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The Jewish Association Center of Middlesex County in Edison will authority a basal Mah Jongg clash on March 10.

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Play on for three circuit of 12 games.

The Zoom aperture commemoration starts at 10 a.m. Comedy from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Winners will be appear on Zoom at 1:45 p.m. There will be Amazon allowance agenda prizes for first, added and third abode winners as able-bodied as a 50/50 raffle.

The bulk is $18 per person. Raffle tickets are $5 each.

Register by March 8. Zoom allotment advice will be beatific aloft cancellation of clash registration. 

Call the JCC Front Desk at 732-494-3232 to annals by phone.

For added information, email Diane Mael at

Central Jersey SCORE, a non-profit ability accomplice of the Baby Business Administration, is attractive for volunteers to abetment bodies attractive to alpha a business or abound an absolute baby business.

The alignment is recruiting business owners and executives, both accustomed and retired, who appetite to allotment their acquaintance and ability with today’s advancing entrepreneurs.

The Central Jersey Chapter of SCORE serves Middlesex, Somerset and Hunterdon counties.

Central Jersey SCORE provides in-person mentoring and webinars, both offered about in band with accustomed communicable restrictions. In addition, the SCORE website offers accoutrement and templates on a advanced array of capacity and abundant online courses and webinars to abetment baby business owners through every aspect of business development and management. Casework are offered chargeless of charge.

Anyone absorbed in volunteering with SCORE or gluttonous added advice should email

Mobile Ancestors Success Center of Middlesex County will authority a COVID-19 series, A Year Later, during March.

The accord with Ancestors Abutment Alignment of Middlesex County will action a accessible bloom and educational alternation advised for advocates, families, educators, brainy bloom professionals and the association at large.

The chat will focus on what has been abstruse in a year, how COVID-19 has impacted brainy and behavioral bloom in adolescents and adults, and how adverse adolescence adventures can be reduced.

To annals for the 1 p.m. March 4 workshop, based on the adventures of the accomplished year, arrangement

To accompany the 10:30 a.m. March 11 branch about the appulse on behavioral and brainy health, arrangement

To annals for the 1 p.m. March 18 branch on abbreviation adverse adolescence experiences, arrangement

For added information, arrangement


Free adaptable COVID-19 testing is offered at The Ancestors Acquirements Center, 30 Hillside Ave., Metuchen, every Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Nasal PCR, saliva PCR and accelerated antibiotic testing are available.

No arrangement necessary. Walk ins accepted.

Bring ID and allowance card. No abroad costs for insured or uninsured people.

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Gain adherence from an in-demand occupation; administer for a Women’s Center career training admission from Jewish Ancestors Casework of Middlesex County.

Qualified bodies who are alive associates of the JFS Women’s Center charge abide an appliance and appear an interview. Grants are accessible for concise training programs for in-demand jobs.

Eligible candidates charge authorize as a “displaced homemaker,” a woman who is a distinct mother, divorced, separated, widowed, or active with a disabled spouse/partner.

For added advice or to agenda an appointment, email

Saint Peter’s University Hospital, a affiliate of Saint Peter’s Healthcare System, is hosting a chargeless basal abode alternation on boyish and ancestors bloom issues.

Organized by Saint Peter’s Opioid Task Force, this basal abode alternation is advised for parents and families. The presentation will abode accepted affectionate apropos about the abundant means the communicable has impacted teens, from issues like abreast to how they cope, associate and develop. The alternation will additionally analyze addiction which has escalated during the communicable and assets for acknowledged recovery.

Each abode will alpha at 6:30 p.m.

The abounding account of abode capacity is:

March 10: Boyish Brain Development and Addiction, presented by Dr. Tejal Mehta, Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital at Saint Peter’s University HospitalRegistration link:

March 24: Vaping and the Adolescent, presented by Nicki Francis and Mara Carlin, BS, CPS, Wellspring Center for PreventionRegistration link:

April 7: Accretion Coaches, presented by Bonnie Nolan, PhD, Woodbridge Opioid Overdose Accretion Affairs (WOORP)Registration link:

April 21: Acknowledged Accretion from Addiction, presented by Don Rogers, Association Outreach administrator at The Accretion Village Cherry Hill at CooperRegistration link:

For added advice on any of the basal lectures, acquaintance Robert J. LaForgia, coordinator, Healthier Middlesex, at or 732-745-8600, ext. 5831. Allow up to 48 hours for a response.

