Death Anniversary Cards Templates

Making rules and breaking rules is how we sum up the aftermost 12 months aback March 2020 aback the lockdown began and afflicted the world. The communicable disconnected flesh into those who cared and those who didn't.

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The affluent took off in clandestine planes to clandestine islands and drank Dom Perignon in underground bunkers while the poor and the boilerplate chic asleep in millions.

The communicable additionally showed humanity’s hidden heart: bags of Candelabrum Warriors - frontline bloom workers - who risked their lives to save patients, generally accident the fight. Intimacy portended abhorrence and separation.

The apple was plunged into a surreal afterglow area disease, afterlife and anguish were the army of the Coronacalypse. National economies collapsed. Apple leaders went into abnegation and afresh approved badly to stop the viral alternative of their old folk and youth.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked Indians to exhausted their animate plates and about-face on cellphone torches, and citizens answerable to alarm the virus away. Yogapreneur Baba Ramdev's Patanjali was quick to banknote in on with a Coronil kit that promised a coronavirus cure and amnesty addition earning him a quick rap on the duke from the Union Bloom Ministry. India got on the amiss ancillary of the account on its administration of abandoned and media freedom, but vaccine abode has brought it burning kudos.

Even terrorists took a break, added abashed of afterlife by coronavirus than by suicide. It was 12 months of new phrases and accomplishments that was oxygen for lexiconists -, and the like got into the act with gusto.

Phrases like 'herd immunity' were no best referred to sheep. Bodies formed from home and acceptance took online classes alternating with online games.

The Yale beatitude class, one of the varsity’s best accepted classes, offered "The Science of Well-Being", which saw over 3.3 actor bodies signing up. In the adumbration of a additional wave, vaccines and dosages are actuality debated. Optimism is axis out to be the best antibiotic to action COVID-19. A animated attending at the times on the ceremony of the lockdown.

Masked and Awash

As 2020 staggered in ample in war, altitude change and Donald Trump, it was Musk to Affectation never has Elon Musk’s Mars antecedents acquainted so appealing. Turns out, as the year ended, bodies were still acquirements how to accurately ablution their hands.

Take a bow, citizens of the Earth. This accomplished year has absolutely accomplished us the acceptation of 20 abnormal yes, that’s how continued you should be abrasion your hands. And about that binding mask, able-bodied aback Gucci makes masks and the helpmate enters cutting one, you apperceive the apple will never be the aforementioned again. And Candelabrum wasn’t article you smoked any more.

The China Shop

No added country has got added bad columnist than China during the pandemic. Donald Trump kept calling it the Chinese virus aback it is believed to accept originated from a absurd Wuhan wet market. Indians absitively to clutter affairs Chinese (However, Zomato delivers chowmein and wontons as if China is closing down) admitting it is during this aeon that exports to China in 2020 afflicted USD 17.12 billion and Beijing took its aperture aback as India’s top barter partner.

This is How We Rock It

The coronavirus hit adulate craven and bhangra appropriate in the solar perplex. The celebratory spirit went aback in the bottle. But there is abandoned so abundant one can do afterwards a 'pawry'. The Big Fat Indian Wedding diminished to Size 'S' - S for snazzy, smart, adult - with a basic upgrade; altogether parties, kitties, and ancestors get-togethers went Zooming. As celebrations went digital, the show-sha went on, complete with bubbly, cake, artist wear, and of advance muah muahs.

Shop and Bazaar Some More

Restaurants shut. No pubbing or communicable up with friends. Not akin bitching the bang-up out at assignment or dissing that brain colleague. Home abandoned with assignment and chores. What can one do in this situation? Aback COVID-19 times go tough, the boxy go shopping. It was afresh 'fastest feel first'. The catechism whether you ‘really needed’ it will appear abandoned afterwards aback the acclaim agenda bill drops into your mailbox. 

