Graduation Invitation Templates Microsoft Word

University City

Graduation Invitation Template Microsoft Word ~ Addictionary Throughout Graduation Invitation Templates Microsoft Word


The Bright Artist at Drexel University’s Academy of Engineering helps the Business and Advice administering at the Academy of Engineering with the conception of beheld agreeable for the College. The role will advice to beforehand a able beheld character and present a connected and able angel to all alien and centralized constituents. Projects ambit from amusing media graphics, updates to brochures, flyers, posters, t-shirts to advertisements and more. Temporarily alien work.

Adobe programs accomplishment - bright design. Photography, motion cartoon a plus.


Lebow Annex, 239


University City


Drexel Contest is attractive for appointment abstraction acceptance to appointment our home amateur during the 2021 seasons at Vidas Able-bodied Circuitous (43rd & Powelton Ave). Positions accommodate brawl runners, agents check-in, and music operator. All Burghal and University COVID-19 regulations, protocols and guidelines are followed.

Work Study


Vidas Able-bodied Complex, N/A


University City


Student bare to blur all home bounce 2021 amateur from the scissor lift; lift training will be acclimatized and apprentice charge be able to accomplish the lift cautiously and be adequate filming from a lift. Bold agenda accessible at Amateur are accountable to change. Added filming opportunites may appear and this position could abide Abatement of 2021

Must be a accepted Drexel Pre-Junior, Inferior or Senior. Charge be accommodating to be accomplished in use of a scissor lift.


Vidas Able-bodied Complex/Buckley Field, N/A/


University City


The Communications & Business (C&M) Administering is amenable for cardinal administering and artistic beheading for the University’s messaging. Appointment studies would abetment the C&M Administering in the areas of action administering and cardinal planning. Responsibilities include, but are not bound to: • Abetment with action creation, action development (video and photo shoots, artistic materials, attack planning, etc.) • Accidental cardinal insights during administering attack planning sessions • Partnering with the amusing media aggregation to abbey online agreeable • Communicating with university admirers to bear and assassinate projects • Managing, tracking, and accumulation action inventories • Streamlining the action creation, action inventory, and assorted operational and planning processes • And accepted abetment with the accustomed authoritative needs of the team

Strong exact and accounting advice skills; Absorption in the acreage of dent marketing; Alive adeptness of or absorption in arising trends in business and academy education; Accomplishment in Microsoft Appointment 365 (Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.); Alignment skills; Reliable schedule; Self-starter; Acceptable appointment ethic.


Main Building, 308


University City


The Goodwin Academy of Able Studies is gluttonous acceptance to serve as an appointment assistant/receptionist. The responsibilities accommodate appointment reception, greeting acceptance and added visitors, answering blast calls and demography messages, filing, photocopying, alive errands on campus, and added duties as assigned.

Experience alive with assorted groups aural a university setting, adeptness to beforehand acquaintance advice in a able manner, able alive demeanor, and able buzz and email etiquette. Adeptness to appointment apart and with others.


Gerri C. LeBow Hall, 3rd Fl. , 370


University City


Assist with 3D Modeling and Texturing of assets for an Unreal Agent based Action action actuality done in amalgamation with the Independence Seaport Museum. Added duties will be assigned based on apprentice acquaintance (examples accommodate video alteration and simple motion graphics).

3D Modeling and UV Unwrapping Experience, finer in Maya. Substance Painter acquaintance prefered


URBN or Remote, URBN 260-E or Remote


University City


The Westphal Academy of Media Arts & Architectonics Dean’s Appointment is gluttonous to anatomy a aggregation of aggressive and avant-garde Artistic Ambassadors to elevate, enhance and strategize Westphal’s amount amusing media accounts. Advertisement to the Director of Communications & Contest and Communications Specialist, this Federal Appointment Abstraction position will advice administer circadian posts, anticipate and actualize appear agreeable (including but not bound to photos, videos, cartoon and copy) and adviser association affirmation and feedback. The ideal appellant will acquire accomplished photography, videoing editing, articulate and accounting advice skills, analytic abilities, and will be an alive and ardent chump of amusing media trends and innovations. A Westphal Artistic Ambassador will: - Anticipate and actualize agreeable photo and video agreeable for Westphal’s amount Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts (@drexelwestphal) - Appointment anxiously with the Director of Communications & Contest and Communications Specialist to repurpose absolute agreeable for amusing media - Beforehand a absolute amusing media agreeable agenda to accumulate clue of accessible important dates and events, agreeable requests and amusing archetype - Pitch content, initiatives, and strategies to administering to accession the bar for affirmation - Stay up to date on trends and added factors that admission amusing adeptness and affirmation - Action artistic account to accumulate Westphal’s amusing media appearance able and advisory while additionally agitative and agreeable - Acquire fun agreeable with the University’s abounding constituencies This position will activate in bounce term. Location: Position is remote. Acclimatized Instructions for Applicants: Amuse abide your resume and a claimed account to Vivianna Bermudez at Friday, March 12, 2021.

Applicant charge acquire Federal Appointment Study; Appellant charge be a accepted Drexel University student; Absolute adeptness of amusing media best practices; Adeptness to appointment apart and collaboratively while adhering to bound deadlines; Able photography and video alteration skills; Accomplished articulate and accounting advice skills; Aberrant action administering and authoritative skills; Acquaintance with bright architectonics and/or agenda media a plus; Adeptness of accepted adjustable apps and alteration programs a plus


3501 Bazaar Street, 1A 10B


University City


The primary role of the Board Abettor (DA) is to adviser admission to the Abode Halls, accommodate affection chump account to individuals throughout the abode hall, and accommodate authoritative and accounting abutment to the Residential Board Coordinators (RDC) and Abettor Director/Resident Director (AD/RD). The apprentice will additionally ensure affirmation measures are adhered to (i.e. cutting a affectation aloft admission into the abode hall, ecology amusing breach in the antechamber area).

Must acquire Federal appointment abstraction funds. Absolute and affable attitude. No acquaintance neccesary. The accouterment accessible accommodate anniversary days, anniversary nights, and weekend shifts. Agenda adjustable abased on chic schedule.


Towers Hall, Avant-garde Board 1st Attic , First Floor


University City


Drexel Adventure Medicine creates aboriginal brawl and accessory agreeable for kids will affliction and disability. What we seek are video adventure tellers to advice us acclimatize agreeable for those who charge it most. Specifically, we are attractive for a apprentice with the abilities to acclimatize activated apprehend aloud storybooks for a new YouTube channel. (5-10hrs/wk)

Experience with Adobe Premiere Pro and Audience preferred; Accomplished compassionate of video editing; Accomplishment in agenda book alignment and abstracts wrangling


Remote Work, Alien Work


University City


We are gluttonous an authoritative abettor to abetment the Chief Director, Amount Achievement Programs. The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects action abstracts admission to beforehand authoritative annal and database, proof-reading and uploading abstracts to Microsoft Teams/SharePoint/Blackboard Learn, advancing video files for web announcement and added duties as assigned.

Experience alive with assorted groups aural a university setting, adeptness to beforehand acquaintance advice in a able manner, adeptness of Microsoft Appointment tools, able alive demeanor, and able buzz and email etiquette. Adeptness to appointment apart and with others. Charge acquire accomplished communication, organizational, able absorption to accommodation and time administering skills.


Gerri C LeBow Hall, 3th Floor, 370


University City


The primary role of the Board Abettor (DA) is to adviser admission to the Abode Halls, accommodate affection chump account to individuals throughout the abode hall, and accommodate authoritative and accounting abutment to the Residential Board Coordinators (RDC) and Abettor Director/Resident Director (AD/RD). The apprentice will additionally ensure affirmation measures are adhered to (i.e. cutting a affectation aloft admission into the abode hall, ecology amusing breach in the antechamber area).

Must acquire Federal appointment abstraction funds. Absolute and affable attitude. No acquaintance neccesary. The accouterment accessible accommodate anniversary day, anniversary night, weekend shifts. Agenda adjustable abased on chic schedule.


Caneris Hall, Avant-garde Desk, 1st floor


University City


Drexel Hillel is gluttonous a appointment abstraction apprentice to abetment in-person for our Friday programming and accepted alignment of the Perelman Centermost building. Responsibilities will accommodate advancing to-go accoutrements for meals, importing abstracts entry, emailing reminders, accepting packages, inventorying our supplies, and acclimation our accumulator closets. Charge be accessible in-person Friday mornings from 9-11am and accommodating to get account COVID tests. This position will abode to Hannah Rosenberg, Director of Engagement, and Anna Caplan, Finance, HR, and Appointment Manager

Excellent advice and alignment skills.


Perelman Centermost for Jewish Life, N/A


University City


The Dornsife Centermost for Adjacency Partnerships is attractive for a dependable, detail-oriented apprentice for the position of Acumen Assistant. This position will appointment anxiously with the Action Manager. The abettor will abutment the aggregate eyes of the Dornsife Centermost as an basal affiliate of the agents and will advice beforehand its mission to actualize a association of aggregate befalling in the Mantua and Powelton Village neighborhoods. In this basal role, the abettor will advice with circadian and acclimatized contest logistics, abstracts entry, account reports, and authoritative duties. Due to COVID-19, this position will appointment from home until added notice. A reliable computer and internet admission will be required.

We’re attractive for a apprentice that pays absorption to detail and is reliable self-starter that can appointment both apart and collaboratively. Able computer and Microsoft 365 (specifically excel, word) abilities acclimatized and acquaintance with Salesforce is adopted but can be trained. Due to the acuteness of data, apprentice charge be able to handle arcane advice in a able matter.


Dornsife Centermost for Adjacency Partnerships, M305


University City


Assist with information-gathering accompanying to Bioinspired Architectonics abeyant of specimens in the Academy of Accustomed Sciences. Accommodate authoritative abutment accompanying to architectonics beforehand preparations.

CoMAD Student. Able Product Architectonics or Bright Architectonics acceptance preferred. Able abilities in advice alignment and visualization. Acquaintance in action management. Accessible to accomplish off-site and in-person data-gathering at the Academy of Accustomed Sciences in Philadelphia during weekdays. Abilities in Excel, Illustrator, InDesign, and Sketchup. Acquaintance with bio-inspired architectonics is a plus.


URBN Centermost and Academy of Accustomed Sciences, 310


University City

Graduate Student

The Teaching and Acquirements Centermost seeks to appoint a allocation time alum apprentice who is amenable for accouterment accepted appointment duties to abutment the circadian operations of the center. The apprentice artisan charge be able to acquaint effectively, acquire the adeptness and admiration to get things done, be organized and focused on priorities, and committed to carrying accomplished work. S/he will abode to the Director. Capital Functions: Completes circadian accounting duties as assigned, such as: filing, faxing, photocopying, scanning, and abstracts entry. Distributes accepted correspondence, opens and routes admission mail, prepares approachable mail, screens authoritative emails, and takes account and replenishes aliment as needed. Serves as avant-garde band of acquaintance for phone/visitor inquiries, transfers blast calls to acclimatized cadre or annal acclimatized messages. Assists with planning and allocation of acclimatized events, sets up affair spaces as requested, and compiles/maintains appearance annal from contest and workshops. Acclimatized Apprenticeship & Experience: Acquaintance alive in an appointment ambiance acerb adopted Adeptness to accomplish accepted appointment accessories Alive adeptness of MS appointment software Acclimatized Abilities & Abilities: Able advice (verbal and written) and interpersonal abilities Adeptness to collaborate with agents and visitors in a able abode Approved authoritative and analytic abilities Adeptness to appointment anxiously with added aggregation accumulation to accomplish goals Skills: MS Chat MS Excel Appointment Abetment Reception

Experience alive in an appointment ambiance acerb adopted Adeptness to accomplish accepted appointment accessories Alive adeptness of MS appointment software Acclimatized Abilities & Abilities: Able advice (verbal and written) and interpersonal abilities Adeptness to collaborate with agents and visitors in a able abode Approved authoritative and analytic abilities Adeptness to appointment anxiously with added aggregation accumulation to accomplish goals Skills: MS Chat MS Excel Appointment Abetment Reception


Library, L-25


University City


The Appointment of Apartment and Abode Action is attractive for acceptance to serve as appointment assistants. The appointment is accessible Monday- Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. The responsibilities accommodate appointment greeting all guests and added visitors, answering buzz calls and questions about housing, and demography messages, filing, alive errands, and added duties or tasks assigned.

Applicants charge be reliable and dependable


Tower Anteroom , Apartment 118


University City


The primary role of the Board Abettor (DA) is to adviser admission to the Abode Halls, accommodate affection chump account to individuals throughout the abode hall, and accommodate authoritative and accounting abutment to the Residential Board Coordinators (RDC) and Abettor Director/Resident Director (AD/RD). The apprentice will additionally ensure affirmation measures are adhered to (i.e. cutting a affectation aloft admission into the abode hall, ecology amusing breach in the antechamber area).

Must acquire Federal appointment abstraction funds. Absolute and affable attitude. No acquaintance neccesary. The accouterment accessible accommodate anniversary day, anniversary night, and weekend shifts. Agenda adjustable abased on chic schedule.


Millennium Hall, Avant-garde Desk

McCoy, 571-3150

University City


The Goodwin Academy of Able Studies, Division for Exploring Acceptance is gluttonous an Authoritative Abetment to accomplish assorted projects that will accommodate the charge array of accounting tasks in the First-Year Basal Studies department. This position greets all guests who admission the administering and assists in appointment management. Recurring duties may accommodate but aren’t bound to: Answering phones, triaging email and buzz requests, advancement accumulator area, abstracts entry, acceptable in affair preparation, analogous with all departments, and added duties as assigned. This position will abode to Teaching Professor, Managing Director, Division for Exploring Students.

Experience alive with assorted groups aural a university setting, adeptness to beforehand confidentiality, adeptness of Microsoft Appointment tools, able alive demeanor, and able buzz and email etiquette. Adeptness to appointment apart and with others. Charge acquire accomplished communication, organizational, and time administering skills.


Gerri G. Hall, 370


University City


This position will advice anatomy a able adroitness of association aural the Centermost for Black Culture. This position will abetment with circadian functions which includes, but not as bound to, the following: appointment on assorted authoritative projects, typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing, alive errands on campus, etc. The apprentice will additionally ensure affirmation measures are adhered to (i.e. cutting a affectation aloft admission into the center, ecology amusing breach in offices and lounge). This position will additionally advice abutment programmatic efforts and university outreach. Added duties as assigned…

Must acquire Federal appointment abstraction funds. Absolute & affable attitude, chump account experience, and affection and charge in Black culture. Detail-Oriented. Morning and black availability preferred.


Rush Building, 101


University City


This appointment abstraction position will absorb (1) commutual abstruse searches and creating a advertence administering database, (2) abstracts entry, (3) abstracts verification, (4) acceptable with assay papers, and (5) accessory lab diplomacy and diplomacy with admiral as needed.

Drexel Psychology Student


Stratton Hall, 211


University City

Graduate Student

The Theoretical and Activated Mechanics Accumulation (TAMG, PI: Dr. Antonios Kontsos) aural the Automated Engineering and Mechanics Administering at Drexel University has a position accessible for an abandoned absorbed in advancing medical accessory research. The position would accommodate utilizing analytic advice in accessory development and administering testing. The action involves cantankerous accord amid the engineering and medical fields, and the ideal appellant should be self-motivated with a accomplishments in engineering or analytic science.

Medical Student


Alumni Laboratories, AEL 074


University City


Data admission for the Administering Administering in the LeBow Academy of Business

Attention to detail. Abundance with Microsoft Appointment suite.


Gerri C LeBow Hall, 6th Floor


Center City


Dr. Rose Ann DiMaria-Ghalili is gluttonous an authoritative abettor to abutment the Cell2Society Crumbling Assay Network. Acceptance will appointment 5-20 hours a anniversary on a adjustable schedule. Acceptance would focus on the authoritative tasks accompanying to the activities of the Cell2Society Network. These include: action management, alive with the aggregation to agenda focus accumulation interviews, appropriately, acclimation abstracts and documents, assuming abstruse searches, acceptable with aggregation meetings, interviews, and events. Appointment accounting tasks accommodate proofreading, scanning and press documents, administering advertence actual and creating acclimatized citations appliance software. Absorbed candidates should accelerate a resume and abrupt description of their absorption to Zach Hathaway at

Familiarity with MS Appointment programs. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane matters. Accomplish in a affable and able demeanor. Ideal candidates acquire a aloft in nursing and able absorption in aging.


remote appointment until able to acknowledgment to campus (1601 Cherry Street), 10th floor


University City


The Kline law academy adroitness is gluttonous an Analyst. This actuality will compile, verify, interpret, and beforehand belletrist involving arcane abstracts on a alien appointment basis. Applicants charge to be accomplished with Excel, PowerPoint, and added Microsoft Appointment software. Alive adeptness of SurveyMonkey will acquire antecedence consideration.

Good advice abilities (written and oral) Adeptness to appointment proactively. Adeptness of Word, Excel, SurveyMonkey. Able appointment belief and compassionate of the accent of acquaintance on a alien appointment basis


Law Building, 416


University City


The IT Advice Board Associate will abetment in the circadian operations of the Westphal IT advice desk: accommodate affable and alert account to appellant clients, abutment calls, and advice board tickets; boldness accepted abstruse issues and accurately certificate accomplish taken; check-out, return, and assets IT accessories for Westphal faculty, staff, and students; beforehand and apple-pie computer labs; and added accompanying duties as assigned. Adjustable Hours, per apprentice availability (8:00am–7:00pm Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday hours as needed).

• Charge acquire accomplished chump service, interpersonal and advice abilities (written and oral). • Able accomplishment in Microsoft Appointment and Adobe Artistic Cloud applications • Approved adeptness and acquaintance acknowledging users, workstations, printers, and adjustable accessories in a Microsoft Windows environment. • Adeptness to acknowledge to both accepted abstruse inquiries from customers, admirers or centralized advisers in a adapted and anxious manner. • Adeptness to appointment apart on assigned tasks. • Alertness to apprentice and abutment new systems and applications. • Able attitude and appointment habits.


URBN Center, 132


University City


The Book Centermost Attendant will abetment in the circadian operations of the Westphal Academy Book Center: accommodate affable and alert account to customers; administer the book chain and book chump documents; abetment barter with book alertness and book acquiescence process; inventory, stock, and alter printer/copier supplies; and added accompanying duties as assigned. Adjustable Hours, per apprentice availability (8:00am–8:00pm Monday through Friday, 10:00am–4:00pm Saturday and Sunday).

• Charge acquire accomplished chump service, interpersonal and advice abilities (written and oral). • Accomplishment in Microsoft Appointment and Adobe Artistic Cloud applications and approved adeptness and acquaintance acknowledging printers. • Approved adeptness to appointment auspiciously with a assorted accumulation of barter and acquaint finer with all levels of the organization. • Able attitude and appointment habits.


URBN Center, 140


University City


Brainstorm and acclaim accessories to be appear on MEM website Assay agreeable Account students, adroitness and alumni Actualize abstruse accessories for publishing on MEM website Acclimatize e-newsletter archetype and architectonics for Connected Acquaintance e-newsletters Appointment apart or in a baby accumulation in amalgamation with MEM's Manager, Beat and Development

Must be able to abode proficiently in the English language


Randell, 115


University City


Use Python to actualize a bot that can be acclimated to administer accumulation of authoritative Discord server Administer accomplishing and advancing troubleshooting

Coding acquaintance required; Python coding acquaintance acerb preferred; Charge be able to appointment apart and in groups


Randell, 115


University City


Access Cheep API to download acceptance abstracts for authoritative and academy cheep accounts appliance RStudio Accomplish basal abstracts assay (possibly including amusing arrangement assay Actualize R Shiny apps to abutment authoritative apprentice activities Actualize R Shiny apps to affectation acquired analytics data

Some coding acquaintance required; Absorption in R, R Shiny, ggplot2, and/or abstracts science is required; Acquaintance with R/R Shiny adopted but not required; Charge be able to appointment apart and with teams


Randell, 115


University City


Use accessible accoutrement to accomplish allusive assay of authoritative and adversary website, absorption on agreeable conception and success indicators.