Join the Metuchen Edison Woman’s Club at 7 p.m. on March 3 via Zoom for the Liberty Hall Museum’s presentation “Stitches in Time: Three Centuries of Hemlines, Necklines & Everything in Between”.

Over the years, the birth of the Livingston and Kean families preserved and arranged abroad the antecedent generation’s accouterments in attics, basements, closets, drawers, and alike beneath floorboards. Combined, they acquaint the adventure of a way of activity that has vanished from the Garden State.

This fashionable presentation covers all the appearance dos & don’ts and how appearance has afflicted over three centuries.

This presentation is chargeless and accessible to the public.

For added advice and to get the Zoom link, alarm Adrienne at 732-968-1255 and leave a message; or email her at

In England in 1234, Jews were answerable with abducting, circumcising and converting a five-year-old Christian boy to Judaism. As a result, Jews were executed, and Jewish homes were looted and torched.

Professor Paola Tartakoff, armchair of the Rutgers Department of Jewish Studies, will appraise the backstory on these accusations, how they perpetuated the allegory of ritual murder, and what they meant to Christians and Jews during that period.

Tartakoff will draw from her new book, “Conversion, Circumcision, and Ritual Annihilation in Medieval Europe” with a acknowledgment by Professor David Shyovitz, Northwestern University, during the program.

This online accident will be captivated March 3 at 7 p.m. on the Zoom platform.

Free and accessible to the public, it is presented by the Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Activity at Rutgers University.

Advance allotment is appropriate at

Middlesex Academy is developing apprenticeship opportunities in Advanced Manufacturing through Career Advance USA, a U.S. Department of Labor-funded grant.

Apprenticeships, developed and implemented in accord with employers, are earn-and-learn programs that amalgamate academic classroom acquirements with on-the-job training.

Those absorbed in the affairs should annals for a basal advice affair at They will be captivated over Zoom at 10 a.m. Tuesdays, March 9, April 13 and May 11.

The academy is additionally attractive for administration absorbed in developing workers.

For added advice about the admission and how to participate, arrangement or acquaintance Yarelis Figueroa at or John Miller at

Recognizing the courage and charge of advance firefighters and aboriginal responders, New Jersey American Baptize announces its 2021 admission affairs for advance blaze departments, ambulance squads and aboriginal aid squads amid aural the company’s account areas.

Grants may be acclimated to awning the costs of claimed careful equipment, communications gear, aboriginal aid equipment, firefighting tools, agent aliment and added abstracts that will be acclimated to abutment advance firefighter and emergency responder operations. Reimbursement for specific training courses, including the bulk of training manuals, apprentice workbooks, and advisers is additionally eligible.

To apply, organizations charge complete the appliance accessible at under News & Community, Association Involvement.

The best admission bulk awarded to any alignment is $2,000.

The borderline to administer is March 12. Absorbed applicants can acquisition added advice and administer online at

Grant recipients will be notified at the end of March.

Teens beyond the accompaniment can activate appointment entries for the 26th Anniversary New Jersey Teen Media Contest, which highlights the New Jersey Human Services’ mission to abutment families, abnormally during these arduous times.

The contest, run by the Division of Ancestors Development, is accessible to all New Jersey average and aerial school-aged children.

The 2021 challenge challenges adolescence to allegorize – through art or the accounting chat – how they and their admired ones accept accurate anniversary other through all of the changes that accept happened this year, from alien ancestry to accolade new means to break affiliated to accompany and family.

All entries charge be postmarked no after than March 31.

Staff from the Division of Ancestors Development and its Appointment of Adolescent Abutment Casework will adjudicator the contest. Winners will be called in first, second, and third places in both the average and aerial academy groups, for anniversary of the two access categories. Typically, acceptable acceptance are accustomed at an awards commemoration in mid-May, but a final accommodation on an awards commemoration will be fabricated at a after date based on the cachet of the accessible bloom emergency and accompanying bloom and assurance guidelines.

Winning entries from the challenge will be included in the 2022 Appointment of Adolescent Abutment Calendar, as able-bodied as potentially actuality included as allotment of the office’s business materials. A cardinal of atonement acknowledgment entries will additionally be called for accessible admittance in both areas.  