Bow, Bump, Namaste

The Japanese and the Indians had ample out amusing breach continued ago. The bow and the namaste became the ‘greeting shield’ aback advancement the two-hand ambit became de rigueur at ATMs and supermarkets. Or did the bend bang for dudes.

People schmoozed beneath with less, and as a aftereffect got to apperceive anniversary added better. Parties became dinners and lunches with no added than six bodies who sanitised their easily afore sitting down. Here’s a tip: If you anticipate others are accepting too abutting for comfort, bright your throat audibly and clean your adenoids not so elegantly. Voila! You accept your space.


While we self-isolated and backward indoors, our smartphones were our windows to the world. Till we absitively to cast the camera and let the apple attending in as we doled out adorableness advice, affable tips, abandoned grandma’s recipes; best out what to read, what to watch, how to live, how to exhausted COVID-19, how to laugh, how to… the account is endless. It seemed the apple had aggregate absent-mindedness brief and amusing media influencers had to advise them all the tricks afore 2021  dropped.

One never knew there are so abounding influencers peddling their wares. Narcissism got an advancement as bodies togged up and FaceTimed. All dressed up and boilerplate to go became the new accustomed as photos and videos of chic out himbos and bimbos abounding Instagram.

TikTok became a apprehension subculture's backpack baton with videos - some funny, some angry - that took your apperception off the bad news. Admitting actor ball is a austere business in India - not arise a antic can acreage you in bastille in the age of COVID-19. 

DIY is the Name of the Game

With best casework blockage shut for a continued aeon due to the lockdown, bodies took to accomplishing it all themselves. From advancing up with DIY adorableness secrets, agronomical tips, to akin authoritative coffee tables and garden chairs with scraps… aggregate and annihilation is aural reach. All you charge is a YouTube tutorial or two, a artistic mind, a accessible cement gun and you could about float your own home business.  

Turbo-charging Fitness

Remember how we would consistently accomplish excuses for our weight by saying: "Oh, but there is no time to go to the gym." Well, in 2020 there were no excuses as the gyms came home to you. Literally. Experts say the communicable has apparent a billow in gym membership, never apperception the actuality that it is digital.

In fact, basic classes acquiesce for in-person and targeted coaching. And in these ambiguous times, who doesn’t appetite that? Weight accident by video went a footfall up with airing at home videos.

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Keyed In

The lockdown additionally brought with it its allotment of happiness. Aback was the aftermost time you got to absorb so abundant time with family? Locked in calm at home, it was time to reconnect and revisit old memories and accomplish new ones.

With no appointment to go to, no parties to attend, no schools and colleges to accumulate you busy, ancestors took centre stage. The ambiguous times fatigued the accent of relationships and absorption those abutting to us. It additionally fabricated bodies sit up and breach up: abounding realised that relationships suck.

COVID break-up is a recognised affairs condition. Calm corruption rose beyond the apple as couples were cooped up for months, and a committed hotline to accord with calm abandon was launched during the lockdown by yes, you read it appropriate Uttar Pradesh Police.

Education afterwards Borders

Quarantine was a amber abstraction afterwards schools showed no signs of opening. Physical classrooms became somewhat bombastic afterwards e-learning brought ancestry home. Agenda accoutrement such as Google Classroom, Khan Academy, ePathshala and others broadened the ambit of apprenticeship and fabricated knowledge-sharing dynamic.

Pandemic-jolted professionals invested time in upskilling. Engineering/IT, BFSI, manufacturing, amid others, were the sectors that generated the best traction, according to Abundant Learning, an online college apprenticeship portal, that afresh appear its user trends assessment. 

Fashion Forward

It took a communicable to agitate up the industry and accomplish designers acquainted of the accent of e-com. Finally, abounding retailers took to ablution websites or partnered with accepted online arcade portals to drive in revenues.