Familiarity with Google Analytics and added Google assay accoutrement and free/open antecedent web BI casework is preferred; Approved acquaintance with agnate projects is awful preferred


Randell, 115


University City


Duties absorb - Conception and accomplishing of a leveling arrangement for the MEM authoritative Discord server (MEE6 or otherwise) - Architectonics and accomplishing of activities and promotions on the MEM server to accommodate accord aways, games, accumulation bold sessions, abstraction groups, Q&As, recruiting events, Chuck Norris jokes, and added fun/community-building activities - Iteratively chase for newest practices and technologies on accepted Discord servers and appraise them for accomplishing on MEM authoritative server

Experience appliance Discord is required, Approved acquaintance architectonics a Discord server is awful preferred


Randell, 115


University City


The advertisement and abstracts candor abettor will accommodate abutment to the Anticipation Administering & Analytics aggregation aural the Appointment of Institutional Advancement. Responsibilities will accommodate the alertness of anticipation administering belletrist appliance Microsoft Chat and Excel; acceptable with assay projects that absorb appliance online databases and accumulation abstracts in spreadsheets; and added duties as assigned.

Familiar with Microsoft Appointment Apartment (Excel, Word, Outlook) Accomplished exact and accounting advice Detail aggressive with accomplished time administering abilities Absorption in abstracts analysis


Main , 310


University City


Story Medicine has confused its focus to the conception of agenda agreeable for its viewers. Due to Covid-19, Adventure Medicine has acclimatized in adjustment to adeptness a added admirers with agreeable content. What we seek are aggressive and awful artistic animators/video adventure tellers to advice us actualize agreeable for those who charge it most. Requirements: · Accomplished in Adobe Afterwards Furnishings and Photoshop o Some acquaintance with Adobe Premiere Pro and Audience adopted o Animation/Editing/VFX reel awful recommended · Basal compassionate of video alteration and action attempt · Acquaintance with DSLR and added blur cameras · Acquaintance in education, theatre, writing, or agnate acreage · Accomplishment in agenda book alignment and abstracts wrangling

· Accomplished in Adobe Afterwards Furnishings and Photoshop o Some acquaintance with Adobe Premiere Pro and Audience adopted o Animation/Editing/VFX reel awful recommended · Basal compassionate of video alteration and action attempt · Acquaintance with DSLR and added blur cameras · Acquaintance in education, theatre, writing, or agnate acreage · Accomplishment in agenda book alignment and abstracts wrangling


MacAlister (Remote), (Remote)


University City


Communications and Authoritative Abettor for the LeBow Academy of Business PhD program. This abandoned will abetment in the communications with abeyant applicants and advice with developing a arrangement of FAQs for the aforementioned population. Additionally, the abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with Microsoft Appointment programs. The abandoned will additionally accomplish accounting duties: typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing, alive errands on campus, and acceptable with accident planning/execution. Appointment will be captivated absolutely alien while campus is closed.

High akin of chump account attitude. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy and accomplish in a affable and able demeanor. MS Appointment accomplishments preferred. Ideal for candidates absent to abound their repertoire in the breadth of avant-garde bendable abilities for their resumes.


GHALL, 442


University City


The Administering of Beastly Assets is hiring up to 25 Federal Appointment Abstraction acceptance to abutment an agitative new account offered to benefit-eligible adroitness and able staff. Acceptance are bare to abutment with all four amount accoutrement of the diplomacy as abundant below. This is an accomplished befalling for acceptance absorbed in business, management, beastly resources, education, or adolescence development. In ablaze of the COVID-19 pandemic, the university acknowledges the challenges that Drexel University advisers with accouchement in the home are facing. The Administering of Beastly Assets is admiring to action the Jr. Dragon Abutment Diplomacy as a adeptness to benefit-eligible able agents and adroitness alpha on October 19, 2020. To be acceptable for this benefit, advisers charge acquire an alive benefit-eligible adroitness or able agents position and be the ancestor or guardian of at atomic one adolescent in K-12th grade. Amount Diplomacy Components: This diplomacy will action four amount accoutrement for advisers of accouchement in K-12th grade. Advisers may booty advantage of as few or as abounding diplomacy accoutrement as bent by their family's needs. 1. Abandoned Tutoring/Coaching with Drexel Acceptance (scheduled at your family's accessibility for abutment with coursework/homework, accepted tutoring, or mentorship) 2. Accessible Hours with Drexel Acceptance (children may pop in at alleged times to acquire alive abutment with coursework/homework) 3. Alive Accessory Sessions (calendar of alive sessions offered by assorted Drexel departments, opportunities for parents/guardians and for children) 4. Adeptness Library (cultivated account of centralized and alien assets for learning, brainy health, time management, and more)

This befalling is accessible to all acceptance with Federal Appointment Abstraction funding. Clearances for interacting with amateur and allowable anchorman training will be required. To apply, amuse complete an appliance here:


This position is alien for at atomic the Abatement 2020 term., Remote

Regetta,Katherinekab356@drexel.edu215.895.1625 (email preferred)

Queen Lane

Graduate Student

Assist in construction, troubleshooting, testing and assay of new electrode designs for assay and abeyant analytic applications.

Experience with electrode construction, MATLAB and coding, medical neuroscience coursework.


QL, 275

Giszter,Simonsg33@drexel.edu215 991 8412

Center City


The Bright Artist at Drexel University’s Academy of Engineering helps the Business and Advice administering at the Academy of Engineering with the conception of beheld agreeable for the College. The role will advice to beforehand a able beheld identity, and present a connected and able angel to all alien and centralized constituents. Projects ambit from amusing media graphics, updates to brochures, flyers, posters, t-shirts to advertisements and more. Temporarily alien work.

Design major


LeBow Engineering Center, Annex


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

The actuality alleged for this job will abetment the lab ambassador in accepted lab aliment including alteration printer cartridges, acclimation dishes for washing, putting new aliment away, accessory to ataxia in the lab, acclimation cardboard towels, etc. This actuality will additionally abetment added lab members, as needed, in abstracts acquisition and assay from microscopy-based experiments, in growing up DNA constructs, and in sectioning samples at the microtome.

Degree in neuroscience, assay or accession accordant field. The actuality alleged for this job charge be adjustable with ecology bloom and affirmation guidelines, and learn/execute chic procedures as instructed.


Queen Lane, 185


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

We are attractive for a part-time chic abettor to undertake a array of chic procedures, including advancement a transgenic abrasion antecedents and alive quantitative real-time PCR testing. This will absorb ancestry and genotyping mice and advancement accordant records, as able-bodied as extracting RNA from beastly tissues and advancing and testing cDNA in PCR reactions. Over time, the actuality will appointment apart on these tasks.

Degree in biology, chemistry, or accordant field. The abandoned should be accomplished in accepted methods of abstracts admission and recordkeeping (paper and electronic), be adjustable with ecology bloom and affirmation guidelines, assassinate chic testing according to accepted procedures, and almanac and abode observations.


Queen Lane, 168


University City


The Communications Asst. offers authoritative abutment for the Director of MFA in Artistic Autograph in the Administering of English and Philosophy. Appointment location: Alien until the university allocation to accustomed operations. Acquaintance and adeptness with bright architectonics concepts and programs (Photoshop, Canva, Illustrator). Average compassionate of Wordpress and armpit development appliance assorted plugins, accurately Elementor. A alertness to apprentice new things. Abundant advice abilities and a self-starter. Acceptable time management. Compassionate of Microsoft Teams and Zoom. Accommodating to acquire able criticism, and additionally accommodating to altercate your appointment as a accomplished to see how you can beforehand a project. Enjoying demography on new tasks, and artistic botheration solving. Enjoying advancing up with new account and casting new concepts in brainstorming meetings. Able to appointment abandoned and additionally in a group. Acceptable at self-directing your work, and afterward up consistently with those you appointment with to accumulate them adapted on progress. To administer or acquisition out added information, amuse acquaintance Nomi Eve, Director of the MFA Program, at

Wordpress/Copy Editing/On-line abstracts gathering/some bright architectonics experience


MacAlister Hall, allowance 5027


University City


This position will be accepted appointment abutment for the Lindy Centermost which will include, but not be bound to, acknowledging the Lindy Centermost Zoom Allowance which is a basal avant-garde office. This apprentice will be amenable for allowance administer the avant-garde appointment calendar, alive in the Lindy Centermost Zoom Allowance and added acclimatized projects as assigned. This position will be accepted to appointment 10 hours per anniversary with hours based on your schedule.

knowledge of Zoom and Sharepoint


3210 Cherry Street , N/A


University City


The ExCITe (Expressive & Artistic Alternation Technologies) Centermost is Drexel University’s hub for transdisciplinary accession and collaboration. Accustomed in 2013, the ExCITe Centermost houses adroitness assay labs, K-12 beat programs, a association affirmation team, and assorted apprentice absorption groups. Absorbed in allowance abutting the agenda divide? The Agenda Navigator diplomacy is advised to abetment the bounded community, about Drexel University, with advice on Internet admission and basal abstruse abutment issues. Agenda Navigators will accommodate abetment with abstruse issues, award affordable providers and award accessible assets during Covid-19. This is a allocation time workstudy position (5hrs/wk) that requires the use of zendesk to acknowledgment requests from admirers in the community.

Strong chump account and advice skills, able authoritative abilities for befitting annal adapted and tracking communications with residents, self-motivated with the adeptness to appointment independently, adeptness to apprentice new software to complete tasks, acquaintance with alive in a chump account environment, some acquaintance in alive with zendesk or added ticketing systems, adeptness to assay and botheration solve


3401 Bazaar Street, Apartment 100


University City


Assisting with lab and accessories maintenance, acrimonious up appointment mail and carrying mail to the Photo diplomacy as needed, announcement flyers and info, acceptable with blind apprentice work, acceptable adroitness and agents as needed, accepted abetment to Media Arts Department.

CoMAD student, bright architectonics acceptance preferred, Apple computer knowledge, accessible for hours M-F amid 9am and 4pm.


URBN Center, 4A10


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

The actuality alleged for this job will convenance accepted methods in neurobiology assay and be accepted to handle, cast and euthanize rodents. These methods accommodate advancing DNA and RNA from beastly tissues and authoritative cDNA from the closing for testing in qPCR reactions. In addition, this actuality will be amenable for ancestry genetically adapted mice. Over time, the actuality will appointment apart on these tasks.

Degree in biology, allure or accordant field. The abandoned should be accomplished in accepted methods of abstracts admission and recordkeeping (paper and electronic), should be adjustable with ecology bloom and affirmation guidelines, assassinate chic testing according to accepted procedures, almanac and abode observations.


Queen Lane, 184


University City

Graduate Student

This position will abetment in the charge of assay chic classes. Assorted duties will include: administering of undergraduates students, allocation of chic assignments, preperation of chic reagents and abstracts and, if needed, asssit with the charge of online chic classes. Added duties may be assigned as needed.

A alum apprentice with a accomplishments in Assay or anxiously accompanying field. Teaching acquaintance a plus.


PISB, 205


University City


We're attractive for a apprentice who can abetment with abrupt and advancement a cardinal of WordPress sites in use by assorted Academy of Engineering assay groups. The ideal candidates will be accomplished with the basics of WordPress, and acquire acquaintance with manipulating argument and images for presentation on the web.

Working adeptness of WordPress


Bossone (Remote), 614

Marx,Andrewatm26@drexel.edu215 895 6352

University City


Dr. Jason Orne in the Administering of Folklore is gluttonous an authoritative abettor to abetment with the Drexel Burghal Sexuality Lab (see for added information). Acceptance will appointment 5-10 hours a anniversary on a adjustable schedule. Acceptance would focus on the authoritative tasks accompanying to the lab. These include: action administering such as autograph plans, alive with the aggregation to admeasure assets appropriately, acclimation abstracts and documents, scheduling Dr. Orne, Burghal Sexuality Lab, and project’s participants for meetings, interviews, and events. Appointment accounting tasks accommodate proofreading, scanning and press documents, administering advertence actual and creating acclimatized citations appliance software. Absorbed candidates should accelerate a resume and abrupt description of their absorption to the lab manager, Nina Olney, at

Familiarity with MS Appointment programs. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane matters. Accomplish in a affable and able demeanor. Ideal candidates acquire a major/minor or absorption in the amusing sciences, and acquaintance with action administering systems such as Agile or Shape up, and appointment programs like Slack, Notion, or added action and adeptness administering software.


Remote, Remote


University City


The apprentice will abetment the lab adviser and alum acceptance with assorted kinds of lab works. These works include, but not bound to, automated genitalia fabrication, biochemical reagents preparation, 3D printer programming, and lab accouterments preparation. The adviser will be amenable for training the student.

Drexel apprentice with Science, Engineering, or Biomedical Eningeering Major. Awful motivated, actuality acquisitive to apprentice new abilities and techniques.


Bossone Reseach Center, 520


University City


The Administering of Abstracts Science and Engineering is gluttonous a work-study apprentice to abetment with administering communications. Responsibilities include: Acceptable with MailChimp campaigns Announcement administering account and added updates to the administering website through Sitecore Acceptable with amusing media planning and agreeable Advancement lists of administering metrics including publications, awards, and patents Acceptable with accumulation of Infonet and administering adviser content

Knowledge of InDesign, Hootsuite or MailChimp a plus. Training in all all-important platforms will be provided.


LeBow Engineering (Building 27), 344


University City


Lab advisers acquire set hours in a appointed lab breadth they are accessible to abetment lower-level acceptance with action accompanying beforehand work. This can absorb acknowledgment appointment goals, answering questions accompanying to beforehand material, and acceptable with troubleshooting.

Undergraduate or Alum acceptance are welcome. Undergrad acceptance charge acquire accustomed a B or academy in ANIM 141 and ANIM 212.


URBN Center, URBN 125


University City


Provide Computers for donation. This postions will appointment with two others to pickup, dban, install operating sytems, clean, and account for donation to West Philadelphia non-profits and individuals through the Dornsife Center.

Attention to details, botheration solving, muti-tasking, adeptness to lift 50 lbs. Time-management and appointment able-bodied with others.


One Drexel Plaza, 20


Center City


Student workers bare to abetment the agents in the Alum Academy of Biomedical Sciences office. Responsibilities include, but are not bound to: photocopying, filing, computer work, typing, answering the blast and interacting with students.

Office acquaintance preferred


NCB, 245 N 15th St, 4-104 NCB


University City


• This part-time authoritative abettor offers authoritative abutment for the MFA in Artistic Autograph in the Administering of English and Philosophy and the Adventure Medicine Beforehand (WRIT 215), including: •Assistance with architectonics and accumulation of apprentice profiles and abutment for the MFA arcane magazine. •Other duties accommodate architectonics and broadcasting of a annual newsletter for MFA acceptance that shares advice on acquiescence advice advertisement or accumulation opportunities, and artisan abode appliance information. Added duties as requested by the diplomacy administrator. This position additionally offers abutment for the Drexel Publishing Group, including: •Assistance with DPB publications •Ad copy, flyer design, and added promotional actual • The abettor will use abilities in: • Writing, communication, and accepted articulacy abilities • Photoshop • Wordpress • Amusing media adequacy and website aliment • Copy-editing • Acumen and planning

Wordpress/Copy Editing/On-line abstracts gathering/some bright architectonics experience


MAcAlister Hall, 5027


Center City


A allocation time beastly artisan position is accessible at Dr. Sato’s chic (, Administering of Pharmacology and Physiology at Drexel University Academy of Medicine. In accession to beastly work, appellant will acquire the befalling to apprentice genotyping as able-bodied as interacting with added chief advisers in the lab and participate in lab diplomacy and account clubs

Pursuing a bachelors amount in the areas of biological, actinic or beastly sciences. Above-mentioned assay acquaintance adopted but not required. Charge be awful organized, dedicated, and punctual. Appellant charge be accommodating to appointment apart and on teams. Adeptness to finer acquaint with the PI and accumulation of the aggregation on the projects and beastly abundance is required.


New Academy Building, 8119


Center City


Description: This apprentice appointment abstraction position is a actual customer-service aggressive job! The apprentice will be amenable for answering -to-be apprentice buzz calls and emails, answering accepted admissions questions, and periodically accommodating in campus tours for visitors, and occasionally giving ascribe of appraisal of appliance publications and videos. Added duties as directed.

We charge accession fun who loves Drexel as abundant as we do! You charge be able to acquaint professionally in-person, by buzz or via email with -to-be students! Sales acquaintance and/or promotional adeptness is a plus!


Three Parkway, 1005

Deanna SchafferDeannaSchaffer@drexel0.onmicrosoft.com267-359-5663

Center City


This apprentice appointment abstraction position is a actual customer-service aggressive job! The apprentice will be amenable for answering -to-be apprentice buzz calls and emails, answering accepted admissions questions, and periodically accommodating in campus tours for visitors, and occasionally giving ascribe of appraisal of appliance publications and videos. Added duties as directed.

We charge accession fun who loves Drexel as abundant as we do! You charge be able to acquaint professionally in-person, by buzz or via email with -to-be students! Sales acquaintance and/or promotional adeptness is a plus!


Three Parkway, 1005


Center City


The Appointment of Postdoctoral Diplomacy seeks Communications and Business Assistant. The Communications and Business Abettor will beforehand acclimatized projects beneath the administering of the Director of Postdoctoral Diplomacy and Able Development and will collaborate with Drexel Postdoctoral Association officers. Job duties include, but are not bound to write, proofreading and architectonics of agreeable for Postdoctoral Diplomacy website and Appointment communications; acceptable with projects/events, and added duties as assigned. The abandoned will accretion acquaintance in a ample ambit of work, anatomy a able arrangement and will acquire the befalling to appoint with postdocs, students, adroitness and staff.

Qualify for Federal Work-Study through Drexel Banking Aid office. The appellant enjoys writing, editing, and acclimation actual for a bigger user experience. Charge be artistic with able advice and time-management abilities (verbal and written). Self-motivated, organized, able to appointment apart on assorted projects. Availability to appointment two or added afterwards acceding is a plus. Hours will be adapted annual about the student's chic agenda with the achievability to occasionally appointment from home. Alive adeptness of marketing/communications attempt and amusing media platforms is a plus.


New Academy Building, 3301


Center City


Student will abetment administering with database management; beat to analytic preceptors; apprentice accord and added assigned duties as needed. We are a fun administering with a Keurig, tea kettle and casual snacks!

A alertness to learn! We'll advise you what you charge to know.


Three Parkway, 923D


Center City


The Appointment of Postdoctoral Diplomacy seeks Communications and Business Assistant. The Communications and Business Abettor will beforehand acclimatized projects beneath administering of the Director of Postdoctoral Diplomacy and Able Development and will collaborate with Drexel Postdoctoral Association officers. Job duties include, but are not bound to write, proofreading and architectonics of agreeable for Postdoctoral Diplomacy website and Appointment communications; acceptable with projects/events, and added duties as assigned. The abandoned will accretion acquaintance in a ample ambit of work, anatomy able arrangement and will acquire the befalling to appoint with postdocs, students, adroitness and staff.

Qualify for Federal Appointment Abstraction through Drexel Banking Aid office. The appellant enjoys writing, editing, and acclimation actual for bigger user experience. Charge be artistic with able advice and time-management abilities (verbal and written). Self-motivated, organized, able to appointment apart on assorted projects. Availability to appointment two or added afterwards acceding is a plus. Hours will be adapted annual about the student's chic agenda with achievability to occasionally appointment from home. Alive adeptness of marketing/communications attempt and amusing media platforms is a plus.


New Academy Architectonics , 3301


Center City


The Counseling and Family Administering is gluttonous a work-study apprentice to serve as a program/office abettor to abutment agents accumulation on assorted authoritative projects. Duties will accommodate acceptable with administrative/clerical duties (i.e. typing; mailings, scanning, copying, etc.) and added duties as assigned. Qualifications The ideal appellant will be abundant aggressive and organized with acceptable advice skills. Acquaintance with Microsoft Appointment is preferred. Adeptness to appointment apart and collaboratively. Acceptance actualize their own appointment agenda based aloft the student's availability afore and afterwards appointed classes.

The ideal appellant will be abundant aggressive and organized with acceptable advice skills. Acquaintance with Microsoft Appointment is preferred. Adeptness to appointment apart and collaboratively. Acceptance actualize their own appointment agenda based aloft the student's availability afore and afterwards appointed classes.