The 2021 agenda can be beheld or downloaded from the challenge homepage,, to serve as afflatus for the teens. The website additionally provides the official rules, frequently asked questions, access forms, a attending at the winners and atonement mentions from antecedent contests and added important challenge information.

Teachers and administrators can annals their academy by visiting or by contacting Matthew Cossel at 937-207-7627 or Academy allotment is not appropriate for absolute apprentice entry.

For complete acquiescence guidelines, visit

For added advice about adolescent abutment services, alarm 1-877-NJKIDS1 or visit

The Tamarack Women’s 9-Hole Golf Alliance is affable new associates for the 2021 division on Thursday mornings from April through October.

While the alliance is nine holes, ladies are acceptable to comedy the actual nine holes afterward alliance comedy anniversary week.

Golf acquaintance is appropriate for membership.

Interested adult golfers should acquaintance associates Armchair Linda Schuller at for added information.

New Jersey American Baptize is accepting applications for blooming activity allotment through its Ecology Admission Program.

The affairs offers grants of $1,000 to $10,000 for condoning innovative, community-based ecology projects that improve, restore or assure watersheds, apparent baptize and/or groundwater aliment throughout the company’s account areas.

New Jersey American Baptize will accolade the grants on a aggressive base and baddest projects based on assorted belief including goals, impact, innovation, architecture and sustainability. The attributes of the project’s accord with added association organizations as able-bodied as its all-embracing association assurance will additionally be considered.

All applicants are accepted to outline specific, assessable goals for projects in their proposals. At the cessation of the admission project, the advance alignment charge accommodate a accounting address on the activity results/impact.

Grant recipients will be notified in mid-April.

More advice and appliance requirements can be acquired anon at

The Metuchen Arts Council is abutting with the Metuchen Human Relations Commission to agenda a basal “Community Conversation” about the issues accent in 2021 Windows of Understanding Accessible Art Project. Those issues accommodate aliment insecurity, adolescence engagement, agony and recovery, accessible bloom and altitude change.

All Association Conversations will alpha at 7:30 p.m. and can be accessed via Facebook alive at 

The abutting accident is appointed for April 21. In acknowledgment of Earth Day, Edison Greenways Group and artists Laura Curtis and Mickey Waring will analyze the affair of altitude change.

  In accession to the Association Conversations, the Metuchen programming for the Windows of Understanding Activity will accommodate an exhibition in the Metuchen Accessible Library Gallery of all the art discussed in the Association Discussion.

A basal display will additionally be army and accessible for examination from the Metuchen Arts Council website at The activity launches on Jan. 18, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, as a way of advantageous admiration to Dr. King’s legacy.

For added advice on Windows of Understanding, including a complete account of featured organizations, accommodating storefronts, and a abounding agenda of chargeless events, arrangement or on Instagram at @windowsofunderstanding, #weseethroughhate.

The Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce will authority the 75th anniversary Bernie Cohn Golf Classic from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. May 13.

Tee time is 9 a.m. at the Banks Course, Forsgate Country Club, 375 Forsgate Dr., Monroe.

Sign up at or


Dove Auberge Casework of New Jersey seeks compassionate volunteers to accommodate abutment to bounded auberge patients and their families.

Hospice accommodating affliction volunteers arrangement with patients in their homes, which can additionally be nursing accessories or assisted active facilities, at atomic already a week. They apprehend to the patient, bethink about their lives, comedy cards, advice with letter autograph and accommodate acquittal for caregivers.

Visits can be virtual, and are either during the day or aboriginal evening.

Volunteers may additionally abetment with authoritative assignment aural the auberge office.

Patient affliction volunteers complete an appliance and appear a basal advance training affairs that covers the role of a auberge volunteer. Day and black basal training programs are offered.

To assurance up for the abutting basal training class, acquaintance Advance Coordinator Deborah Adams at 732-405-3035 or email

The United Way of Central Jersey’s COVID-19 Accretion Fund will abetment individuals and families afflicted by the atypical coronavirus with acute basal costs including rent, utilities, decree medication/medical supplies, adolescent affliction and food.

United Way will assignment with trusted association ally to analyze individuals and families best in charge of this acting support.

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