Given that India’s e-commerce bazaar is accepted to abound from USD 38.5 billion in 2017 to USD 200 billion by 2026, according to a abode by the Indian Brand Equity Foundation, accustomed names such as Gaurav Gupta, Kshitij Jalori and others opened portals to approach your close shopper.

Health in Your Hands

With the aberrant accident of normalcy, 2020 was the year of aggregate bereavement. The brief acceleration in the cardinal of all-overs and abasement cases was the bigger assurance of doom. Brainy bloom issues came out of the caliginosity to abode bodies in ample daylight.

As abounding as 68.6 percent of therapists appear an admission in patients and time spent with them, according to a abstraction conducted by the Delhi-based brainy bloom account platform, The Center of Healing (TCOH).

Fitbit acclaimed a 38 percent abatement in the boilerplate accomplish taken by individuals worldwide. It additionally begin that 74 percent appear accent and 88 percent appear anxiety. Accepting said that, this accompaniment of affecting emergency gave acceleration to bodies gluttonous help.

Psychiatric counselling went online, with added bodies actuality able to admission it. Agenda bloom accoutrement emerged as connected companions. A 25 percent acceleration in bloom app downloads was acclaimed aback the communicable bankrupt out. Specialised ones for abundance care, aged issues, beddy-bye monitoring, and affection and achievement affliction offered burning updates.

Home is Where the Appointment is

Within the mural of ambiguity with downsizing, pay cuts and layoffs, assignment from home came as a extenuative adroitness for businesses. One could now ‘go to work’ in pajamas. Words such as 'workations' came into actuality with bodies travelling to accepted anniversary destinations in the closing allotment of the communicable months, such as Goa, Kerala, Mussoorie, Shimla and others, and ambience up 'office' there.

Automation technologies boomed. According to a PwC abstraction in December 2019, 74 percent of companies planned to admission spending on HR tech in 2020 to abode acute aptitude needs.

Travel Smart

Urban advancement patterns saw a affecting about-face as the use of accessible carriage came to a cutting halt. This was apparent as an befalling for convalescent walking and cycling infrastructure. Abounding argued the charge for reassessing priorities about alley busline systems, accustomed that the communicable had apparent several inefficiencies such as the accountability of population, baneful emissions, babble pollution, absence of safe banal paths, abridgement of cycling tracks, bare last-mile connectivity, and an all-embracing accompaniment of blow with commendations to accessible transport. 

Take Care

With chaotic routines, self-care became about survival. The communicable put the ‘I’ in COVID as self-care became a priority. Bodies woke up to the claim of afternoon naps, meditation, journaling, gardening, cleaning, drawing, baking and more. Also, with salons shut, women began acclimation adorableness accoutrement and kits at home, extenuative both time and money.

Truly, Essentially Yours

Behavioural patterns amid manufacturers and consumers afflicted with absorption to capital commodities. For the aboriginal time masks and sanitisers became essential. You cannot access a bazaar afterwards dispatch on the duke sanitiser.

The action went out of aerial as associates donned PPE kits, and gave artificial plates and forks in Business Class. Manufacturers of drugs, medical accessories and aliment cashed in on big and their e-wallets were bulging. Meanwhile, the apprehensive neighbourhood grocer came to the accomplishment - admitting by hiking prices - as 2020 saw a kirana comeback. 

Green Peace

The communicable was a admonishing to us not to blend with Nature. Lockdowns ensured a desperate advance in air quality, bringing respiratory diseases down, according to some studies. Policymakers and enactment leaders zoomed in their absorption on the awakening of the planet by rethinking ecology behavior and afterlight absolute protocols to about-face and balance amercement in a post-COVID world. Delhi saw dejected skies and birds on the lawn. The Yamuna got dolphins. Now we are aback in the business of accumulation seppuku by accepting aback to engineering altitude change.

Touch me Not

Touch me not is no best a flower. The 'Tap and go' archetypal of auction and acquirement came into vogue, and bodies aback realised there was arete in DeMo afterwards all - bill addendum agitated bugs and e-wallets became popular.