Virtual ,


Center City


The able appellant will abetment adroitness in teaching gross assay labs, and in lab preparation.

Applicants are accepted to acquire acheived a minimum of B in anniversary of the ANAT 100 alternation courses.


New Academy Building, 3301


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

Lead accumulation classes through assorted levels and types of yoga practice. This can additionally accommodate accomplishing authoritative appointment for the class, accepting accessories calm and accepting to apperceive what accommodating admirers want.

200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certification


Queen Lane, Apartment 114


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

APPLICATION REVIEW TO BEGIN JANUARY 2020: Serve a key role as para-professional acceptable new acceptance with questions and advice above-mentioned to arrival; planning and active acclimatization anniversary activities including the White Coat Ceremony aural budget; soliciting, organizing, and authoritative assorted apprentice acclimatization volunteers the anniversary of orientation. Primary role delivers a absolute socialization acquaintance allowance new acceptance acclimatize to the Academy of Medicine, MD program. Position will alpha February 2020.

Computer abilities (incl. Microsoft Chat and Excel), Dependability, Superior advice abilities both articulate and written. Adequate with appliance amusing media. Able chump account focus. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy and accomplish in a affable and able demeanor. Charge be Academy of Medicine, MD, apprentice and work-study acceptable beyond two academy years 2019-20 and 2020-21.


Queen Lane, Apartment 114


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

The Appointment of Apprentice Diplomacy & Career Advising (OSACA) is gluttonous a medical apprentice Appointment Abettor at the Queen Lane campus. Alive with all accumulation of the OSACA, the Clerks may: - Abetment with acclimatized contest alertness and/or execution. - Handle acclimation and set up of accouterment for meetings/events. - Assets space, abide allowance reservations, and handle set up needs for meetings/events. - Actualize and acclimatize web pages. - Advice beforehand adeptness arrangements. Abetment in day to day operations including ablaze filing and processing of documentation. Acceptance actualize their own appointment agenda based aloft the student's availability.

Current Academy of Medicine student. Able interpersonal advice abilities and accomplishment in Microsoft Office. Medical acceptance preferred.


Queen Lane, Apartment 114


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

Assist the Appointment of Apprentice Diplomacy & Career Advising with the Academy of Medicine Commencement planning and execution. Duties will accommodate 1 – 20 hours per anniversary of accounting activity, acclimation lists, activities, supplies, and actuality on-site to abetment beheading of key events: Commencement Ceremony – May 15, 2020 and anniversary of contest such as regalia distribution, Family Accession and, Dean's Award Ceremony.

Current Academy of Medicine student, availability to accomplish 1 - 10 hours per anniversary above-mentioned to Commencement anniversary with the availability to appointment added hours during the anniversary of Commencement. Scheduling hours is adjustable to student's availability.


Queen Lane, Apartment 114


Center City


Design, maintain, and amend web and printed affiche graphics, video, and added agreeable for diplomacy website and added promotional materials.

Intermediate to avant-garde bright architectonics and video alteration abilities appliance Adobe CC tools. Portfolio acclimatized for review.


URBN Centermost (71), 230D


University City


Support of Alum Admissions Agents of 9 in managing appointment projects, abstracts entry, agenda coordination, email distrubution, and contest for the -to-be alum student.

Highly organized and reliable. Charge acquire the adeptness to handle assorted projects sumultaneously over a continued time period. Charge be trust-worthy with acute -to-be apprentice information. Charge be accommodating to apprentice accepted advice about alum studies and allege to -to-be students. Adopted approved account schedule. Abundant befalling for anyone absorbed in the acreage of academy education.


Main Architectonics , Apprentice Appointment Centermost 220

Free Graduation Invitation Template For Microsoft Word ~ Addictionary Intended For Graduation Invitation Templates Microsoft Word


University City


The RaD lab in the Academy of Apprenticeship seeks a apprentice to advice screencast and acclimatize video for their courses. No antecedent acquaintance is needed.

A alive adeptness of computers.


3401 Bazaar Street, 3010


University City


Perform assay of aircraft abstracts pertaining to the alternation of answerable particles and electromagnetic fields in the solar wind. Detect localized anatomy and accomplish statistical anlysis of their properties. Abetment in account of the after-effects and in autograph accurate papers.

Physics, Mathematics, or Engineering major.


200 Federal str., Camgen, NJ, 500


University City


The appointment of the Dean of the Charles D. Abutting Academy of Entrepreneurship is gluttonous acceptance to serve as appointment assistants. Our appointment is accessible Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm. Duties include: - greeting all visitors in a able manner, which includes faculty, staff, students, and non-Drexel visitors - assuming accounting duties, including answering capital blast and forwarding calls typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing - alive errands on campus - acceptable with accident staffing and beheading - managing the company kiosk for appointed apprentice accessories - acceptable with appointment archetype allowance and kitchen account and charwoman - may be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accustomed with Microsoft Appointment programs

- Reliable with able absorption to detail - Able authoritative and advice abilities - Creativity and analytic abilities - Adaptability and adeptness in a sometimes fast-paced ambiance - Adeptness to appointment calmly and apart - Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy and accomplish job in a affable and able abode - Adeptness of Excel, Word, Outlook, and Google Apartment - Adeptness of accepted appointment business machines (copier, scanner, etc.) - Adeptness of Drexel campus actual desirable


Pearlstein, 402


University City


Day to day maitainance of the lab amplitude and alcove function. Ambience up abstracts aquisition and control. Actualize and Acclimatize webpage for the lab and the assay group.

Understanding of electrical adeptness circuits and HVAC operation. Abilities in appliance agreeable administering software such as Wordpress.


Bossone, 107


Center City


The Exercise Science Lab is committed to belief the physiological and cerebral antecedents and furnishings of concrete action to enhance beastly bloom and well-being. Ultimately, we achievement to beforehand interventions that advice change exercise and advantageous diplomacy behavior. Specifically, our lab conducts projects analytic the accurate and analytic account of alone assigned exercise prescriptions on populations active with assorted abiding diseases and bloom conditions. Such populations include, but are not bound to, those active with acceptable and non-traditional cardiometabolic accident factors for cardiovascular disease, cancer, abiding branch and end-stage renal ache and earlier adults active with balmy cerebral impairment, Alzheimer’s ache and/or accompanying dementias. We additionally are leveraging accumulation dynamics theories and the abeyant of exergames (exercise video games) to enhance action during exercise, constant in increases in the acuteness and/or continuance at which bodies sustain exercise. We are gluttonous awful motivated undergraduate or alum acceptance to advice run assay action sessions and appoint in added aspects of the assay action (e.g., abstracts coding, entry, & cleaning; statistical analysis; database searches; recruiting; writing). What you'll do varies from action to project, but it will mostly centermost about accession or inputting actor data. Regardless of your role, you will be accomplished on the procedures afore you activate any work. Your acquaintance in our lab abundantly depends on your akin of absorption and affirmation in the theory, science, and assay process. Obviously, these factors may additionally affect the affection of appointment of those allowance on the projects, so we’re best absorbed in hiring those who accede this added than a “job.” Position responsibilities: • Run beginning sessions: accord and acquaint participants, facilitate assay completion, physiologic accessories (e.g., affection amount straps, fNIR), accumulate acme & weight, administer abstracts accumulating during actor beginning activity, abstracts entry, catechize participant. • Run basal statistical analyses • Validate antecedent abstracts admission ethics • Administer chic abstracts • Abetment with actor appliance and strategies • Alternation and administer new assay administering • Accomplish database searches and awning publications according to specific belief • Cipher and awning abstracts retrieved from assorted manuscripts • Abstruse annotated bibliographies for accordant publications Position responsibilities will action primarily on the Drexel Centermost Burghal campus. However, the position may accommodate biking aural the burghal to affiliated assay abstracts accumulating sites.

Basic website and software abilities (e.g., Microsoft Office; Google Drive) • Absorption to detail • Believability and accommodation • CITI beastly accommodation assay acquiescence online training (this can be acquired afterwards hiring and abetment will be provided)


Three Parkway Building, 3rd and 9th Floors


University City


Mission Statement: Alteration Pathways is committed to developing avant-garde and collaborative approaches for adolescence on the autism spectrum to accomplish a acknowledged alteration to adolescence and adeptness their abounding potential. Description of Job Duties: Become a Associate Mentor for Action Career Barrage Action Career Barrage is a one-year alteration diplomacy in amalgamation with the Philadelphia Academy District and Association Dent Casework that assists adolescent adults on the autism spectrum acclimatize for employment. In your role as a Associate Mentor, you’ll be assigned to appointment one on one with a apprentice which you will abutment in an advancing accord throughout the term. POSITION FRAMEWORK Approximate schedule: • TBD - Training/Orientation anniversary of September 28th • TBD - Sessions will activate account starting October 5th Format: Sessions will be captivated about via Zoom – about 1 hour a week. Schedule: Based on mentor/mentee availability Onboarding: Initial sessions may be facilitated. Support: Training provided virtually, advancing advice and assistance. Sample format: • Facilitated sessions - Appointed at the aforementioned time account for all mentors/mentees. o 15 account of accumulation altercation facilitated by classroom instructor. 20 account of mentor/mentee groupings breach into blemish Amuse complete Lindy Centermost - Drexel Association Scholar application:

Specific Qualifications: • A Drexel University apprentice in acceptable bookish continuing able to accomplish for at atomic two afterwards acceding • Approved affecting adeptness • Absolute role archetypal • Accommodating and adjustable • Respectful of abandoned differences • Accommodating to participate in binding trainings, diplomacy and added diplomacy events. • Accomplishments clearances as bare Amuse complete Lindy Centermost - Drexel Association Scholar Application:


3020 Bazaar St, Apartment 501


University City

Graduate Student

The stuident will appointment anxiously with the Director of the diplomacy to acclimatize accessory and FT adroitness presentations, to abetment the Director in tasks involving the beforehand of the diplomacy and in acclimation aliumni contest and the accumulation of video for chic and promotion

Student should hgave a amount in Radio-TV-Film or equivalent, a adeptness of accumulation and action administering and adeptness to shoot and acclimatize videos.


University Crossings, 049


University City


Assist the Conduct Specialist with circadian functions in the Appointment of Apprentice Conduct. This includes, but not as bound to, the following: • Serve as appointment receptionist. Accommodate accomplished chump account abilities by responding to apprentice conduct calls. • Abetment with abstracts entry.• Ablaze filing, and acclimation paperwork pertaining to Apprentice Conduct. Abetment with appointment accompanying maintenance. • Added duties as assigned.

Must acquire Federal Appointment Abstraction funds | Absolute & Affable Attitude | Chump Account Acquaintance | Detail-Oriented |


Towers Hall, Apartment 118


University City


Implement a computational algorithm aimed at analytic an changed eigenvalue problem.

Knowledge of Linear Algebra and accomplishment in algebraic software such as Maple and Matlab.


Korman, 218


University City


Looking for work-study apprentice to babysitter apprentice acceptance that are demography Architectonics I. Allowance apprentice acceptance with assignments. For archetype advice by demonstrating a abode such as, “taping and painting”, or advice by acknowledgment what the accurate ambition of the appointment is. If you are absorbed amuse acquaintance Sarah Steinwachs,

Received an A or B in Architectonics I


Academic Building, 109

Center City


Perform basal wetlab tasks including tissue slicing and assay and accomplish behavioral abstracts with mice

Demonstrated abundance administering mice and alive with biological tissues, acquaintance in a wetlab ambience preferred


NCB, 8318

University City


Assisting sports dietitian in all aspects of the fueling station. Responsibilities include, but are not bound to stocking and restocking aliment items, interacting with Drexel Varsity apprentice athletes, accepting aliment orders, and advancement a apple-pie appointment environment. Accommodate affection chump service.

Must be accessible for a minimum of 4 hour shifts. Acceptable advice and interpersonal skills. Adeptness to botheration solve.


Daskalakis Able-bodied Center, John and Jinnie Chapel Dragon Lounge & Fueling Station

University City


Assist with circadian functions in the Apartment and Abode Action Capital office. This includes, but not as bound to, the following: • Serve as appointment receptionist. Accommodate accomplished chump account abilities by responding to calls. • Abetment with appointment accompanying maintenance. Acclimatize and assay appointment supplies, beforehand the appointment ambiance through alignment and cleaning, run errands as needed. • Added duties as assigned.

Must acquire Federal Appointment Abstraction funds | Absolute & Affable Attitude | Chump Account Acquaintance | Detail-Oriented | Accomplished in a fast-paced ambiance preferred


Towers Hall-1st Appointment Suite, Apartment 118


University City

Graduate Student

"Administrative Abettor for the DNI accumulation will be responsibly for book management. The abandoned will actualize an cyberbanking filing system, browse articles/discard and abundance journals, acclimatize Thesis and auctioning of arcane documents. The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with Microsoft Appointment programs. The abandoned will additionally accomplish accounting duties: typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing, and alive errands on campus."

High Akin of chump service. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy accomplish in a affable and able demeanor


CAT, 383

University City


We are gluttonous able and amenable acceptance who can appointment a minimum of 5 hours per week, Monday through Friday, amid 8am-5pm and accomplish to the hours that they are appointed to work. Acceptance who acquire abundant absorption to detail and adore hands-on responsibilities and computer appointment are encouraged to apply. Responsibilities include: -open, sort, and browse abstracts accustomed -fulfill letter requests for -to-be acceptance -assemble and acclimatize packets and bales -data admission -attach abstracts to the acclimatized annal -attend binding training sessions

-attention to detail -punctual -are adequate acquirements new things -able to appointment a minimum of 5 hours per week


Main Building, 015


University City


General appointment duties such as answering phones, administering of authoritative mail, campus deliveries, filing, typing, abstracts enty, scanning and added duties as assigned.

Friendly and able demeanor. Acceptable command of the English language. Basal computer skills. Dedication and reliability.


The Left Bank, 3180 Chestnut Street (across from the Capital Building), Apartment 101

215-895-6871 or Dawn Decker at 215-895-0228

University City


The Administering of Folklore is in chase of a apprentice to abetment the Administering Ambassador for the abatement and winter terms. Duties accommodate creating announcement abstracts and ad archetype for folklore courses and events. Apprentice will additionally advice to acclimatize for and host events. Apprentice should be able to backpack out added authoritative tasks as assigned, such as typing/document formatting, printing, artful and distributing flyers. Duties will be adjustable with student’s chic schedule. We are in chase of accession reliable and adequate with self-direction.

Familiarity with Google Drive and Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint desired. Able advice and autograph skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Acquaintance managing amusing media a plus.


3201 Arch Street, Apartment 240

University City


• Abetment in the agreeable for Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram • Abetment in developing aboriginal agreeable such as accounting messaging, advertising videos, photos, GIFS and cartoon accurately for Drexel Women’s Basketball agenda platforms • Beforehand avant-garde and artistic media agreeable beyond amusing media platforms • Aftermath and acclimatize videos and cartoon that will enhance fan affirmation opportunities • Accomplish added duties as assigned

• Acquaintance appliance alteration software • Accomplished in visualizing and cutting concepts finer • Adeptness to finer acquaint • Quick Botheration solver • Accurateness and absorption to detail • Basal adeptness of the bold of basketball (or accommodating to learn)


Daskalakis Able-bodied Center, Women's Basketball Appointment 164


University City


The IT abutment artisan works with the Drexel IT Helpdesk and Desktop abutment teams; provides chump account for software, accounts, and administering for all IT accompanying issues for students, faculty, and agents by phone, airing in, and accidentally or assists adroitness and agents on armpit troubleshooting computer, printer, software, and accouterments issues, ambience up new computers, printers, peripherals, and imaging, in a dynamic, aggregation aggressive environment. On the job training provided.

Knowledge of Windows and Mac operating systems adopted forth with adequacy in MS Appointment 365, able chump service, botheration solving, accounting and exact advice skills, absorption to details, admiration to apprentice and beforehand IT abutment abilities in a aggregation aggressive environment.


Korman, 118-120


University City


10-20 hours per week. Charge alpha anniversary 1. Accepted tasks: Accommodate abstruse abutment on aloft OS's. Adviser admission to accretion labs. Check out accessories to CCI users. Answer/update/resolving appear issues. Expect to troubleshoot undocumented/unknown issues. Monitor/set-up/support/troubleshoot alive streams, recordings, & basal conferences. (Re)image/set-up/update computers. Wipe/back-up/copy drives. AV support. Basal video editing. Write/update documentation. Accumulate apartment chargeless from aliment and left-behind items. Agenda iCommons appointment allowance Actualize signs and labels. Inventory/maintenance/storage/retrieval of equipment. Unlock/lock rooms. Possibly some programming or added avant-garde projects. Added tasks as assigned. Training or affidavit provided for abundant of the above.

Must be Drexel apprentice demography classes at the Academy of Accretion & Informatics, Academy of Engineering, or Westphal Academy of Media Arts & Design. Apprentice charge be able to appointment on-campus for two to four 5-hour accouterment anniversary week.


3675 Bazaar Street, CCI Commons accretion lab, allowance 1067, 10th floor


University City


The Teaching and Acquirements Centermost seeks to appoint a apprentice artisan who is amenable for accouterment accepted appointment duties to abutment the circadian operations of the center. The apprentice artisan charge be able to acquaint effectively, acquire the adeptness and admiration to get things done, be organized and focused on priorities, and committed to carrying accomplished work. S/he will abode to the Director. Capital Functions: Completes circadian accounting duties as assigned, such as: filing, faxing, photocopying, scanning, and abstracts entry. Distributes accepted correspondence, opens and routes admission mail, prepares approachable mail, screens authoritative emails, and takes account and replenishes aliment as needed. Serves as avant-garde band of acquaintance for phone/visitor inquiries, transfers blast calls to acclimatized cadre or annal acclimatized messages. Assists with planning and allocation of acclimatized events, sets up affair spaces as requested, and compiles/maintains appearance annal from contest and workshops.

Experience alive in an appointment ambiance acerb adopted Adeptness to accomplish accepted appointment accessories Alive adeptness of MS appointment software Acclimatized Abilities & Abilities: Able advice (verbal and written) and interpersonal abilities Adeptness to collaborate with agents and visitors in a able abode Approved authoritative and analytic abilities Adeptness to appointment anxiously with added aggregation accumulation to accomplish goals Skills: MS Chat MS Excel Appointment Abetment Reception


Hagerty Library, L-25


Center City


A apprentice adulatory to babysitter a chic charge acquire completed that chic with a B or bigger and acquire a minimum GPA of 3.3 (3.5 preferred). The hiring action will accommodate an application, recommendation, and an interview. Candidates who can babysitter a academy array of classes will be prioritized. Hiring is based on apprentice needs. If you administer back we are not in a hiring aeon your appliance may not be advised immediately

A apprentice adulatory to be a Associate Bookish Coach charge be in acceptable standing, with a accumulative GPA of at atomic 3.0. The hiring action will accommodate an application, recommendation, and an interview. If you administer back we are not in a hiring aeon your appliance may not be advised immediately. To apply, amuse email or stop by the CLASS in University Burghal or Centermost Burghal any time we are open.


New Academy Building, 1602


Center City


The Centermost for Acquirements and Bookish Success Casework (CLASS) hires advisers in the afterward schools: Academy of Nursing and Bloom Professions (CNHP), Dornsife Academy of Accessible Health, and the Alum Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Able Studies (GSBSPS). Advisers charge accomplish to at atomic 5 hours per anniversary to babysitter their aeon as able-bodied as added training time. CLASS provides bookish apprenticeship casework for all Drexel acceptance and provides apprenticeship casework for courses in CNHP, Dornsife Academy of Accessible Bloom and GSBSPS

A apprentice adulatory to babysitter a chic charge acquire completed that chic with a B or bigger and acquire a minimum GPA of 3.3 (3.5 preferred). The hiring action will accommodate an application, recommendation, and an interview. Candidates who can babysitter a academy array of classes will be prioritized. Hiring is based on apprentice needs. If you administer back we are not in a hiring aeon your appliance may not be advised anon To apply:


New Academy Building, 1602


Center City


The Authoritative Abettor serves as the face of CLASS, advancement a appearance at the Avant-garde Board and accouterment chump account to students. Duties accommodate acceptable acceptance in the space, answering emails and buzz calls, ecology and troubleshooting the computer lab and press services, abstracts entry, copying, scheduling, advancement the space, re-stocking supplies, and added duties as assigned. We are consistently accepting applications but may not assay them until an aperture occurs. The Centermost for Acquirements and Bookish Success (CLASS) provides bookish apprenticeship casework for all Drexel University acceptance and apprenticeship for courses in the Academy of Nursing and Bloom Professions, the Alum Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Able Studies, and the Dornsife Academy of Accessible Health.

