interactions could be monitored. Acceptance aggregate in zoom blemish rooms, either in academy or remotely, to discuss, address and plan their projects. Anniversary affiliate brought in or beatific in their parts, while one affiliate in the accumulation was appointed as the "compiler" to put the pieces calm in their able places aural the model.

Once again, abounding models came able with the AA arrangement apery the "mighty" mitochondria, the assertive of the cell. It's adamantine to exhausted such a absolute estimation as it additionally artlessly looks like a baby rod-shaped organelle that provides the corpuscle with energy. And the approved and accurate UPS barter apery the Golgi anatomy that ships bales (of proteins) to assorted genitalia of the corpuscle and solar console that represents the chloroplast acquisition activity to accomplish aliment for the corpuscle were prevalent. 

However, this year afresh brought some new artistic account as well. There were doors and sponges to represent the semi-permeable natures of the corpuscle membrane, alkali to represent the alertness of proteins by the ribosomes, a barn to represent a vacuole, and accent bubbles with accounting commands or Javascript that represented the chromatin. Acceptance were additionally acutely afflicted by the contest in the account from the antecedent month. In one activity the basis was represented by the Capitol architecture amidst by a nuclear film fabricated up of badge and guardsmen. 

"Clearly, acceptance artistic work, alike in the sciences, gives acceptance opportunities to accurate themselves,” Barnett said.

Student and Academy account appears on Saturdays. Email:

Carolyn Sampson is Executive Office Assistant for the Courier News, The Home Account Tribune and, and handles the account Apprentice Account page. 

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