There were about 21 billion agenda affairs in the banking year 2020. And 79 percent of participants of a contempo all-around customer analysis said they adopted contactless acquittal due to germ-free considerations. Wearable accessories emerged as acute acquittal solutions wherein the acute accessory connects to your credit, debit, or prepaid cards.

Less is More

The quintessential acquisitive mentality gave way to alert living. ‘Smaller and fewer’ became the mantra. Aback the agency to get akin basics was threatened, minimalistic active became a necessity.

Clothes swapping clubs sprang up, jewellery was refashioned, books were aggregate rather than bought, domiciliary things were anchored rather than trashed. As exertions stopped, accouchement and adults akin took to absorbing themselves at home. Some played lath games, while others painted. Frugality able us for uncertainty.

Turbulent 'Landing'

The accident was inevitable. With absolute acreage actuality the country’s second-highest application generator, the pandemic-led recession hit lives and livelihoods. Commercial absolute acreage saw aberrant aerial cuts. Renting agreement were re-negotiated. Appointment leasing volumes plummeted exponentially. All this has accustomed acceleration to the abstraction of ambience up accessory offices. Micro bazaar districts emerged as advantageous advance options. 

Deliver Us from COVID

The award-winning for the all-over face of COVID-2020 goes to the commitment boy. In cities big and small, adolescent men zipping alternating mobiles with home deliveries from Zomato, Swiggy and Amazon are a accepted sight. The Zomato aide in Bengaluru akin got anti-Karen Parineeti Chopra arguing his case on Instagram.


Sports, abnormally aggregation sports, hibernated for a continued time afore accepting reinstated, admitting modifications. The Tokyo Olympic Amateur were confused to 2021. Test candid was played in abandoned stadiums for the aboriginal time in 143 years. Sporting tournaments were alleged off. No adulatory handshakes nor any victory-filled aerial fives amid sportsmen or spectators.  

Have a Heart

The communicable brought out the best and the affliction in people. Migrants walking hundreds of kilometres to their villages is one of the pandemic’s constant images. India stepped up as accustomed bodies broadcast aliment and set up roadside kitchens.

Of course, you cannot accumulate politicians from base any befalling for self-aggrandizement - the actual accessible quarrels over hiring buses for the migrants became career boosters. Accompaniment administrations rose to the occasion, some by spraying chemicals on the hapless walkers. Caste and association no best mattered as migrants aggregate aliment and water. Covid was the abundant leveller and unifier in 2020.

My Word!

Every crisis throws up new phrases and words, as accent accumulates new experiences. No added abnormality has afflicted the 21st Century than COVID-19 and dictionaries are accepting to add pages. chose 'pandemic' as the chat of the year.

Gone viral are phrases such as asymptomatic, acquaintance tracing, abrade the curve, fomites, frontliner, furlough, assemblage immunity, hydroxychloroquine, infodemic, lockdown, long-hauler, essential/nonessential, PPE, pod quarantine, apartment in place, amusing distancing, superspreader, twindemic, and viral load.

Streaming Delight

The pandemic, which affected ball avenues to bottomward shutters, was annihilation abbreviate of a Black Hole for the bored. 'Small Brother' OTT became the 'big daddy' of all, which of advance had the moral army agreeable for regulation.

Physical audience-driven acts such as agreeable contest and theatre slayed it digitally. As ball streamed into anniversary house, online became mainline as artists beyond borders captivated crossover basic contest to accession money. 

Bite of the Times

2020 metamorphosed the aliment business. A chef was built-in every minute. While homemakers, bachelors, men who had never stepped into the kitchen so far, and akin kids as adolescent as six, donned the chef's hat, restaurants got avant-garde with DIY kits, limousine-delivered food, basic affable classes and added to break in the acceptable books and memories of their assemblage afraid abaft bankrupt doors.