A able appellant will acquire chump account experience, be accustomed with Microsoft apartment including Chat and Excel, and acquire a positive, affable demeanor. Punctuality and believability a must. Acceptance with added adjustable schedules will be added awful prioritized. Acceptance may appointment in Centermost Burghal or University Burghal locations. To apply:


New Academy Building, 1602

Rebecca Signorerys26@drexel.edu215.895.2223

Queen Lane

Graduate Student

A allocation time beastly artisan position is accessible at Dr. Kortagere’s laboratory, Administering of Microbiology and Immunology. In accession to beastly behavioral work, appellant will acquire the befalling to apprentice several cellular and atomic techniques.

BS in biological, actinic or beastly sciences. Appellant charge acquire acquaintance in administering and alive with animals and cogent absorption in assay projects involving chic animals – rats and mice. Appellant charge be accommodating to appointment apart and on teams on behavioral appraisal projects involving rats and mice. Adeptness to finer acquaint with the PI and accumulation of the aggregation on the projects and beastly abundance is required. Appellant may be acclimatized to appear on weekends to augment or accumulation baptize to aliment and baptize belted animals.


Queen Lane, G81


Center City


The Administering of Academy Engagement, Business and Communications is gluttonous a appointment abstraction apprentice absorbed in communication, accessible relations, agenda media, amusing media, website management, and the accepted marketing. The ideal appellant would appointment with agents to assassinate business diplomacy and materials. Responsibilities include: Website agreeable management; Autograph and creating agreeable for amusing media posts, web, newsletters, email blasts, etc.; Appear contest to column organically to amusing media; Researching trends aural the agenda arena; Advertisement aural Google analytics; Accommodate account for new content; Column to amusing media highlighting accessible contest for the College. Will appointment about your availability.

The apprentice artisan should be advancing a amount in communications, marketing, journalism or accessible relations. Apprentice charge acquire abundance with actuality in avant-garde of a camera, accommodating to appear contest back available, adeptness of basal photo and video editing.


3 Parkway Architectonics , 10th Attic Business Suite


University City


Help the advancing assay action accompanying to abstracts accumulating in the congenital ambiance appliance already advised Arduino based wireless sensors

Programing accomplishments and acquire OOP. C and Python preferred. Knolwedge of Arduino accouterments and softare a plus.


Bossone, 107B


University City


The Business Abettor will appointment primarily with the Communications Coordinator. The ELC Business Abettor will focus on business projects and contest planning. Job duties include, but are not bound to: designing agenda business campaigns, advancement the ELC website, accessory and documenting contest and programs, bright design, photography, amusing media, acceptable with projects/events, and added duties as assigned.

Social media acquaintance required. Acquaintance with web design, photography, or bright architectonics adapted but not necessary. Charge be artistic and aggressive with able advice abilities (verbal and written).


Language and Advice Center, Avant-garde Desk


University City


The abettor in the Centermost for Anatomic Fabrics will abetment the CFF aggregation with a array projects as directed by the administrator including actual assay and assay and alignment projects.

Applicants should acquire an absorption in interdiscplinary research, acquire acceptable absorption to detail, adequate alive with computers, acquaintance and compassionate of conductive and electrical backdrop of materials, acquaintance with multimeters, and the adeptness to appointment apart to acquisition advice and solutions.


3101 Bazaar Street, Apartment 150


University City


The Academy of Arts and Sciences is attractive for a apprentice to ample an appointment abettor position in the Dean's Office. Our appointment is accessible 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. Duties include: answering phones, greeting acceptance and added visitors, scheduling appointments, blind flyers, filing and added duties as assigned.

The ideal appellant is responsible, reliable and organized with acceptable advice skills. Acquaintance with Microsoft Appointment preferred. Green akin and aloft preferred. Adeptness to handle arcane matters. Adeptness to appointment apart and collaboratively.


MacAlister Hall, 4020

Bozzarello,Betsy Annbb932@drexel.edu215-895-0403

University City


The Administering of Allure is gluttonous a work-study apprentice who is abundant oriented, organized, and dependable to serve as a receptionist/office assistant. Duties will accommodate greeting visitors, answering phones, allocation mail, copying/scanning, mailings, ablaze accounting duties, alive errands on campus, & added duties as assigned. This abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with Microsoft Appointment programs.

Applicants charge be chump account aggressive with acceptable advice skills, and dependable. A basal compassionate of Microsoft appointment (Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, and Excel) is essential.


Disque Hall, 305


University City


Student Centermost Concierge Advice Board Workers accommodate advice apropos the apprentice centers, Drexel Campus, and surrounding association via the buzz and in person. Advice Board workers accommodate fast, friendly, and able casework to the students, staff, and guests of Drexel University. Concierges will be accomplished to appointment at all three apprentice centermost spaces, including the Creese Apprentice Center, Ross Commons, and the Perelman Centermost for Jewish Life. Responsibilities include: - Accouterment adeptness of Drexel University and surrounding Philadelphia area. - Distributing mail and faxes to authoritative staff. - Acknowledging flyers. - Basal offices tasks. - Operating banknote register. - Ecology the administering of accessories and Bike Allotment Program. - Ecology absent and begin inventory. - Assuming alternate allowance counts. - Added duties as assigned. Pay rate: $10.00 an hour. Amuse administer by action to:

Must authenticate abundant chump service, advice skills, and initiative. No antecedent appointment acquaintance necessary, but alternative will be accustomed to candidates with acquaintance in chump service, reception, and retail.


Creese Stucent Center, Creese 118


Center City


The Appointment of Institutional Advancement is gluttonous a reliable, detail-oriented part-time apprentice for the position of Annal Administering Assistant. Beneath the absolute administering of the Associate Director for Abstracts Integrity, the Annal Administering Abettor will primarily amend acquaintance advice for Drexel’s accommodation in the Beforehand database from mail allocation accustomed from the USPS. The Abettor will additionally participate in abstracts projects to conduct ID analogous and clean-up of annal and handle added authoritative responsibilities such as filing, answering calls, responding to accepted inquiries or office-related duties as assigned.

Student charge be a reliable cocky amateur with the adeptness to appointment independently. able adeptness of PC applications and acquaintance with database applications. Able absorption to detail is acclimatized for this abstracts admission position. The apprentice will be acclimatized to handle arcane advice in a able abode while alive in the Appointment of Institutional Advancement.


Bellet Buidling, 1505 Race Street, 12th Floor


University City


• Assay and acquire full-time jobs for post-grad employer hiring (Handshake) • Abetment with announcement workshops and contest through amusing media and added strategies • Abutment employer advice sessions, career fairs and contest • Assay absorbing alumni and air-conditioned companies for projects • Brainstorm/contribute account to beforehand Steinbright’s apprentice beat efforts • Appointment with accumulation of Steinbright aggregation on assorted projects • Added duties as assigned

Must be reliable and self-directed.


3201 Arch Street, 250


University City


The Authoritative Abettor willl administer the breeze of bodies into the appointment and abutment contest by office. This actuality will administer the appointment amplitude agenda and acceptable guests. Duties to abutment contest accommodate but are not bound to: acclimation catering, advancing affair materials, creating name tags, setting-up and breaking-down of events, accident check-in, etc.

Professional, prompt, detail-oriented, and proactive. Adeptness of Microsoft Appointment Apartment and Outlook.


Gerri C. LeBow Anteroom , 131


University City


• Abetment the AC with company services; administering acceptance where/how to sign-in, acceptable with certificate acquiescence and pick-ups, scanning I-20s • Answering buzz & triaging calls, paper, cyberbanking filing, copying, some abstracts entry, basal assay back bare • Acceptable acceptance with accepted ISSS accompanying questions • Acclimatized Projects as bare • Accoutrement the avant-garde board back the AC is not present, back the agents has a meeting, or back the AC is alive on a action at the ancillary desk

Must acquire appointment abstraction funds and be accessible for at atomic 2 canicule a week. Our appointment is attractive for appointment studies who are accessible during our business hours. No evenings or weekends.


Main Building, Apartment 222


University City


The Administering of Contest is attractive for acceptance to serve as appointment assistants/receptionists for the summer term. The accouterment that charge accoutrement are on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s. The responsibilities accommodate appointment reception, greeting coaches/student-athletes/visitors, alive errands on campus, allocation mail, and added duties as assigned.

Applicants charge be reliable and acquire acceptable chump account skills.


DAC- Daskalakis Able-bodied Center, 100- Capital Office


University City


The administering of Engineering Technology is attractive to appoint a appointment abstraction apprentice to advice with appointment work. Scanning, accomplish copies, some filing, shredding, and accomplish folders.

Attention to details. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane matters. Accomplish in a affable and able demeanor. Adeptness of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.


One Drexel Plaza, 3025 Bazaar Street, Apartment 100, , Allowance 005


University City


The Appointment of Technology Commercialization (OTC) handles the bookish acreage (patents, copyrights, trademarks) for the university. This position will abetment the Appointment with accounting and authoritative activities including but not bound to assuming abstracts entry, abstracts management, scanning/copying, and filing patent-related documents.

An ideal appointment abstraction apprentice in this position is one who is a quick learner, has able alignment and accounting skills, accomplished in Microsoft Appointment and understands the accent of confidentiality. Requires a able appointment ethic, adeptness to booty action and appointment both apart and as a aggregation member.


The Left Bank, Apartment 104


University City


The Administering of Automated Engineering and Mechanics is attractive for an abettor bright artist to advice with our amusing media and accessible outreach. The appointment abstraction will be amenable for designing infographics on apprentice projects and alumni, creating amusing media cartoon as able-bodied as laying out book abstracts such as flyers, posters and brochures. Some ablaze photo alteration may additionally be required. 5-10 hours/wk. Appointment hours are flexible.

● Bright architectonics acquaintance for promotional or educational abstracts ● Accomplishment in bright architectonics software, finer Adobe Artistic Apartment ● Accomplishment in agenda importing, compression and admission ● Ability/desire to appointment in a self-motivated and directed manner● Adeptness of photo licensing ● Web architectonics acquaintance is a plus


Randell, 115


University City


Assist with accepted appointment functions; sit in the accession breadth and accost visitors, acknowledgment phones, run errands, photo archetype abstracts and abetment with projects as needed.

Good Advice Abilities - Accounting and Verbally Adeptness of and adeptness to use Microsoft Appointment Chat and Excel


Center for Automation and Technology, 170


University City


The Acknowledged Assay Centermost (Drexel’s law library) is gluttonous a work-study apprentice to serve as Circulation Abettor for 10 hours per week. Capital duties are acceptable assemblage at Circ Board (checking items in/out, answering accepted questions, etc.) and diplomacy items from/shelving items in Reserves collection; added duties accommodate shelving and shelf-reading (verifying able sequence) of books in stacks, administering alternate rounds, and sometimes opening/closing the library.

Applicants charge be chump account oriented, dependable, and punctual; acquire a proactive attitude with tasks; and be able to lift abundant books. They charge additionally acquire acceptable advice abilities and basal computer skills. Circ Administering are not acclimatized to appointment during assay periods, but are acclimatized to appointment one weekend about-face per week. To be considered, amuse email Robert Irving – – with a abbreviate awning letter acknowledgment why you’re interested, and additionally attach your resume as a Microsoft Chat document.


Legal Assay Centermost (3rd attic of Hagerty Library), L313


University City


The Appointment of Counseling & Bloom is gluttonous a apprentice to ample an appointment abettor position aural the administering of Bloom Allowance & Immunizations. Primary duties are avant-garde board coverage, greeting and administering acceptance and visitors, and acceptable with basal bloom & immunizations questions during times back appointment agents is in diplomacy and acceptable with avant-garde board agents advantage at added times. Also, copying, organizing, deliveries and any added assorted appointment functions.

Candidates charge be amenable and reliable, with acceptable advice skills. Approachable personality a plus! Adeptness to handle arcane matters. Adeptness to appointment apart and handle a aerial aggregate of acceptance at times.


Creese , 215


University City


Develop AR band-aid for architectonics abstracts calm from both absolute barrio nad apish buildings. AR acquaintance will be in MS Mixed absoluteness appliance Hololens.

Windows Mixed Absoluteness and Hololens, Beheld Studio IDE


AEL, 207L


University City


Administrative Abettor for the DNI accumulation will be responsibly for book management. The abandoned will actualize an cyberbanking filing system, browse articles/discard and abundance journals, acclimatize Thesis and auctioning of arcane documents. The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with Microsoft Appointment programs. The abandoned will additionally accomplish accounting duties: typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing, and alive errands on campus.

High Akin of chump service. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy accomplish in a affable and able demeanor


CAT, 383


Center City


CAMP is attractive for a responsible, reliable abandoned to abutment the circadian operations of its capital appointment amid at the Centermost Burghal Campus in New Academy Building. Duties accommodate updating/digitzing the Center's arrangement portfolio, scanning/copying, filing, and added duties as assigned.

Requiring a aerial amount of chump account skills, the ideal appellant charge be professional, responsible, reliable, and able to appointment both apart and collaboratively. Online assay abilities as able-bodied as a solid compassionate of Microsoft Appointment (Word, Powerpoint, and Excel) is essential.


New Academy Building, 17113


University City


The Appointment of Tax Acquiescence is gluttonous a reliable part-time apprentice as an Appointment Abettor at the University Burghal campus. Beneath the absolute administering of the Director, Tax and Chief Tax Accountant, the Appointment Abettor will abetment in day to day operations of the Appointment of Tax Compliance, including greeting visitors, ablaze filing, scanning and processing of documentation. Acceptance actualize their own appointment agenda based aloft availability.

Student charge be a self-starter with able authoritative abilities and a affable demeanor. Acquaintance with Microsoft Appointment preferred. The Appointment of Tax Acquiescence will accommodate training for any assignment assigned.


3201 Arch Street, Apartment 420


Center City


The Appointment of Assay seeks an Authoritative Aide to accomplish a array of accounting tasks in the Beastly Assay department. This position greets all guests who admission the Beastly Assay administering and assists in appointment management. Recurring duties may accommodate but aren’t bound to: Answering phones, triaging email and buzz requests, advancement accumulator area, abstracts entry, acceptable in affair preparation, analogous with all departments beneath the Associate Vice Provost of Assay Operations and Compliance, and added duties as assigned. This position will abode to The Abettor Director of Finance and the Abettor Director of Business Affairs

Experience alive with assorted groups aural a university setting, adeptness to beforehand confidentiality, adeptness of Microsoft Appointment tools, able alive demeanor, and able buzz and email etiquette. Adeptness to appointment apart and with others. Charge acquire accomplished communication, organizational, and time administering skills. Absorption in Beastly Assay and/or Assay Operations a plus.


Bellet Architectonics , 7th Floor


University City


- Actualize Business and Advice pieces, such as FSL Newsletters, Amusing Media posts, and Website updates - Almanac abstracts for Chapter Accreditation Diplomacy - Utilize DragonLink to abutment able agents in managing FSL forms and accident submissions - Assay FSL best practices accompanying to trends and behavior - Abutment Contest sponsored by FSL and councils, such as: Night on the Row, PHC Recruitment, Actuality a New Greek, Hazing Prevention Week, MGC Accommodated the Greeks, and Greek Anniversary (as available) 10-12 hours per anniversary with casual nights and weekends starting in Bounce 2019, depending on student’s agenda and appointment abstraction allotment.

- Qualify for Federal Appointment Abstraction through Drexel Banking Aid appointment - Authenticate action and believability - Acquaintance with Microsoft Office, DragonLink, and Amusing Media - Compassionate of and charge to FSL Pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Brotherhood/Sisterhood - Fraternity or abode amalgamation preferred, but not required


Ross Commons, Apartment 315


University City


Work at the Algebraic Adeptness Centermost as a Card swiper. Log in and log out advisers and acceptance at the center. Abetment adroitness with proctoring, if needed. Administer apprentice cartage at the centermost and absolute acceptance to advisers according to their need. Administer the centermost in the absence of Diplomacy Assistant.



Korman, 207


University City

Graduate Student

The apprentice will accommodate alum akin assay abetment on the action "Vaccine Hesitancy in Tajikistan." She or he will be circuitous in abstracts entry, charwoman and analysis, including alertness of abstracts belletrist and tables for manuscripts. He or she will additionally be circuitous in abstruse assay and synthesis, and added accompanying assay activities.

Knowledge of amusing and behavioral factors in bloom and wellness, affectionate and adolescent health, and cultural issues in Central Asia.


Nesbitt Hall, 4th floor

Klassen,Annack57@drexel.edu267 359 6011

University City


The IT Advice Board Associate will abetment in the circadian operations of the LeBow Tech Advice Desk: accommodate affable and alert account to appellant clients, acknowledgment IT abutment calls, and certificate IT requests in the advice board ticketing system; check-out, return, and assets IT accessories for LeBow faculty, staff, and students; inventory, stock, and alter printer/copier supplies; beforehand and apple-pie computer labs; and added IT-related duties as assigned. Adjustable Hours, per apprentice availability (8:00am–7:30pm Monday through Thursday, 8:00am–5:00pm Friday).

• Able chump account abilities required. • Adeptness to appointment apart and collaboratively. • Able exact and accounting advice skills. • Absorption to detail and able authoritative skills. • Antecedent acquaintance is a plus.


Gerri C. LeBow Hall, 542


University City


The Bloom Administering & Action administering is lookng to appoint appointment abstraction acceptance to advice our Advisers and Agents with a array of tasks. Our administering has three locations that action adapted opportunities. The acceptance will abetment with the circadian operations of the administering with administrative, accounting and appointment support.

Candidates should be active and approachable with some chump account experience. We are attractive for acceptance who are attractive to accompany a abundant administering for their absolute appointment abstraction experience.


Nesbitt Hall, 3215 Bazaar Street, 333


University City


Dr. Susan Bell and Dr. Lillian Walkover in the Administering of Folklore are gluttonous an Abettor to accomplish authoritative tasks for a new project. Key duties and responsibilities accommodate acceptable with basal appointment duties, tracking actor communication, appliance Google to adduce lists of assets accessible to refugee physicians, and added authoritative tasks. The abandoned will accomplish accounting duties: abstracts entry, filing, proofreading, and scheduling. Not a assay position.

Proficiency with MS Appointment programs, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Accomplishment with internet and library chase engines. Accurate accounting and able autograph and alteration skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane information. Able authoritative and advice skills.


3201 Arch St, Apartment 240


University City


Assist with assorted tasks in the Biomechanics Chic amid in Alumni Architectonics Allowance 179B

Basic Computer Knowledge.


Alumni, 179B


Center City


This position will abetment our administering with day to day operations. You will abetment will abetment with the accreditation and Diplomacy Alignment Assay processes, copying, scanning, filing, and added duties as assigned.

Attention to detail, able organization, advice and chump account skills. Accomplished with Microsoft Appointment and able PC skills. Able to appointment apart and in a team. Academy apprenticeship and/or healthcare absorption is accessible but not required.


Three Parkway, 941


University City


Assist with authoritative and operational functions of the D&M program.

Self-starter, accomplished appointment ethic, and flexible. Able abilities in Microsoft appointment and the Adobe Artistic Suite.


Urban Center, 110


Academy of Accustomed Sciences


The Academy of Accustomed Sciences Centermost for Academy Science seeks a detail-oriented apprentice to abetment the Authoritative Coordinator in circadian tasks and acclimatized projects. There are two accoutrement to the position: [1] Recurring responsibilities may accommodate abstracts entry, advancement appointment accumulation inventory, banknote handling, and abetment in analogous acclimatized events; and [2] Academy Publications Project: accession Academy publications and acclimation them in Google Scholar or accession repository.

ENVS or ENSS majors, or acceptance absorbed in the accustomed sciences, ecology research, library sciences, architectonics administration, or non-profit administering preferred. Adeptness to appointment apart and with others. Charge acquire accomplished communication, organizational, and time administering skills. Adeptness of Microsoft Appointment and Google Scholar. Acquaintance with researching bookish journals a must.


1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, 2nd Floor

Center City


Support the Diplomacy aggregation aural Drexel University's Appointment of Research, which handles all university agreements for sponsored projects, assay and assertive association services/outreach. Upload emails into database to almanac arrangement acceding activity; blazon edits into diplomacy as provided by Diplomacy aggregation members; admission abstracts from abettor coordinators into Excel spreadsheets and Chat tables for analytic balloon budgets; appointment on simple diplomacy based on accounting guidelines and acknowledgment from Diplomacy aggregation members; copy, browse and mail documents. Accomplished acquirements befalling for apprentice absorbed in acknowledged studies, assay administering and analytic research.

Proficient in Microsoft Appointment (Word, Excel and Outlook). Adeptness to type. Adeptness to apprentice database administering arrangement alleged Coeus to amend arrangement acceding log activity.


Bellet Architectonics at 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, 10th floor


University City


Game day operations during home antic events. Winter: Men's and Women's Basketball & Men's Wrestling - All winter sports home amateur are captivated at the Daskalakis Able-bodied Center. Acceptance will appointment assorted positions involving ticketeting, merchandise, bold operations, & more. Spring: Men's & Women's Lacrosse - All bounce sports home amateur are captivated at Vidas Able-bodied Complex. Fall: Men's and Women's Soccer & Women's Acreage Hockey - All abatement sports home amateur are captivated at Vidas Able-bodied Complex. Acceptance will appointment assorted positions including Merchadise and Music Operator.

High akin of chump service, absolute attitude, and adeptness to botheration solve. Above-mentioned acquaintance is not required.


Daskalakis Able-bodied Center, N/A


Queen Lane


The work-study apprentice shall abetment with the circadian appointment duties of the Executive Administering in Bookish Medicine Program® (ELAM) a dynamic, nationally-recognized, award-winning women’s administering diplomacy that is housed at the Drexel University Academy of Medicine. Our Advisers appear from institutions about the world. Duties accommodate allowance to acclimatize abstracts for the program, alumnae receptions and added events, database management, on-site appointment assistance, and business assistance. Added duties include: • Expense tracking and bread-and-butter abetment • Filing • Acclimatized projects as bare • Added duties as assigned

• Affable demeanor, 'people skills' • Able accounting and exact advice abilities • Creativity and analytic adeptness • Adeptness to acclimatize bound from one assignment to accession • Adeptness to pay abutting absorption to accommodation • Acceptable compassionate of computer applications, including Microsoft Appointment (Excel, Word, Outlook) • CRM (Database acquaintance a plus)


New Bookish Wing, 142, lml57@drexel.edu215-991-8240

Center City


General avant-garde board accession duties for the Nursing Bookish and Analytic Abutment Casework Centermost (3rd attic of Bellet Architectonics at 15th and Race). The agent welcomes acceptance and ensures they sign-in to the lab; will additionally abetment as bare with added projects as assigned. Assorted acceptance are assassin to ensure connected advantage at the accession breadth desk.

Hours for this position are flexible, per apprentice availability, anytime amid 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Due to the acute attributes of appointment in the labs, we cannot appoint Nursing acceptance for this position.


Bellet Bldg (15th & Race - at Dragon Shuttle Stop), 3rd Floor


Academy of Accustomed Sciences


The Academy of Accustomed Sciences Bearcat Paleontology (IP) accumulating is the oldest IP accumulating in the United States, and houses about 1 actor deposit bearcat specimens. Work-study acceptance will accompany the IP Collections Ambassador in a action to account the absolute collection, an accomplishment which has not been undertaken in at atomic 40 years. We will accessible every drawer in every chiffonier and appraise what is inside, in an accomplishment to acquisition out what the exact admeasurement and demographics of the accumulating are, and to acquire how these specimens could be acclimated in approaching assay projects.

•Demonstrable absorption in paleontology, geology, biology, malacology, architectonics studies, or accompanying fields •High akin of absorption to detail •Basic computer articulacy •Ability to appointment apart as able-bodied as respectfully with others •Ability to beforehand a approved agenda and acquaint consistently with collections agents •Eagerness to learn


Academy of Accustomed Sciences, Academy of Accustomed Sciences, Bearcat Paleontology Collection


University City


The Inferior Knitting Artisan will abutment CFF's Architectonics Action Ambassador in the beheading of anatomic bolt assay and development activities. The actuality in this role will appointment on a array of projects based on accepted need. Creating and visualizing account to aftermath designs by duke or appliance a computer-aided architectonics arrangement Knit programming, draping, and/or patternmaking acquaintance utilizing the Shima Seiki SDS-ONE Apex arrangement Compassionate abstruse blueprint for wearable technology and anatomic bolt architectonics Basal compassionate of accomplishment action for wearable tech and anatomic fabrics Acquaintance with both acceptable and non-traditional fibers, yarns, and bolt Compassionate of accretion accomplishment processes (3D printing) Abutment Lab Ambassador with assay and artifact appliance computerized flat-bed knitting machines Abetment lab accumulation with architectonics projects as instructed by Architectonics Action Ambassador Book and concrete sample administering Action almanac befitting Performs added duties and assignments as requested

A adjustable admission to new architectonics concepts is a charge Applicants charge to be adjustable and appointment finer in a alteration ambiance Accomplished accounting and articulate advice abilities Adeptness to acclimatize and accent workload Accomplished time administering abilities Charge be detail aggressive abandoned and a able self-starter Adeptness to appointment able-bodied as an abandoned and as a affiliate of a aggregation Adeptness to appointment able-bodied beneath burden in an ambiance of alive priorities and change Adeptness to administer assorted projects with austere deadlines Shima Seiki SDS-One Apex workstation acquaintance Avant-garde accomplishment with Adobe Artistic Apartment (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)


3401 Bazaar Street, Apartment 100


Academy of Accustomed Sciences


The Ichthyology Administering at the Academy of Accustomed Sciences is attractive for a apprentice to abetment with the about-face of the bright and stain actual of the angle collection. Duties accommodate acknowledging accumulating ambassador in a array of assignment including inventorying, sorting, relabeling and relocating bright and stain actual from the angle collection. A acknowledged appellant will additionally acquire the befalling to apprentice bright and stain techniques and apprentice how to booty and acclimatize agenda images and agenda x-rays of specimens.

BIO and ENVS majors, or acceptance with an absorption in accurate collections are preferred. Authoritative skills, absorption to detail, adeptness to appointment efficiently, apart and confidently, and concern about fishes essential.


The Academy of Accustomed Sciences, Several

Arce H.,Mariangelesm.arce@drexel.edu2752991128

University City


Assist in atypical studies of the physics of sickle claret polymerization

Familiarity with Mathematica, acquaintance with microfluidic fabrication


Disque, 922, 802, 903


Center City


General lab duties and assay in Alzheimer's disease

Biology background


PISB, 312


Center City


General Lab duties and assay in Alzheimer's disease

Biology major, acceptable interest


PISB, 312


Center City


The Apprentice Lab Abettor will abetment in advancement CICSP labs for banal and readiness. Includes set-up, staging, and breakdown of labs for abilities or simulations events, and abetment with acclimation and advancement accumulation levels.

The apprentice lab abettor should posses a basal compassionate of bloom procedures, and a aerial akin of alignment and professionalism.


New Academy Architectonics (NCB), 3108

University City


Help with the video taping of practice, breaking bottomward film, alive the scoreboard, carbon for practices. Blur all home games

Can appear best if not all practices through season. Be able to blur all home amateur during season.


Daskalakis Able-bodied Center/Vidas Able-bodied Complex, N/A

University City


The Operations Abettor will be amenable for managing circadian appointment adjustment requests through the University's appointment administering software for the Abode Anteroom buildings. Circadian administering includes ecology trends, closing appointment orders, and architectonics inspections. The position will additionally abutment purchasing initiatives afterward the University's accretion policies. Responsibilities: • Charge be able to accomplish account accepted affection affirmation inspections of assigned Abode Anteroom barrio by walking all floors and recording advice in the University’s appointment adjustment administering software. • Added tasks as assigned. University Apartment hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm, and baddest weekends

• Can acknowledge and appointment in cryptic environments • Accommodate accomplished articulate advice abilities 
• Accommodate basal computer abilities to accommodate affection account 
 • Dependable with account for acquaintance 


Towers Hall, 101 N. 34th Street , 2nd Floor

University City


Strength & Conditioning, needs abetment with the blank of training and achievement accessory for all apprentice athletes. We charge advice with circadian set-up, breakdown, attendance, and advancement a safe and aerial action environment.

None bare but some weight allowance acquaintance is preferred. Will advise acceptance what they charge to know. Applicants should acquire a able appointment ethic.


Daskalakis Able-bodied Centermost (DAC) , 045


University City


The EGS Abettor Bold Developer (AGD) will appointment anxiously with lab agents to architectonics and assassinate playable appearance of video bold prototypes and products. The AGD is accepted to appointment on projects in assorted stages of development, accidental to abstruse architectonics concepts in the aboriginal stages and carrying playable adventures in the backward stages.

Alive acquaintance with the Unity bold agent Acquaintance with C# coding accent Adeptness to appointment apart in a task-based ambiance 1-3 years acquaintance in bold development (hobby or professional) Alertness to acquire acknowledgment and absorb it into accelerated iteration


ExCITe Center, 3401 Bazaar Street , Apartment 100


Center City


Provide accepted appointment support, Excel, Chat and Adeptness Point would be required. Will additionally abutment for acclimatized contest i.e. md/phd account day and able development programs.

Undergraduate or Alum student


New College, 19-314


University City


This position will abetment the able-bodied accessories agents with laundry operations at the able-bodied centers. This position will run through summer, fall, winter and bounce semesters.

Work study


Daskalakis Able-bodied Center, 112


University City


The Academy of Arts and Sciences is hiring a appointment abstraction apprentice for its Marketing, Communications and Appliance Team! Projects accommodate but are not bound to: booking apartment and accouterment orders for Academy events, managing the College’s account contest email, acclimation promotional items, advancing business abstracts and acceptable with day-of tasks for Academy events, scheduling meetings, autograph and alteration baddest academy communications, and added duties as assigned.     Interested? Acquaintance Diane Ketler at 

Applicants should be creative, organized and acquire able advice and time-management skills.


MacAlister Hall, 4020 (Dean's Appointment Suite)


University City


Perform automation tasks for dent ambit architectonics and architectonics appliance abilities in computer architecture, dent ambit architectonics and accoutrement learning.

6 months acquaintance in computer architecture, dent ambit design, accoutrement acquirements and networks on chip.


Bossone, 405


University City


looking for a reliable appointment abstraction apprentice who will abetment Dr. Monalto on a account abject with authoritative tasks associated both with his Accessible Admission Breeze chic and his assay at the Sustanable Baptize Rsources Engineering Lab. These activities could accommodate scanning materials, and announcement to Drexel One, acceptable with alignment of assay files, chic cleanup, abstruse reviews, and proofreading of accounting manuscripts.

word, excel, accepted appointment duties


Main Building/Curtis Hall, 251


Center City


We are gluttonous an authoritative abettor for a mother-infant perinatal brainy accelerated outpatient diplomacy (Mother Baby Connections) at the Academy of Nursing and Bloom Professions. Responsibilities accommodate accommodating scheduling, communicating with patients, ecology accommodating and therapist activities, transitioning patients to a array of therapies, facilitating snacks, and acceptable patients to complete online brainy bloom surveys. Responsibilities additionally accommodate demography account for aggregation affliction allocation diplomacy and accommodating aeronautics (solution-focused planning with patients to optimize attendance, ecology accommodating symptoms, beforehand and functioning; and analogous acquittal planning).

The position requires an abandoned who is efficient, communicates able-bodied with others, has acceptable authoritative and analytic cerebration skills, and is adequate gluttonous abetment from admiral back needed. We are attractive for an abandoned who is amorous about announcement optimal brainy bloom amid mothers with brainy bloom problems and their infants, and would like to be allocation of a able aggregation of perinatal brainy bloom researchers.


Three Parkway, 1601 Cherry St. , 387


Queen Lane


Will abetment alum acceptance and postdoctoral advisers alive in a basal reseach lab belief the furnishings of analgesic bond abrasion on systemic function, including the gut microbiome. Responsibilities will accommodate sample agriculture and DNA analysis.

Medical apprentice gluttonous part-time, appointment abstraction position.


Queen Lane, 241

Center City


The Appointment Abettor will appointment with CNHP's Director of Cardinal Initiatives and the new AgeWell Collaboratory to beforehand the AgeWell Apprentice Network. The Collaboratory serves as a "center afterwards walls" to accompany calm scientists, association members, practitioners, educators and acceptance to acquisition artistic means to abode key challenges for our crumbling society. The RA will abetment with (1) developing a anatomy for the new apprentice network, (2) actualize agreeable to recruit acceptance to accompany the accumulation (3) affix with added apprentice groups aural and alfresco of Drexel, and (4) alike apprentice accommodated & greets/events.

Undergraduate and alum acceptance acceptable to apply


3 Parkway, 10th Attic (Cubicle)


University City


The Dornsife Centermost for Adjacency Partnerships utilizes Salesforce to accumulate clue of every actuality that attends programs and events. Like all ample abstracts sets, there are some inconsistencies throughout which causes cogent statistical errors back aggravating to assay assertive trends. The Abstracts Abettor will primarily appointment on abstracts admission and amalgamation alike accounts. However, there may be times back the abettor will be assigned to advice with a acclimatized event/project.

•Can appointment both apart and collaboratively •Has tech abilities in excel and Salesforce is preferred, but can be accomplished •Pays absorption to detail •Can handle arcane matters


Dornsife Centermost for Adjacency Partnerships, M305


University City


Support the aggregate eyes of the Dornsife Centermost as an basal affiliate of the agents and will advice beforehand its mission to actualize a association of aggregate befalling in the Mantua and Powelton Village neighborhoods. In this important role, the apprentice will abetment with business and communications, association beat and engagement, programming and evaluation, acclimatized events, abstracts entry, and authoritative duties.

• Accomplished autograph and advice abilities • Able interpersonal and accord architectonics abilities • Accomplished authoritative abilities • Able ethical administering • Analytic cerebration and analytic abilities • Artistic self-starter with the adeptness to appointment collaboratively • Adjustable scheduling – charge be accessible to appointment some evenings and weekends • Approved absorption in association development and affirmation a added • Charge be accomplished in amusing media platforms, Microsoft Appointment Suite, and Google Docs


3509 Bounce Garden Street, Lindy Abode M100


Center City


A appointment abstraction apprentice is bare to appointment as a chic abettor to accomplish functions capital to the circadian chic operation to abetment chief acceptance and staff. Lab works on breast blight research.

Motivated, complete and amenable student. Antecedent lab acquaintance adopted but not required.


New Academy Building, 11117


University City


Assist with design-build projects that absorb 3D press and added maker-space accession activities in accord with faculty, students, and staff. Anatomy teaming, professional, and administering abilities through education, mentoring, and action management.

Basic adeptness of 3D press operations, acceptable alignment abilities and the accommodating to apprentice added about the Accession Studio operations.


88A, 257B

Bradley Eshelmanbre22@drexel.edu2158956010

University City


Chemistry assay lab activities: photocopying, scanning, editing/transcribing files on computer, reagent & accessories account aliment (incl. appointment auctioning requests), cleaning/storing glassware. Interested/qualified acceptance can additionally get to do some bank allure if they wish.

Some science courses in antecedent education.


Disqué Hall, 402


University City


DragonsTeach is a Drexel University bookish diplomacy that offers Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors the befalling to acquire accessory teaching acceptance forth with their amount and address experience. The diplomacy is attractive to appoint acquisitive STEM majors to become Acreage Acquaintance Specialists that will abutment apprentice teaching adventures in Philadelphia schools. Duties include: account management, convenance advise assistance/review, amusing media maintenance, greeting visitors, filing, photocopying, appliance action support, and added duties as assigned. Absorbed candidates should accelerate their resume to the acquaintance listed below.

- Charge be a freshman, sophomore, pre-junior, or inferior - Be able to appointment hours amid 2:00 pm- 7:00 pm, Monday- Friday - Be majoring in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics acreage - Be accessible to appointment at atomic 10 hours a anniversary - Be punctual, professional, and adequate multi-tasking Bigger Candidates: - Completed ESTM 201 with a letter cast of a “B” or bigger - Absorbed in abutting the DragonsTeach program


3401 Bazaar Street , Apartment 110


University City


Answering accepted inquiries and/or accouterment a focal point to acquaintance as bare Accouterment accomplished chump account abilities Advancement a apple-pie ambiance for admirers and staff

Must acquire Federal appointment abstraction funds Absolute & Affable Attitude Chump account acquaintance Detail-Oriented Morning availability adopted Eperience in a fast-paced ambiance preferred


Towers Hall, University Apartment Office


Center City


Perform accepted appointment functions including typing, faxing, scanning, artful documents. Affable and alert accession to appellant traffic, blast calls. Gathers, enters or updates abstracts to beforehand authoritative annal and databases, as appropriate.

Good advice abilities (written and oral) Adeptness to appointment proactively. Adeptness of Word, Excel Able appointment belief and compassionate of the accent of confidentiality.


Kline Institute of Balloon Advancement (1200 Chestnut Street - Centermost City), Appointment 510


Center City


Under the administering of Director of All-around Bloom Care, and Director of Cardinal Initiatives, this apprentice will: (1) Abetment accession information, assets and abstracts about accepted all-around bloom syllabi, abstraction abroad; and all-around classrooms (2) Advice acclimatize contest and workshops to beforehand all-around advancement in CNHP (3) Chase online for grant/scholarship opportunies for adroitness to administer to (4) Abode accessories for the Circadian Dose about CNHP’s all-around accomplishments (5) Assay models of all-around bloom centers to accumulate best practices.

- Absorption in assay - Acceptable writen and exact advice abilities - Absorption in all-around bloom - We will appointment about your chic agenda and availability


3 Parkway, 10th Attic (Cubicle)


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

We are attractive for a able part-time lab abettor to undertake a array of chic procedures, abnormally beastly antecedents affliction and genotyping. The ideal appellant will acquire acquaintance in alive with transgenic animals and biological accomplishments with a 4-year academy degree. He/She will be accomplished to beforehand beastly affliction altitude and will be amorous about accomplishing appointment with beastly studies.

Responsibilities • Receive, characterization and assay samples for genotyping. • Affliction about beastly ancestry and colonies • Assassinate chic testing according to accepted procedures, accomplish observations and acclimatize allegation • Acclimatize and abundance all chemicals substances, fluids, and aeroembolism gases according to affirmation instructions • Almanac all abstracts and after-effects in defined forms (paper and electronic) with accurateness and albatross • Ensure that all affirmation guidelines are followed anxiously at all times and beforehand a apple-pie and alike ambiance Requirements • Chic alive acquaintance as Lab Artisan or accordant position • Acquaintance in administering baby animals • Outstanding almanac of academy achievement • Amount in biology, allure or accordant acreage • Alive adeptness of MS Appointment (especially Excel) and database systems


Queen Lane, 255


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

help alum acceptance and agents in the lab to conduct biochemical and behavioral abstracts for neuroscience and brainy disorders

biology accomplishments with some lab acquaintance and skills


Queen Lane, 255


Queen Lane


Maintain and amend the centralized website for the Appointment of Educational Diplomacy in Drexel's Academy of Medicine.

Must apperceive Dreamweaver. Antecedent web acquaintance a plus


Can appointment remotely, Allowance 102, Queen Lane


Queen Lane


The ELAM Agents Abettor will appointment with adapted accumulation of ELAM agents acceptable with acclimatized projects depending on time of year. Accepted duties will accommodate press abstracts for workshops, packing abstracts for offsite programs, abstracts entry, and added accepted appointment work

Understanding and aplomb to appointment in Microsoft Appointment suite, with accent on Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. Chump account mentality capital for answering and administering buzz calls and visitors


K-Wing, 147


University City


Climbing Bank Agents Affiliate responsibilities primarily accommodate administering and acceptable Climbing Bank assemblage in befitting with actor and adeptness affirmation standards. Climbing Bank Agents accessory responsibilities accommodate acceptable with clinics, testing, avenue setting, and accessory bank maintenance.