As the communicable brought alternating a access of flavour into apprehensive home kitchens, the aliment industry got a assignment or two in upskilling. Who won bigger is anybody's guess. 

World Wide View

"Imagine there's no countries, It isn't adamantine to do…"sang John Lennon in 1971. The apple absolved him as a 'dreamer'. 2020, however, accepted the apple was absolutely afterwards borders. Akin admitting biking was grounded, you did not charge visas and passports to booty wing. You could aces any city, and your smartphone or laptop would booty you about on a basic tour.

But as the area opened up against the end of the year, it is now a afflicted world. Alternating with added requirements for travel, there is addition added one - hygiene and medical safety. Some countries are arising anesthetic passports.

The Zoom Boom

As per Zoom’s centralized user statistics, it hit its aiguille in April 2020 with 300 million-plus users logging in daily. While the billow was dialled aback due to aloofness concerns, one affair was absolutely clear—Zoom was the boardroom of the future.

It had its moments too like attorneys arguing in their underwear and accomplishing anathema things aback the camera was still on. While abounding added casework approved adamantine to carbon Zoom’s success, the belvedere had appropriate and confidently zoomed ahead.

From offices, bookish institutions, conferences, to parties, weddings, ancestors get-togethers and akin government meetings, it was time to Zoom. Webinars took the abode of seminars, blitzing NGO junkets. The government, decumbent to acquisition an anti-national beneath every bookish stone, absitively all webinars with foreigners bare its permission, until acceptable faculty prevailed.

Heavy Petting

Quarantine became a pet attraction in 2020. Pets are the best accent busters, and it was a demanding year. Dog trainers accept their kennels abounding and every additional bazaar is now a pet shop. Aback bodies accept apparent the air-conditioned cat in them.

Adoptions accept gone up with bodies and baby dogs like Spitzes and Beagles accepting top billing, aback they do bigger in apartments than a GSD or a Rottie. Pet aliment sales are vertical and so is variety; a bazaar pet bakery affairs dog ice creams and muffins is accomplishing active business.

Hot dogs are abatement abandoned singles as able-bodied as kids with activity to burn. Breeders accept never been this happy.

Coronnial (Corona millennial): Built-in afterwards the pandemic's outbreak

Coronababy: Child built-in afterwards December 2019 

Coronasomnia: Can’t beddy-bye because of coronapsychosis

Coronacut: Aback you cut your own beard during lockdown

Coronacation: Blockage away from work and school

Coronacoaster: Intense affecting activity during 2020

COVID-10: Weight accretion by blockage at home

Covidiot: Bodies who baffle protocols and don’t ablution their hands

Chloroquine, Fabiflu, Remdesivir: Utter these argot twisters to complete like a candelabrum pro

Anti-masker: The communicable advocate who thinks the coronavirus is a rumour affected by aliens and liberals

Bubble: No accommodated or greet, and stay away from the virus in it

The Afore Times: The cornball acceptable times afore the communicable became the killjoy of the year. Appears both in the aboriginal Star Trek and the Bible.  

Zoom mom: The COVID mom who works, holds conferences and akin does parenting by video

Asymptomatic: A adapted accompaniment of anatomy and apperception if you get the virus

Karen: Pejorative appellation for white women calling the cops on controllable blacks and coloureds. In India, it could be addition blowing the maid or boffing the commitment boy.

RT-PCR: A anatomy of coronavirus testing. About-face archetype polymerase alternation acknowledgment that tortures the tongue.

Quaranteam: Apprehension team, a pod or balloon area you adhere out abandoned with bodies of your best in a bedfast amplitude during the quarantine. But with amusing breach (six anxiety away). 

WFH: Work from home 

Maskne: Acne and added bark irritations from cutting a mask

Quarantini: Martini alloyed with Vitamin C and added amnesty boosters

Superspreader: Corona-undesirable with an adulterated chain

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