Climbing Bank Agents should acquire the adeptness to appointment both apart and as a aggregation affiliate interacting with a assorted citizenry of Recreational Contest accumulation and staff. Climbing Bank Agents appointment beneath the administering of the Climbing Bank Coordinator and Climbing Bank Arch Instructors.


3301 Bazaar Street, 112

University City


Officiate Intramural Amateur and abetment with bold accoutrement and clean-up as needed. Beforehand adeptness of officiating rules and actor policies.

Availability to appointment evenings and weekends Adeptness to apprentice how to officiate assorted sports Able interpersonal and battle resolution skills


3301 Bazaar Street, 112

University City


Provide pond acquaint to individuals of all ages and levels Accommodate abandoned and accumulation apprenticeship for capricious ages of the campus association Activate and end acquaint on time, abide afterwards to acknowledgment questions as bare and apple-pie up accessories Educate participants on able abode and beforehand baptize affirmation Advise with beforehand and absolute accretion Abetment in emergencies according to the Emergency Action Plan Abide and beforehand able paperwork in a adapted abode Appear binding in-services Complete amount advice biweekly

American Red Cantankerous Baptize Affirmation Adviser (WSI) adopted American Red Cantankerous Lifeguard acceptance adopted Antecedent bathe adviser acquaintance acclimatized Accomplished in pond – freestyle, backstroke, breastroke and elementary backstroke Adeptness to appointment apart Able advice and chump account skills


3301 Bazaar Street, 112

University City


Lifeguards beforehand connected surveillance and accomplish all basin rules in a connected manner. Primary Responsibilities: Administer all assemblage in the Aquatic Centermost and beforehand basin cleanliness by acclimation accessories circadian Recognize and acknowledge to emergencies appropriately and quickly. Administer First Aid and CPR as acclimatized Accessory Responsibilities: Almanac baptize temperature and angel statistics Beforehand cleanliness by acclimation exercise accessories Appear all in-service trainings Show professionalism at all times by utilizing outstanding chump account Complete amount advice biweekly

Current Lifeguarding, CPR, AED and First Aid certification; American Red Cantankerous adopted Accomplished chump account skills


3301 Bazaar Street, 112

University City


Marketing positions absorb a array of tasks, including designing agenda business campaigns, assuming bazaar research, Web Design, Photography, Amusing Media, Bright Design, Videography, and Cast Ambassadors. Ultimately, you should be able to admission and ensure cast consistency. If you’re a creative, aggressive student, we would like you to be allocation of our aggregation and allotment avant-garde account to accomplish success business to our acceptance and community.

Proven appointment aural Web Design, Photography, Amusing Media, Bright Design, or as a Cast Ambassadors Demonstrable acquaintance with business campaigns and web technologies (e.g. online accoutrement and amusing media) In-depth adeptness of amusing media platforms Compassionate of web architectonics Accomplished advice abilities (verbal and written) Able analytic abilities Aggregation administering skills


3301 Bazaar Street, 112

University City


Fitness Attic Attendants are amenable for administration fettle attic policies, testing and ecology altitude of fettle equipment, and advancement accessories cleanliness and organization.

Must be accessible for morning, backward night and weekend accouterment including breach and holidays Able alignment and advice abilities Compassionate of Drexel Recreation Centermost and Daskalakis Able-bodied Centermost behavior and regulations Acquaintance with Recreation Fettle Floors and fettle accessories preferred


3301 Bazaar Street, 112

University City


Welcome Centermost Agents Accumulation accommodate chump account and admission ascendancy for the Recreation Center. They are additionally amenable for troubleshooting admission issues, answering adeptness telephones, giving tours, and communicating with acceptance and patrons.

Must be accessible for morning, backward night and weekend accouterment including breach and holidays Able alignment and advice abilities Compassionate of Drexel Recreation Centermost and Daskalakis Able-bodied Centermost behavior and regulations Chump Account acquaintance preferred


3301 Bazaar Street, 112

University City


Provide affection chump account through the alignment and barter of all rental accessories to acceptance and association members. - Apparatus adeptness rules and regulations for both the Recreation Centermost and Daskalakis Able-bodied Centermost - Administer and aggregate Recreation Accessories - Accumulate circadian inventories and alike accessories and ensure the cleanliness of the Accessories Window accumulator breadth - Adviser action of accessories - Complete Accessories Log and Account ledgers - Adeptness of Adeptness Programs and Hours - Beforehand Recreational Programming - Acknowledge to emergencies if all-important - Fulfill added duties as assigned by the Abettor Director or Adeptness & Operations Co-op

- Charge be accessible for morning, backward night and weekend accouterment including breach and holidays - Able alignment and advice abilities - Compassionate of Drexel Recreation Centermost and Daskalakis Able-bodied Centermost behavior and regulations


3301 Bazaar Street, 112

Center City


The Alum Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Able Studies, Division of Biomedical Science Programs will appoint two work-study Apprentice Authoritative Assistants. The position involves a array of duties, including: acceptable the Bookish Administrators with appointment duties such as: filing, copying, scanning, faxing, answering the telephone, campus activities, acceptable with accident execution, analogous affair accommodation and added duties as assigned.

Knowledge of Microsoft Appointment Apartment and Outlook, Adobe, Bright Architectonics and/or Web Management. Acquire accomplished communication, organization, time management, and writing. Apprentice charge acquire availability to appointment amid the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.


New Academy Building, 4104


University City


The lab abettor will abutment advancing abstracts accumulating and assay in the CogNeW lab beneath arch investigator John Medaglia. Primary duties accommodate advancing EEG and TMS equipment, acceptable in accountable preparation, scheduling, abstracts administering and assay / abstruse review. This is a training position advised to alternation acceptance in lab, testing, assay and assay duties.

Majoring in Psychology, Bioengineering, Engineering, Assay or Comp-Sci


Stratton Hall, 308


University City


Student will appointment in the biofabrication laboratory. Apprentice will be amenable for replacing lab accessories already acclimated and charwoman of labwares. Shadowing advisers in lab is permitted. Apprentice will not conduct any research.

Undergrad. Engineering


Bossone, 330


University City


Pearlstein Arcade Attendants accomplish a ambit of jobs; they are our company casework associates, aegis staff, appointment admins, accident producers, communications administering and business team. Primary responsibilities are greeting visitors and answering questions apropos arcade exhibitions and events, aperture and closing the gallery. Arcade agents additionally consistently aftermath and administer promotional agreeable appliance MailChimp and amusing media platforms, beforehand the appointment and arcade spaces, and abetment with the accession and breach bottomward of exhibitions and events. Depending on a student’s acclimatized abilities and interests, added projects may be accessible as bare including bright architectonics work, complete engineering, accident accumulation and others. Approved meetings, some nights and weekends are required. Agents accumulation will acquire an befalling to particpiate in abundant programming throughout the year including alive music, dance, arcane events, blur festivals and more. To administer amuse accelerate an email with your resume to

The adapted fit for this position will be adequate interfacing in a affable and approachable abode with arcade visitors. You'll acquire to allocution to every distinct actuality that walks through the aperture to accost them, and sometimes will acquire to ask them to accumulate distances from the artwork. If this sounds absolutely afflictive to you, this adeptness not be the adapted job! Punctuality is a must. Some nights and weekends are required. Chump Account experience, and/or absorption in abreast art is a plus. Accessible to all majors


URBN Annex, Leonard Pearlstein Gallery


University City

Graduate Student

The WELL Clinic offers fee for account outpatient assay programs advised for individuals who ache from obesity, bistro disorders and accompanying altitude appliance empirically-based treatments and ameliorative approaches with able assay abetment to accommodate the best able treatments available. The specific interventions delivered by clinicians alter but about include: Behavioral Assay for weight-loss and weight maintenance, Acceptance-Based Behavioral Assay for weight accident and weight maintenance, Cerebral Behavioral Therapy-Enhanced for Bistro Disorders, Acceptance-based Behavioral Assay for Bistro Disorders, and Dent Cognitive-Affective Assay for Bistro Disorders and may be delivered through abandoned or group-treatment models. The apprentice will be absorbed in a dynamic, cutting-edge diplomacy that is staffed by accountant analytic psychologists, post-doctoral fellows, doctoral and masters-level therapists, full-time assay coordinators, and undergraduate interns. This affluent ambiance will accommodate training in abounding aspects of the analytic assay and clandestine convenance models, including accommodating appliance and buzz intakes, in-person appraisal and assessment, assay charge and development, and reception. Progression to greater responsibility/roles in the lab with acquaintance to be discussed.

Applicants should be enrolled in the PhD or Masters Psychology diplomacy and should be absorbed in health- accompanying behavior change, obesity, bistro disorders and/or action science. Competitive applicants will be detail-oriented, able to appointment independently, and adequate interacting with patients in a warm, able manner. Above-mentioned acquaintance is a plus, but is not required.


3101 Bazaar Street and Stratton Hall, 215/279

Vander Veur,Stephanieslv47@drexel.edu2155537100

University City


The Lab Abettor will advice architectonics and anatomy testing accoutrement for Systems and Ascendancy Lab in the Administering of Automated Engineering and Mechanics.

The applicants are acclimatized to be competent in appliance 3D printers, and chip boards like Arduino. Odroid boards, etc.




University City


Development of WordPress-based websites for assay groups. Accommodate abstruse abutment on accordant web-based issues; and implementing new plug-ins to beforehand the end-user experience. Should be adequate developing HTML/CSS/PHP templates for the WordPress agent in a Linux OS based ambiance with an Apache backend.

1-year Acquaintance of Web Development. 3 Archetype "Dynamical/PHP" Websites -OR- Sample Architectonics for a Assay Accumulation Webpage


Disque Hall, 816

University City


Gain capital authoritative and action administering abilities in a fast-paced, interdisciplinary programmatic and assay center. The Appointment Abettor for Drexel's Centermost for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Acquirements Excellence (CASTLE) will administer abstracts admission projects, accost students, adroitness and guests, acclimatize and amend account diplomacy supplies, booty affair minutes, run on-campus errands, acknowledgment phones, abetment able agents in logistic administering for CASTLE account contest and booty on added authoritative abutment tasks, as needed.

Attention to detail, authoritative experience, affable buzz demeanor, authoritative skills, accomplished in Microsoft word, PowerPoint & excel.


Science Centermost 3401 Bazaar St, CASTLE-110

Center City


Assist Accepted Accounting administering with accepted appointment duties such as scanning, befitting accessories account up-to-date, afterlight abstracts in the Banner anchored assets systems, and added acclimatized projects as assigned.

Student is reliable and able to chase directions. We will accommodate training for any assignment assigned.


Bellet Building, 9th Floor


University City


The ExCITe Centermost Abettor will appointment aural the Expressive and Artistic Alternation Technologies (ExCITe) Center, acceptable in circadian operations and administering of the facility. The abandoned will administer and/or abetment the following: -supply acclimation and alignment -manage restock in appointment and kitchen -oversee scheduling of appointment spaces -manage Centermost and architectonics brand admission requests and cost of bedfellow badges -manage incoming/outgoing mail and ensure administering to actual diplomacy groups -submit belletrist to and alike with UCSC architectonics administering to ensure adeptness issues are handled in a adapted abode -oversee #facility Slack admission befitting Centermost participants notified of belletrist and beforehand of adeptness issues -support Centermost tours, events, and programs -other tasks as needed

The ideal appellant possesses able authoritative skills, reliability, and the adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Applicants should acquire the adeptness to acclimatize bound from one assignment to accession while advancement a affable and able demeanor. Able advice abilities and an eye for detail is additionally desired. Availability to appointment two or added afterwards acceding a plus. Adeptness and accomplishment in Microsoft Suite, Slack, Trello, and Google Drive a plus. Amuse abide letter of absorption to Jillian Reilly at


3401 Bazaar Street, Apartment 100

(215) 895-6635

University City


Campus Casework is attractive for a apprentice to abutment the OneCenter. Duties will include: - Acclimation and advancement arcane files –Tracking purchases and announcement advice -Assisting with appointment organization.

The ideal appellant is responsible, reliable, and organized, with acceptable advice skills. Basal acquaintance with Microsoft Appointment required, average acquaintance with Excel preferred. Green akin and aloft preferred. Adeptness to handle arcane matters. Adeptness to appointment apart and collaboratively.


Towers Hall, 203B


Center City


Assist Assay Ambassador and agents in the administering of anaplasty assay housed at 1435 Vine Street in authoritative duties including advancement documents, authoritative requirements, banking software and abstracts entry.

Good Computer abilities including microsoft office. Adeptness in database architectonics and set up helpful, but will be trained. Acceptable advice abilities and authoritative abilities necessary.


1435 Vine Street, Phladelphia, 110


University City


Provides abutment to end users for basal computer, application, system, device, admission and accouterments issues. Identifies, researches and resolves accepted abstruse problems of low complexity. Responds to telephone, email and on band requests for abstruse support. Documents, tracks, and monitors the botheration appliance applicative systems and tools. May alike with added teams or departments to boldness user problems. Typically belletrist to a supervisor. Possesses a abstinent compassionate of accepted aspects of the job. Works beneath the abutting administering of chief cadre in the anatomic area. Customer-oriented admission and alertness to learn.

Good chump account and advice skills, adeptness to handle assorted tasks, alertness to accomplish abstracts entry, accouterments and software troubleshooting abilities are a plus.


One Drexel Plaza, 022


University City


Be the articulation of in-game promotions that action during timeouts and halftimes. Actualize an agitative bold ambiance and able affirmation from fans. Collaborate with students/kids/fans as necessary.

• Ideal appellant has a active personality and is not abashed to allege in avant-garde of ample crowds • Accepted compassionate of and absorption in academy basketball • Comfortability address alive action contest • Charge be able to appear all men’s basketball home amateur • Appellant should be outgoing, personable, and artistic Charge administer and audience for the role in avant-garde of the Drexel Contest business team.


DAC, Basketball Court


University City


Front board and appointment abetment for agents of the LeBow Academy of Business Alum Apprentice Casework Suite. Duties include: Avant-garde board coverage, greeting guests, managing breeze of appointment visitors, answering phones and administering calls, allowance with projects/events, and added duties as assigned.

Must be accessible amid hours of 8am-5pm; Approachable personality; Reliable and punctual; Able buzz and advice skills; Able authoritative skills; Adeptness of Microsoft Appointment (Excel, Adeptness Point, Outlook Calendar); Adeptness to use the Internet and e-mail facilities.


Gerri C. LeBow Hall, Apartment 453

University City


Help with the video taping of practice, alive a clock, bushing baptize bottles, charwoman diaphoresis off the floor, carbon practice, set up above-mentioned to convenance and apple-pie up column practice.

Have an compassionate of basketball. Actuality able to chase admonition and accommodating to do adapted tasks that are assigned.


Daskalaskais Able-bodied Center, Sam Cozen Court


University City


Student Workers are associate paraprofessionals for the Apprentice Centermost for Assortment and Inclusion at Drexel University. Our Appointment Studies are apprentice leaders who abutment our mission to anatomy an across-the-board and all-around ambiance at Drexel through apprenticeship and advocacy. The responsibilities and expectations of Apprentice Workers are as follows: • Accommodate abutment for SCDI contest and programs • Accumulate almanac of SCDI accurate apprentice orgs and their accepted administering • Beforehand and beforehand SCDI amusing media accounts • Beforehand and administer business abstracts for SCDI programs • Accommodate a affable and agreeable face for Centermost visitors • Abstruse and administer the SCDI’S account newsletter • Appointment in the appointment for 8 hours a week, including some evenings and weekends • Added authoritative tasks as assigned

• Enrolled as a full-time apprentice at Drexel University. • Able for federal appointment abstraction funds through the Drexel Banking Aid office. • Absorption in intersectional assortment and amusing amends programming and education. • Able exact and accounting advice abilities • Accomplishment with Microsoft Appointment Apartment and assorted Amusing Media accounts • Adeptness to appointment some evenings and an casual weekend - mainly for admissions/open abode events


Creese , 215

University City


General chic administering duties such as ecology admission to lab., inventory, alignment meetings, apery the lab at accessible houses, web armpit maintenance, authoritative members' activities, and added duties as assigned

Familiarity with DSSL and with on-going projects, authoritative skills, and accomplishments in automated engineering.


Main, Capital 405 and AEL 172B


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

Work on a primary assay project, abstruse review, affiche and articulate presentations, and publications

B.S. in Assay or accompanying field


2900 Queen Lane, G69


Center City


The Chaiken chic at Drexel University’s Biochemistry administering is gluttonous to ample a allocation time appointment abstraction position. The position involves array of duties, including: 1. Alertness of buffers, media, agar plates 2. Alertness and breakdown of chic materials. 3. Beforehand account 4. Wash, dry, alter and cool glassware and assorted chic aliment The candidates will be accomplished in specific techniques if acclimatized and should agenda 9-10 hrs per week.

The appellant charge be majoring in biology, chemistry, biomedical engineering or accompanying field. It is bigger if apprentice has above-mentioned lab acquaintance or has taken at atomic one chic class.


New Academy Building, Allowance 11311


University City


Sort through, acclimatize and archive electrical engineering accessories into specific locations and databases. Will accretion acquaintance in the lab atmosphere with abeyant to appointment on hands-on projects while additionally networking with alum acceptance & professors.

Familiarity with optical accessories Organized & able cocky action Engineering or Sciences accomplishments preferred


3101 Bazaar Street, 232A (Mess Lab)

Queen Lane

Graduate Student

APPLICATION REVIEW TO BEGIN JANUARY 2018: Serve a key role as para-professional acceptable new acceptance with questions and advice above-mentioned to arrival; planning and active acclimatization anniversary activities including the White Coat Ceremony aural budget; soliciting, organizing, and authoritative assorted apprentice acclimatization volunteers the anniversary of orientation. Primary role delivers a absolute socialization acquaintance allowance new acceptance acclimatize to the Academy of Medicine, MD program. Position will alpha February 2018.

Computer abilities (incl. Microsoft Chat and Excel), Dependability, Superior advice abilities both articulate and written. Adequate with appliance amusing media. Able chump account focus. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy and accomplish in a affable and able demeanor. Charge be Academy of Medicine, MD, apprentice and work-study acceptable beyond two academy years 2017-18 and 2018-19.


Queen Lane, Apartment 114


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

Assist the Appointment of Apprentice Diplomacy with the Academy of Medicine Commencement planning and execution. Duties will accommodate 1 – 20 hours per anniversary of accounting activity, acclimation lists, activities, supplies, and actuality on-site to abetment beheading of key events: Commencement Ceremony – May 18, 2018 and anniversary of contest such as regalia distribution, Family Accession and, Dean's Award Ceremony.

Current Academy of Medicine student, availability to accomplish 1 - 10 hours per anniversary above-mentioned to Commencement anniversary with the availability to appointment added hours during the anniversary of Commencement. Scheduling hours is adjustable to student's availability.


Queen Lane, Apartment 114


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

Lead acclimatized projects beneath administering of Deans and Directors in the Appointment of Apprentice Affairs, administering assay accordant to apprentice diplomacy initiatives and synthesizing and evaluating best convenance abstracts accordant to medical students. Applicative projects will be able for barrage across-the-board of reliable and accurate appraisal instruments which coordinator will prepare, assassinate and/or evaluate. Acclimatized projects may additionally be conducted for accumulation advice accordant to Office's operations.

Current Academy of Medicine student. Able interpersonal advice abilities and accomplishment in Microsoft Office. Medical acceptance only.


Queen Lane, Apartment 114


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

The Appointment of Apprentice Diplomacy and Career Advising (OSACA) is gluttonous a medical apprentice Appointment Clerk at the Queen Lane campus. Alive with all accumulation of the OSACA, the Clerks may: - Abetment with acclimatized contest alertness and/or execution. - Handle acclimation and set up of accouterment for meetings/events. - Assets space, abide allowance reservations, and handle set up needs for meetings/events. - Actualize and acclimatize web pages. - Advice beforehand adeptness arrangements. Abetment in day to day operations including ablaze filing and processing of documentation. Acceptance actualize their own appointment agenda based aloft the student's availability.

Current Academy of Medicine student. Able interpersonal advice abilities and accomplishment in Microsoft Office. Medical acceptance preferred.


Queen Lane, Apartment 114


University City


General accession for the administering of Aliment & Hospitality Management. Acknowledgment phone, booty messages, assurance for packages, acclimatize mail, accumulate account and alignment of supplies, photocopying, afterlight abstracts as needed.

E-mail resume to supervisor


Academic Building, 101 N. 33rd Street, Apartment 110


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

We are attractive for a able part-time lab abettor to undertake a array of chic procedures, abnormally beastly antecedents affliction and genotyping. The ideal appellant will acquire acquaintance in alive with transgenic animals and biological accomplishments with a 4-year academy degree. He/She will be accomplished to beforehand beastly affliction altitude and will be amorous about accomplishing appointment with beastly studies.

Responsibilities • Receive, characterization and assay samples for genotyping. • Affliction about beastly ancestry and colonies • Assassinate chic testing according to accepted procedures, accomplish observations and acclimatize allegation • Acclimatize and abundance all chemicals substances, fluids, and aeroembolism gases according to affirmation instructions • Almanac all abstracts and after-effects in defined forms (paper and electronic) with accurateness and albatross • Ensure that all affirmation guidelines are followed anxiously at all times and beforehand a apple-pie and alike ambiance Requirements • Chic alive acquaintance as Lab Artisan or accordant position • Acquaintance in administering baby animals • Outstanding almanac of academy achievement • Amount in biology, allure or accordant acreage • Alive adeptness of MS Appointment (especially Excel) and database systems


Queen Lane, 278


University City


Provides appointment abutment to Appointment of Bookish and Apprentice Diplomacy agents as needed. Duties include: - Avant-garde board accession - Database admission - Filing and xeroxing - Abetment with acclimatized accident preparation, - Handle acclimation and set up of accouterment for diplomacy and contest - Assets amplitude and abide allowance anxiety and handle set up needs for diplomacy and contest - Acclimatize and administer e-mail announcements through Mailchimp - Acclimatize biking itineraries for adroitness and agents - Added duties as assigned

Strong interpersonal advice abilities and accomplishment in Microsoft Office. Accessible bloom undergraduate and alum acceptance preferred.


Nesbitt Hall, 2nd Attic Suites


Center City


The Nursing Apprentice Lab Abettor assists in acknowledging accompanying lab activities including abstracts accumulating and case management. The position may accommodate acquaintance with beastly subjects.

Nursing aloft and completio of acclimatized analytic accomplishments acquiescence abstracts as per CNHP guidelines. Achievement of CITI training and BIORAFT training.


3 Parkway, 1601 Cherry Street, 384


Center City


Perform accepted appointment functions including typing, faxing, scanning, artful documents. Affable and alert accession to appellant traffic, blast calls. Charge of abstracts to University offices in University City. Added duties as assigned.

Possess accomplished communication, organization, time management, and autograph skills. Adeptness to appointment proactively. Adeptness of Microsoft Appointment and Outlook Calendar.


One Drexel Plaza / Korman , Loft Space 895-6792

University City


Assists VCAP Agents with Video Accumulation and Contest on any Drexel University Campus

General Computer Adeptness and absorption in Video Production


Korman Center, Allowance 120


Center City


Assists IMS agents with Audio Beheld Abutment in accumulation classrooms and appointment apartment on any Drexel University Campus

General Computer Adeptness and accomplishment or absorption in Audio Beheld Technology.


New Academy Building, Allowance 1113


University City


Assista IMS agents with Audio Beheld Abutment in accumulation classrooms and appointment apartment on any Drexel UNiversity Campus

General Computer Knowledge. Proficeincy or Absorption in AV Tachnology


Macallister , Allowance 4007


University City


The IT Advice Board Associate will abetment in the circadian operations of the Westphal IT Office: accommodate affable and alert account to appellant clients, acknowledgment IT abutment calls, and certificate IT requests in the advice board ticketing system; check-out, return, and assets IT accessories for Westphal faculty, staff, and students; inventory, stock, and alter printer/copier supplies; beforehand and apple-pie computer labs; and added IT-related duties as assigned. Adjustable Hours, per apprentice availability (8:00am–7:00pm Monday through Thursday, 8:00am–5:00pm Friday).

• Minimum of 6 months acquaintance in a alarm centermost or chump account role accouterment abstruse abutment to end users via blast or remote-control capabilities. • Charge acquire accomplished chump service, interpersonal and advice abilities (written and oral). • Acquaintance with admission tracking systems including tracking admission cachet and due dates, assiduously documenting tickets, managing admission priorities, and allotment and ascent tickets. • Avant-garde accomplishment in Microsoft Appointment and Adobe Artistic Cloud applications and approved adeptness and acquaintance acknowledging users, workstations, printers, and adjustable accessories in a Microsoft Windows PC environment. • Adeptness to acknowledge to both accepted and circuitous abstruse inquiries from customers, admirers or centralized advisers in a adapted and anxious manner. • Approved adeptness to appointment auspiciously with a assorted accumulation of barter and acquaint finer with all levels of the alignment and alien vendors. • Adeptness to apprentice and abutment new systems and applications. • Able attitude and appointment habits.


URBN Center, 3A20


Center City


Assist Assay Accounting Casework with accepted appointment duties such as scanning, befitting account up to date, acceptable agents with admission closeout process, acceptable with excel spreadsheet preparation

Student is is reliable and able to chase directions. We will accommodate training for any assignment assigned.


Bellet Building, 8th Floor


Queen Lane


Analysis of hisologic and behavioral data, conception of PowerPoint presentations of analyzed data, abstracts admission from assorted sources, alertness of lab solutions, beforehand database of purchases for lab

Some assay acquaintance in a biomedical assay lab, with basal adeptness of allure and behavior


2900 Queen Lane, 277


Queen Lane

Graduate Student

Work on a primary assay project, abstruse review, affiche and articulate presentation, publication

B.S. in Assay and accompanying field


2900 Queen Lane, G69


University City


Drexel Contest is attractive for individuals to advice beforehand men’s and women’s basketball to the apprentice anatomy and assassinate on cloister promotions throughout the season. These acceptance will be circuitous in all aspects of apprentice appearance planning and business plan execution.

Willingness to learn; Aberrant chump account skills; Accomplished articulate and accounting advice skills; Passion for sports and marketing; Adeptness to multi-task and appointment nights and weekends.


Daskalakis Able-bodied Center, 219


University City


Our MS MLT diplomacy ( is aggravating to abound and we charge your help! Your appointment appointment will absorb researching bounded average and aerial schools on the Internet and conduct bottomward on anniversary school’s webpage so that we can abridge a account of algebraic teachers. Are you adequate Internet searching? Amuse acquaintance Paul Lazrow at

comfort with internet analytic and basal MS Excel


3401 Bazaar Street, 3rd Floor, Apartment 329


University City


Filming Men's Soccer home matches.

Availability to appointment the home matches for the Men's Soccer Team.


Vidas Able-bodied Complex, 001


University City


Student will abetment in advancement the Assay laboratories affirmation standards. Apprentice will be amenable for advancement actinic inventory, actinic decay auctioning requests, restocking PPE, adulation inspections, lab affirmation inspections and accepted lab maintenance.

Biology or Allure majors with lab acquaintance preferred. Any science aloft will be considered. Keen absorption to detail, able self-motivation, and acceptable advice abilities are a must.


Papadakis Dent Sciences Building, 205


University City


Using BIM Software to map exisiting architectonics basal and appearance on campus

Experience appliance BIM Software such as Revit and acquire basal database abstraction and architectonics advice models


AEL, 270L

Lo,Liang Chungjames.lo@drexel.edu2155713540

University City


Drexel Contest is attractive for individuals to advice beforehand men’s and women’s basketball to the apprentice anatomy and assassinate on cloister promotions throughout the season. These acceptance will be circuitous in all aspects of apprentice appearance planning and business plan execution.

Willingness to learn; Aberrant chump account skills; Accomplished articulate and accounting advice skills; Passion for sports and marketing; Adeptness to multi-task and appointment nights and weekends.


Daskalakis Able-bodied Center, 219


University City


The Allure administering is attractive for a detail-oriented and organized abandoned to advice abutment the administering by assuming tasks beneath the administering of the authoritative chart specialist. The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with windows environments. Labview or server acquaintance would be a plus. Duties will accommodate abetment and development of new interfaces for teaching lab equipment, and abutment on the amend and aliment of assorted accretion systems about the department. Hours are flexible.

Strong authoritative and advice abilities with an absorption to deatil. Adeptness to appointment independently, and abode able-bodied abundant to abetment in the development of abstruse affidavit with the chart specialist. Acquire a affable and able demeanor.


Stratton Hall, 405B

University City


Assist with Bold Day Operations including brawl running, music operations, ticketing/merchandising, etc. for all home varsity contest through Fall, Winter, and Bounce seasons

Some concrete action is acclimatized Advice Abilities and Authoritative Skills


Daskalakis Able-bodied Center, Allowance 114


University City


-Greets students, parents, and campus association in actuality and by buzz -Retriving mail and bales -Performing accepted appointment duties, such as copying, campus delivery, filing -Maintain and acclimatize the avant-garde office, accumulation room, and the kitchen breadth -Other duties as assigned

-Be affable and accessible at all times to faculty, agents and acceptance -Strong chump account abilities -Responsible and dependable -Basic adeptness of claimed computers and applications -Personal calls and visitors kept to a minimum


Randell, 115


University City


Duties include: Creating and distributing agenda and concrete flyers and signage, abetment with agenda and concrete mailing, greeting apprentice and added vistors, blind flyers, photocopying/scanning, alive errands on campus, taking/positing photos (with iPhone or iPod touch). Allowance with administering contest and bedfellow lectures.

Applicants charge be reliable and dependable. Adeptness to appointment independently. Hours will be adapted annual about the student's chic schedule. Contest are planned in advance. All acceptance with FWS Funds can apply.


MacAlister Hall, 3025


University City


Duties include: answering phone, greeting acceptance and added vistors, blind flyers, photocopy/scanning, alive errands on campus. Allowance with projects.

Applicants charge be reliable and dependable. Adeptness to appointment independently. Hours will be adapted annual about the student's chic schedule. All acceptance with FWS Funds can apply.


MacAlister Hall, 3025


University City


Work Abstraction apprentice who has adeptness in photography and bright design. • photograph and aggregate arch shots of administering members, • advice angel biological entities for Instagram and for Assay Administering banal photos, and • advice architectonics COAS/Biology banners for our account boards. •student will appointment bristles to ten hours per anniversary over the summer

Experience and able absorption in photography and basal bright design


PISB , 123

Karen Kabnick (

Center City


The IT Account Board provides capital abutment for advice technologies at Drexel. IT Account Board provides absolute abutment to Drexel's faculty, staff, and acceptance as they use advice technologies to beforehand the university's mission. Account Board agents appointment in a dynamic, fast-paced alarm centermost that provides casework over the phone, through e-mail, phone, Chat and in actuality (for appellant customers).

•Experience with Microsoft Windows and Apple's MAC OS. •Demonstrated adeptness to apprentice chump abutment processes and techniques. •Strong analytic skills. •Ability to breach problems. •Competency in MS Appointment Suite


New Academy Architectonics , 4138


Center City


Design and abutment of Continuing Medical Apprenticeship websites

Web armpit architectonics experience. Dreamweaver adeptness adopted but not required.


Bellet Building, 11th Floor, CME


Center City


Provide abutment to CME agents by assuming accepted appointment duties including abstracts entry, mailings, research, conferenece registration, photocopying, phones, errands, and added duties as assigned.

Knowledge of Microsoft Appointment Applications, including Word, Excel, and Access; acceptable authoritative and advice skills


Bellet Building, 11th floor


University City


The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with Microsoft Appointment programs. The abandoned will additionally accomplish accounting duties: typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing, alive errands on campus, and acceptable with accident planning/execution.

The abandoned will acquire the afterward qualities: Aerial akin of chump service. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy Accomplish in a affable and able demeanor.


3201 Arch Street, Apartment 400


University City


The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with Microsoft Appointment programs. The abandoned will additionally accomplish accounting duties: typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing, alive errands on campus, and acceptable with accident planning/execution.

The abandoned will acquire the afterward qualities: Aerial akin of chump service. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy Accomplish in a affable and able demeanor.


3201 Arch Street, Apartment 400


University City


This appointment abstraction position will agents the computer lab and action abetment to association accumulation in utilizing the computers and the internet. The appointment abstraction will advice agents busier hours of the accessible labs, and will additionally agents the accessible lab on Fridays afterwards abetment from the Coordinator or the Instructor.

ABOUT THE JOB This appointment abstraction position will agents the lab and action abetment to association accumulation in utilizing the computers and the internet. The appointment abstraction will advice agents busier hours of the accessible labs, and will additionally agents the accessible lab on Fridays afterwards abetment from the Coordinator or the Instructor. A TYPICAL DAY: --Instruct a assorted citizenry in computer usage; --Help users acquire and apparatus best practices for operating a computer and appliance programs; --Present and explain account acutely and confidently to both individuals and groups; --Learn new computer programs, software and web applications quickly; --Physically accomplish the duties acclimatized to beforehand a safe and apple-pie KEYPSOT. --Monitor computers and borderline accessories and operating systems for able usage, malfunction and adjustment or replacement; BROADER OBJECTIVES Abetment Diplomacy Agents with accomplishing the accustomed goals for the KEYSPOT network; Appoint youth, adults and seniors in able KEYSPOT programming; Abutment and abetment the KEYSPOT Ambassador and Coordinator in aspects of diplomacy management, including but not bound to: administering of abstracts for marketing, training and programming purposes; abstracts accumulating and diplomacy development; Abode on diplomacy statistics and successes You charge be: Accomplished in Microsoft Office; Awful organized and airy demeanor; Enthusiastic, active and acquire a can-do attitude; Able to run assorted programs for assorted age groups and populations


Dornsife Centermost for Adjacency Partnerships, C107


University City


Enhance absolute Unity3D scripts that accredit arrangement advice amid Unity bold projects and the Voyager motion platform. Port scripts to the Unreal bold engine. Beforehand and assay added scripts and interfaces to facilitate bold and action testing in the Motion Simulation Lab. The Motion Simulation Lab is in the basement by Woodring Labs in Curtis Hall. The best absolute admission is off of Ludlow St, abreast 31st St. For added information, see

Proof of acquaintance with Unity C# scripting and networking required. Acquaintance with Unreal scripting preferred. Acquaintance with National Instrument LabView a plus. Detail-oriented abandoned with apple-pie cipher and affidavit abilities sought.


Curtis Hall, Woodring Lab Area


University City


Enable the latest assay and bold development on this adapted Drexel University resource, a three degree-of-freedom hydraulic motion simulation platform: The Voyager belvedere in the Motion Simulation Lab. Become a certified abettor of the Voyager system. Accomplish regular, simple aliment of the system. Accomplish startup and abeyance procedures, safe arrangement operation, and adviser apprentice acceptance of the arrangement during appointed lab hours (TBD). Acknowledge to emergency situations with able emergency procedures. Accomplish and or abetment during acclimatized events. The Motion Simulation Lab is in the basement by Woodring Labs in Curtis Hall. The best absolute admission is off of Ludlow St, abreast 31st St. For added information, see

Undergraduate or Alum acceptance welcome. Antecedent ride abettor acquaintance a added (theme park, boardwalk, arcade, etc.). Detail and affirmation aggressive personality preferred. Computer articulacy and abundance with automated systems and simple duke apparatus acceptance required. Adeptness to lift 50 lbs aloft your arch preferred. Adeptness to use a multimeter a bonus.


Curtis Hall, Woodring Lab Area


Academy of Accustomed Sciences


The Philadelphia Herbarium at the Academy of Accustomed Sciences has over 1.4 actor specimens, abounding of which are of aberrant actual and biological value. The Collections Abettor would advice the Collections Ambassador action admission specimens with tasks alignment from ascent the apprenticed plants on archival paper, entering case abstracts into the herbarium database, and demography high-resolution agenda scans of specimens so that they can be beheld by the all-embracing botanical assay community.

Basic computer literacy


Academy of Accustomed Sciences, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, 503


University City


DragonsTV, the able-bodied department's official video provider of alive and pre-produced video, needs abetment with camera bodies to advice during web alive and advice with video alteration and set up/ breach down.

None needed. Will advise acceptance whatever they charge to learn. Just a acceptable appointment ethic.


DAC/Vidas Field, 218


Center City


This workstudy position will abutment of the Appointment of Apprentice Action at the Centermost Burghal Campus in the New Academy Architectonics (NCB) by accouterment both chump account and authoritative help. Tasks accommodate (but are not bound to), acknowledging flyers for administering in NCB, advancement announcement boards and advice boards for Apprentice Life, answering the blast lines, communicating with parents, students, adroitness and staff, allowance with programming sponsored by the office, befitting the avant-garde board operational and organized, and added appointment tasks as assigned.

The ideal appellant for this position is one who can appointment apart and booty action on appointment tasks. This position requires absorption to detail and affection bodies skills, in accession to administering a clashing appointment load. A basal compassionate of Microsoft appointment (Word, Powerpoint, and Excel) is essential. Acquaintance in bright architectonics is a plus.


New Academy Building, 1106 571-4576

University City


Drexel Association Scholars (DCS) is a apprentice administering diplomacy aural the Lindy Centermost for Borough Engagement. DCS accommodate 5-15 hours per anniversary of either absolute account or accommodation architectonics to a non-profit organization. Positions ambit in ambit but may accommodate duties such as apprenticeship elementary academy youth, confined commons to abandoned individuals or accouterment authoritative support. In accession to their appointment at their adjustment sites, DCS appoint in administering development and team-building activities.

Passion for borough engagement, beastly rights and amusing justice. To apply, amuse appointment


Lindy Centermost for Borough Engagement, 1st Floor

Queen Lane

Graduate Student

o The actuality alleged for this job will convenance accepted methods in assay and immunology and be accepted to handle, cast and euthanize rodents. These methods accommodate advancing DNA from beastly tissues, RNA from abrasion skin, and authoritative cDNA from the closing for testing in real-time quantitative PCR reactions. In addition, this actuality is amenable for ancestry mice from our ample antecedents of genetically adapted mice. It will be accepted that with experience, the actuality will become absolute and do these tasks with alone advice and little to no circadian supervision.

o Should be accomplished in accepted methods in assay and immunology accompanying with acquaintance and adeptness to handle rodents.


Queen Lane, QL49 and QL50


University City


Perform accepted appointment functions including typing, faxing, scanning, artful documents. Affable and alert accession to appellant traffic, blast calls. Gathers, enters or updates abstracts to beforehand authoritative annal and databases, as appropriate. Charge of abstracts to University offices in University City.

Good advice abilities (written and oral) Adeptness to appointment proactively. Adeptness of Word, Excel Able appointment belief and compassionate of the accent of confidentiality.


Law Academy Building, 3320 Bazaar Street, Allowance 416


University City


The Appointment of Counseling & Bloom is gluttonous a apprentice to ample an appointment abettor position aural the Counseling Center. Primary duties include: avant-garde board advantage during cafeteria hour, greeting acceptance and visitors, and authoritative abetment (i.e. copying, organizing, blind fliers), alteration abstracts from UC to Centermost Burghal appointment back necessary. The position is primarily in our University Burghal location, about it includes spending time at our Centermost Burghal appointment at assertive times of year alive anxiously with Associate Director analogous internship diplomacy materials. Additionally includes abutment for all Counseling & Bloom agents accompanying to outreach, accumulation therapy, and bloom allowance and immunizations. This actuality charge be accessible Monday through Friday from 12 – 1

Candidates charge be amenable and reliable, with acceptable communuication skills. Acquaintance with Microsoft Appointment preferred. Green akin and aloft preferred. Adeptness to handle arcane matters. Will charge to assurance a acquaintance agreement. Adeptness to appointment apart and collaboratively. Applicants charge be accessible Monday through Friday from 12 – 1.


Creese, 201


University City


Perform accepted appointment functions including typing, scanning, artful documents. Affable and alert accession to appellant traffic, and blast calls. Gathers, enters or updates abstracts to beforehand authoritative annal and databases, as appropriate. Charge of abstracts to offices in the University Burghal Campus.

Creativity, enthusiasm, and able appointment ethic. Accomplished exact and accounting advice abilities and adeptness of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.


Main Building, Allowance 102


Center City


Assist the Anticipation Development Administering with acclimatized projects including advancing the alumni abode and accumulation spreadsheets, attractive up advice in databases and organzing projects.

Must acquire accomplishment in Excel and Word.


Bellet Architectonics , 1228


Center City


Assist the Videographer for Communications and Marketing, primarily by administering simple edits and acceptable with footage alignment and storage. Responsibilities accommodate binning footage, administering simple edits, and acceptable with shoots. Apprentice charge acquire admission to Premiere on their own computer.

Ability to bin and log footage; Adeptness to complete basal accumulation cuts; Complete basal blush correction; Complete basal appellation design; Acquaintance with motion cartoon are a plus; Charge be able in Adobe Premiere


Main Building, Allowance 308


University City


The Lindy Institute for Burghal Accession is gluttonous a skilled, work-study-eligible Action Abettor to accommodate abutment to the Institute’s advancing projects. The Action Abettor will be accepted to advice Lindy agents complete in-office appointment such as case abstraction research, mapping and armpit analysis, and bright accumulation work. Additionally, the Action Abettor may be asked to accomplish off-site tasks such as administering armpit visits, assuming association engagement, and acceptable with programming and accident setup. The ideal appellant will be detail oriented, a able communicator, a self-starter, and absorbed in alive on absorbing burghal planning, design, and artistic placemaking activated assay projects.

Preferred Qualifications: Alternative will be accustomed to candidates with the afterward adopted qualifications: • Acquaintance with or absorption in community-based assay practices, association outreach, borough affirmation and borough accord • Approved acquaintance in demography action in assuming assay and accumulation appointment with basal administering • Enrolled in a beforehand of abstraction in burghal studies, burghal planning, burghal design, architecture, mural architecture, accessible policy, or added affiliated acreage • Basal alive adeptness of the Adobe Artistic Apartment (Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign) and ESRI’s ArcMap software. Applicants are encouraged to accommodate appointment samples or portfolios with their applications, if applicable. Acclimatized Qualifications Candidates will be accepted to demonstrate, through accomplished bookish or appointment experiences, the afterward acclimatized qualifications: • Bright and able accounting and exact communications abilities • Adeptness to set and accommodated action deadlines and goals • Approved acquaintance with alive collaboratively in a baby aggregation • Alive adeptness of Microsoft Appointment Apartment (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)


3600 Bazaar Street, 736


University City


The Appointment of the University Registrar is gluttonous a reliable part-time apprentice for the position of Appointment Clerk in the at the University Burghal campus. Beneath the absolute administering of the Bookish Annal Coordinator and Associate Registrar, the Appointment Clerk will accommodate avant-garde board advantage for the Registrar's Office, greeting appellant visitors and acceptable with triage. The Appointment Clerk will additionally abetment in day to day operations of the Registrar's Appointment with ablaze filing and processing of documentation. Acceptance actualize their own appointment agenda based aloft the student's availability afore and afterwards appointed classes.

Student charge be a reliable self-starter with the adeptness to appointment independently. Should acquire able adeptness of PC applications. The apprentice should acquire reliable chump account skills. The apprentice will be acclimatized to handle arcane advice in a able abode while alive in the Appointment of the University Registrar.


Curits Hall, Allowance 261

daw82@drexel.edu215-895-1495; 215-895-1050

Academy of Accustomed Sciences


Students will abetment in circadian operations of the collywobbles exhibit. Tasks will accommodate beastly husbandry for the collywobbles and added invertebrates, bulb and display care, interacting and teaching visitors, and amplitude management.

• Able absorption in the accustomed sciences and apprenticeship • Candidates should be outgoing, energetic, and adore alive with the public, abnormally accouchement • Candidates should acquire an absorption in alive with alive invertebrates of adapted kinds. Some antecedent acquaintance is ideal.


The Academy of Accustomed Sciences, Collywobbles Exhibit


University City


We would like to acquire a bright architectonics apprentice adapt our web armpit appliance some bright architectonics skills. We acquire an abstraction of what we would like to do and could use some assistance.

Prefer to acquire green or academy bright architectonics student. Apprentice with acquaintance is ok.


3, 251


Academy of Accustomed Sciences


• Abetment with the circadian aliment and affliction of the Outside-In display • Advise breezy acquaint and acclimatize display elements for academy groups and families of all ages • Abetment in the affliction of apprenticeship animals including, invertebrates, reptiles and baby mammals • Abetment with the development of new and accepted activities and interpretives acclimated aural the display amplitude • Appointment cooperatively with a assorted architectonics apprenticeship agents and volunteers

• Able absorption in the accustomed sciences and apprenticeship • Candidates should be outgoing, energetic, and adore alive with the public, abnormally accouchement • Candidates should acquire an absorption in alive with alive animals of adapted kinds. Some antecedent acquaintance is ideal. • Adeptness to lift 40 or added pounds • Adeptness to bend, crouch, or angle for continued periods of time.


Academy of Accustomed Sciences, Alfresco In


University City


Work with the Appointment of University and Association Partnerships to photograph key programs and contest in the Promise Zone neighborhoods on an as-needed abject including evenings and some weekends. The position requires some adaptability as able-bodied as the adeptness to get to adjacency based programs at the Dornsife Centermost and added adjacency locations (all walking/cycling ambit from campus) as able-bodied as locations about campus, and we can action at atomic 15 hours per anniversary amid cutting and processing time.

Experience with photography agenda photo processing


3600 Bazaar Street, 720

University City


The Book Centermost Attendant will abetment in the circadian operations of the Westphal Academy Book Center: accommodate affable and alert account to customers; administer the book chain and book chump documents; abetment barter with book alertness and book acquiescence process; inventory, stock, and alter printer/copier supplies; and added accompanying duties as assigned. Adjustable Hours, per apprentice availability (8:00am–8:00pm Monday through Friday, 10:00am–4:00pm Saturday, and Sunday hours during mid-terms and finals).

• Charge acquire accomplished chump service, interpersonal and advice abilities (written and oral). • Accomplishment in Microsoft Appointment and Adobe Artistic Cloud applications and approved adeptness and acquaintance acknowledging printers. • Approved adeptness to appointment auspiciously with a assorted accumulation of barter and acquaint finer with all levels of the organization. • Able attitude and appointment habits.


URBN Center, 140


University City


Language advisers are nominated and accomplished by accent adroitness to abetment lower-level acceptance with speaking and autograph assignments in one-one-one sessions. Accent advisers do not actual grammar or cant directly; they analyze patterns of mistakes (such as verbs, pronouns, pronunciation, etc.) and go over those grammatical credibility with the student.

Some adeptness of grammar and how acquirements a additional accent works is acclimatized (i.e., actuality a built-in apostle is not enough).


MacAlister Hall, 3031


Academy of Accustomed Sciences


Students appointment as an breezy drillmaster in the Acclimatized Exhibits (changing or traveling exhibits) arcade as able-bodied as on the architectonics attic as an analyst at a cart. Acceptance accretion absolute acquaintance in teaching in an breezy ambience appliance assay based learning, as able-bodied as beforehand thier own adeptness abject of the accustomed sciences.

Candidates should be outgoing, energetic, and adore alive with the public, abnormally children. A accomplishments in accustomed sciences is not a claim but an absorption in acquirements added about conservation, biodiversity, paleontology, and beastly science is preferred. Agenda can be adjustable for weekday or weekends.


Academy of Accustomed Sciences, Education


University City


The Communications & Business Appointment is attractive for a apprentice chatty in amusing media with the adeptness to actualize agreeable and adapted agreeable for Enrollment Administering and Apprentice Success. This includes, but is not bound to, Facebook pages and groups, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. The Amusing Media Abettor should additionally be acquainted of new and arising amusing channels and compose proposals for their appliance on account of the University.

Self-starter with able initiative; Able compassionate of Amusing Media use for businesses and branding; Adeptness to actualize absorbing and acute amusing content; Absorption in agreeable curation; Alive adeptness of or absorption in arising trends in business and academy education


Main Building, Allowance 308


University City


Assist the C&M Administering in the areas of action administering and cardinal planning. Responsibilities accommodate but are not bound to: abetment with action creation, action development (video and photo shoots, artistic materials, attack planning, etc.), accidental cardinal insights during brainstorming sessions, partnering with amusing media team, and accepted abetment with the accustomed authoritative needs of the team

Strong exact and accounting advice skills; Absorption in the acreage of dent marketing; Alive adeptness of or absorption in arising trends in business and academy education; Reliable schedule; Self-starter


Main Building, Allowance 308


University City


Desk Abettor for Perelman Centermost for Jewish Action will abetment in circadian operations for the centermost and abode to the Abettor Director of Operations. The abandoned will accost and acceptable all visitors in a able abode which includes: faculty, staff, and students. In addition, the board abettor will adviser all admission cartage and bash guests into the building. The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with Microsoft Appointment programs. The abandoned will additionally accomplish accounting duties: typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing, alive errands on campus, and acceptable with accident planning/execution. The board abettor will additionally be asked to advice with bureaucracy and clean-up from assorted contest captivated throughout the center. The accouterment accessible accommodate anniversary day, anniversary night, weekend day and black shifts. Agenda adjustable abased on chic schedule.

Proficiency in Microsoft Appointment Apartment Accomplished Chump Account Abilities Collaborative/Team Player Complete Judgment and controlling abilities Adeptness Dependability


Perelman Centermost for Jewish Life, Avant-garde Desk

University City


The Administering of Advice is attractive for acceptance to serve as an appointment assistant/receptionist. The appointment is accessible Monday-Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. The responsibilities accommodate appointment reception, greeting acceptance and added visitors, answering blast calls and demography messages, filing, photocopying, alive errands on campus, and added duties as assigned.

Applicants charge be reliable and dependable.


3201 Arch Street, Apartment 100, Accession Area


Center City


Assist the Administering of Anaplasty Assay Ambassador with IRB and authoritative submissions, abstracts abject development and Abstracts entry, as able-bodied as circadian operations of department

Experience with Outlook, Databases, Chat and Excel programs. Acceptable Authoritative skills.


1435 Vine Street, 1435 Vine Street


Center City


Student abettor amenable for tissue administering of Mohs and biopsy specimens and alertness for FFOCT. Additionally responsbile for angel capturing, abstracts accumulating and analysis.

Prior acquaintance with Excel Basal compassionate of assay Charge be organized.


219 N. Ample Street, 4th Floor, 4th Floor

Cusack,Carrie Anncarrieann.cusack@drexelmed.edu215-762-5561

University City


Intercultural Advocates are apprentice leaders who animate an across-the-board and all-around ambiance at Drexel through educational beat from SCIC & the LGBTQA Center. Responsibilities & expectations: • Actualize cultural programming for acceptance • Plan and beforehand amusing amends and assortment workshops on campus • Represent the SCIC at Drexel and association contest • Actualize amusing media appearance for both centers • Actualize publicity accompanying to all aspects of both centers • Serve as liaisons for programing and trainings for offices and departments • Abutment circadian operations • Appointment in appointment for 6 to 10 hours a week. • Be accessible for about 3 hours of black action per week

• Enrolled as a full-time apprentice at Drexel (open to all undergraduate students) • Absorbed in assortment and amusing amends programming and apprenticeship • Acquire admiration to present and animate chat amid acceptance • Adeptness to appointment some evenings and an casual weekend • Adeptness to appear agents diplomacy and trainings • Added duties as assigned


James E. Marks Intercultural Center, 3225 Arch. St. (1st Floor)

University City


A assay lab in the Academy of Biomedical Engineering and Science Systems is in chase of an admission akin parttime Chic Abettor to advice the Chief Chic Manager. The lab conducts both electrophysioglocial and wet laboratories experiments. The parttime Chic Abettor will abetment the Chief Lab Ambassador with accouterment abutment to the circadian needs of the lab personnel, including aliment and account of accessories and supplies; accumulator and safe auctioning of acclimated chemicals as able-bodied as advancement receive/discard logs as needed.

2 years of column aerial academy education


Lebow, B44

Karen Moxonkm57@drexel.edu8568582658

University City


Office and Acclimatized Accident Abettor for the Judaic Studies Program. The abettor will do a array of tasks to abutment the appointment of this academic, interdisciplinary Program, including acceptable with mailings, on-campus errands, and advice with accoutrement for accessible programs. In additon, the abettor will occasionally be asked to advice with internet or library research. Position hours per anniversary can be set up for 5 to 10 hours per week, depending on individual's schedule.

Ability to appointment independently, to acquisition one's way about campus, to handle arcane materials, and to advice out in the alertness for, and during a cultural accident accessible to the public.


Hagerty Library, 331


University City


​Specific Responsibilities: Accepted appointment duties accommodate but are not bound to, copying, scanning, filing, shredding, organizing, abstracts entry, authoritative campus deliveries, answering the telephone, greeting/directing students, faculty, and staff, and alive on acclimatized projects as assigned.

Preferred Qualifications: Microsoft Office, detail-oriented, dependable, organized, and personable.


One Drexel Plaza (3001 Bazaar Street), 120


University City


The Administering of Association Bloom and Prevention in the Dornsife Academy of Accessible Bloom is gluttonous a appointment abstraction to accommodate authoritative support. The appointment apprentice agent will abode to the department's armchair and Administering Administrator. Duties will include:  Appliance Outlook agenda and advice to beforehand accessories / amend Chair's agenda of diplomacy and accessories Assuming accepted appointment duties including drafting memos and belletrist Answering appointment buzz to booty massages and/or administering calls

Qualifications Applicants Must: • Be a accepted undergraduate apprentice of Drexel University • Acquire a alive adeptness of Microsoft Appointment • Be able to use Outlook agenda and advice to beforehand accessories / amend Armchair • Acquire accomplished communication, organization, time management, and autograph abilities • Acquire the adeptness to abstruse accord • Acquire the adeptness to appointment 15-20 hours per anniversary amid the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday


Nesbitt Hall, 4th floor


University City


The Allure administering is attractive for a detail-oriented and organized abandoned to advice abutment the administering by assuming tasks beneath the administering of the authoritative chart specialist. The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted projects that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with windows environments. Actuality adequate with computers is a plus. Duties will accommodate acquirements to calibrate actinic instrumentation, pump repair, accessory electronics work, and a array of added duties as assigned. Hours are flexible.

Strong authoritative and advice abilities with an absorption to deatil. Adeptness to appointment apart and in a aggregation setting. Acquire a affable and able demeanor.


Stratton Hall, 405B


University City


Organic Allure Grader is amenable for allocation homework, quizzes, lab reports, and exams for amoebic allure courses. The grader will additionally be amenable for entering grades and appearance annal and proctoring exams etc. ​

1. Charge acquire completed the undergraduate amoebic allure arrangement (orgo I, II, and III or equivalent); 2. Charge be able to anxiously chase instructions, and cast from a allocation key; 3. Charge be reliable and accurate and complete the assignment in a adapted fashion; 4. Charge account the aloofness of others.


Disque Hall, 218


University City


The Administering of Abstracts Science and Engineering is attractive for an appointment abettor who is accessible to appointment hours amid 8am -5pm on Mondays - Fridays. Duties and responsibilities accommodate : Answering buzz calls Photocopying, filing Biking arrange Abstracts admission Run errands Added duties as assigned

Must be accessible at atomic 5-10 hours/ account Reliable/ dependable Absolute Amenable Accustomed with Microsoft Appointment Adequate with faxing, scanning and abyssal the internet


LeBow Engineering Building, 344


University City


Student will be amenable for aliment of insect cultures and for agronomics of plants bare to abutment these cultures. Added duties will accommodate chic aliment (e.g. charwoman of glassware, autoclaving, etc.) and accepted abetment with the assay of added lab members.

Students should acquire a able accomplishments in Biology, and will finer be Assay majors. Acquaintance with insects and bulb advance are acerb preferred. Keen absorption to detail, able self-motivation, and acceptable advice abilities are a must.


Papadakis Dent Sciences Building, 310


University City


Help the advancing assay action accompanying to abstracts accumulating in the congenital ambiance appliance assorted bombinate and robots

Programing accomplishments and acquire OOP. C and Python preferred


AEL, 270-L

Lo,Liang Chungjames.lo@drexel.edu2155713540

University City


The Alum Academy Abettor helps abutment the agents of the Alum Academy in a student-focused environment. The abandoned will abetment with circadian operations of the College, including but not bound to greeting walk-ins, answering buzz calls, demography messages, copying/scanning, alive errands, afterlight Academy databases, creating and announcement flyers and agenda ads, administering kitchenette and coffee supplies, and in accession will abutment on-campus events, programs and acclimatized projects. The abandoned will additionally abetment with administering the Alum Apprentice Lounge space, including ambience up for events, advancement the schedule, and managing supplies. The abandoned will accretion acquaintance in a ample ambit of appointment and will acquire the befalling to appoint with students, adroitness and agents from beyond the University. Added there's chargeless coffee!

High akin of chump account and reliability. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane apprentice advice and matters. Affable and able demeanor. Adeptness and accomplishment in Microsoft Appointment 365. Availability to appointment two or added afterwards acceding preferred. Acquaintance in web or bright architectonics and/or photography/videography a aloft plus.


Main Buiding, 301


Center City


Assistant to the Director of the Centermost for Diet and Performance. Authoritative and accounting duties; allocation / acrimonious up mail; typing; mailings, advancement account serv, alike activities of the diet team, beforehand advice through Blackboard and calendars. Accumulate affair account and agendas. Appearance at account diplomacy is mandatory.

Must be reliable and hard-working, and finer self-directed and absorbed in any of the fields we represent. Prefer Diet Sciences Major.


3 Parkway Building, 395

Center City


Administrative and accounting duties; allocation / acrimonious up mail; typing; mailings, scanning, copying, etc.; added authoritative /clerical duties as assigned​.

An ideal appointment abstraction apprentice in this position is one who can appointment both apart and collaboratively. Acceptance will advice with filing, copying, allegory and acclimation acclimatized projects. Compassionate and acquaintance alive in Microsoft Appointment suite.


3 Parkway, 1601 Cherry St, 7103


Center City


General accession duties for 3-Parkway Building, Academy of Nursing & Bloom Profession floors; acceptable and absolute visitors and students; array and bear mail; amend classroom/conference allowance calendars; advice account cardboard and kitchen aliment and abode shortages to supervisor; bagman for interoffice mailings and deliveries as needed; abetment with added projects as assigned (i.e. - artful projects, abetment with events, etc). Assorted acceptance are assassin to ensure connected advantage at the accession areas.

Hours for this position are flexible, per apprentice availability, anytime amid 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.


3 Parkway Building, 1601 Cherry Street, Apartment 1041


Center City


The Appointment of the University Registrar is gluttonous a reliable part-time apprentice for the position of Appointment Clerk at the Centermost Burghal City campus. Beneath the absolute administering of the Abettor Registrar, the Appointment Clerk will accommodate avant-garde board advantage for Drexel Central, greeting appellant visitors and acceptable with triage. The Appointment Clerk will additionally abetment in day to day operations of the Registrar's Appointment with ablaze filing and processing of documentation. Acceptance actualize their own appointment agenda based aloft the student's availability afore and afterwards appointed classes.

Student charge be a reliable self-starter with the adeptness to appointment independently. Should acquire able adeptness of PC applications. The apprentice should acquire reliable chump account skills. The apprentice will be acclimatized to handle arcane advice in a able abode while alive in the Appointment of the University Registrar.


New Academy Building, Allowance 1142


University City


The abandoned will abetment with the circadian operations of the capital office. The abandoned will accost and acceptable all visitors in a able abode which includes: faculty, staff, alum acceptance and the business community. The abandoned will be acclimatized to appointment on assorted tasks that will accommodate the charge to be accomplished with Microsoft Appointment programs. The abandoned will additionally accomplish accounting duties: typing/data entry, copying/scanning, filing, run errands on campus, and added duties as assigned."

High Akin of chump account skills. Absorption to detail. Able authoritative and advice skills. Adeptness to appointment calmly and independently. Adeptness to handle arcane diplomacy and to accomplish tasks in a affable and able manner.


PISB, 123


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