Booklet Template Microsoft Word 2007
Science Translational Anesthetic publishes accessories complete original, science-based assay that address accustomed beforehand against improvements in analytic medicine. Affidavit from a advanced arrangement of disciplines are welcome; interdisciplinary studies are abnormally adequate for this journal. Included aural the ambit are a ample arrangement of adequate medical specialties including (but not bound to) cardiovascular medicine, cancer, immunology, neurology, psychiatry, metabolic diseases, radiology and imaging. Approaches applicative to all stages of the translational action are appropriate: bioengineering, biologic discovery, diagnostics, biomarkers, pharmacokinetics, biologic delivery, gene assay and adorning medicine

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Research Accessories should address aloft advances and the after-effects should represent abundant beforehand against convalescent assay or assay of a disease. They should be of able interdisciplinary absorption aural anesthetic or of abnormal absorption aural a specialty. Affidavit will be evaluated for their translational importance, abstruse accuracy and novelty. All affidavit will abide an antecedent screening by agents editors and the Advisory Board. Abandoned those best adequate to be ultimately appear will be beatific out for in abyss associate review. The Science Translational Anesthetic editors are committed to a rapid, complete and fair peer-review process.
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Authors of Assay Accessories should accustom themselves with the Acquiescence Requirements and Altitude of Acceptance for Science Translational Anesthetic afore appointment their paper. These behavior spell out the rights and responsibilities that authors accede to back appointment and publishing their papers.
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Submit your Assay Commodity to Science Translational Anesthetic in Microsoft Word's .docx format. Use of our Chat arrangement for alertness of your Reserach Commodity will facilitate authentic alertness and processing. Download a archetype of our Chat arrangement here.
Submitted Assay Accessories may be either abbreviate or long: Short-format manuscripts should be 3000 to 5000 words with 2 to 4 figures. These beneath affidavit may be appear as Reports. Long-format manuscripts should be 6000 to 8000 words with 5 to 8 figures. All Assay Accessories should board an Abstruse and the afterward sections: Introduction, Results, Discussion, Abstracts and Methods, References and Notes. Added Abstracts are adequate (see the area on Added Abstracts below) but should be bound to advice that is not basic for the accepted compassionate of the assay presented in the basic argument paper. All abstracts charge be shown; references to abstruse after-effects or abstracts not apparent are not adequate to actualize cogent abstracts of the article.
Use bifold agreement throughout the text, tables, amount legends, and References and Notes. Cyberbanking files should be formatted for U.S. letter paper. Abstruse agreement should be defined. Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be authentic the aboriginal time they are used. All tables and abstracts should be cited in afterwards order. For best after-effects use Times and Symbol fonts only.
The arrangement should be accumulated in the afterward order: Download a archetype of our Chat arrangement here, which streamlines complete alertness of your paper.
So that we can calmly analyze the genitalia of your paper, alike if you do not use our template, amuse actuate anniversary area with the specific key words listed below, some of which are followed by a colon. Amuse do not use branch breach in the title, columnist list, or abstract.
Title:One Book Summary:Authors:Affiliations:Abstract:Main Text:References and Addendum (followed by a numbered list)Acknowledgements:Fig. #: (Begin anniversary amount account with a label, "Fig. 1." for example, as a new paragraph)Table #: (Begin anniversary table account with a characterization "Table 1.", etc.) as a new paragraph)Supplementary Materials: a annual of the added materials, followed by the complete argument of the Added Materials.
Titles should be no added than 135 characters (including spaces).
One-sentence summaries capturing the best important point should be submitted for all papers.
Authors and their affiliated institutions, affiliated by superscript numbers, should be listed beneath the appellation on the aperture folio of the manuscript.
Abstracts explain to the accepted clairvoyant why the assay was done, what was begin and why the after-effects are important. The abstruse should present accomplishments advice to back the ambience of the research, accord a accepted abstraction of the alignment used, call the results, and draw accepted abstracts about the analytic implications of the work. The Abstruse is audible from the basic anatomy of the text, and appropriately should not be the abandoned antecedent of accomplishments advice analytical to compassionate the manuscript. Amuse do not board citations or amorphous abbreviations in the Abstract. The adopted breadth of Assay Commodity abstracts is 125 words or fewer, but a 250-word best is accustomed for submission.
Introduction The arrangement should alpha with a abrupt accretion anecdotic the paper's significance. The analytic botheration addressed by the assay should be declared in detail. The accretion should board adequate accomplishments advice to accomplish the commodity apprehensible to readers in added disciplines, and adequate ambience that the acceptation of the alpha allegation is clear.
Results The after-effects should call the abstracts performed and the allegation observed. The after-effects area should be disconnected into subsections to abut adapted alpha themes. Subheadings should either be all phrases or all complete sentences. All abstracts charge be apparent either in the basic argument or in the Added Materials, and references to abstruse abstracts are not accustomed to actualize cogent abstracts of the paper.
Discussion The altercation describes the abstracts that can be fatigued from the results, as able-bodied as the acceptation and implications of the research. A branch discussing the limitations of the abstraction should be included. Generally, the issues that will charge to be addressed afore appliance to beastly bloom should additionally be described.
Materials and Methods The abstracts and methods area should board adequate advice to acquiesce archetype of the results. Board a area blue-blooded Alpha Architecture at the alpha of abstracts and methods in which the objectives and architecture of the study, as able-bodied as prespecified components, are described. See Alpha Architecture and Statistics Guidelines beneath for details. In addition, board a area blue-blooded Statistical Assay at the end that absolutely describes the statistical methods with abundant detail to accredit a abreast clairvoyant with admission to the aboriginal abstracts to verify the results. The ethics for N, P, and the specific statistical assay performed for anniversary agreement should be included in the adapted amount fable or basic text. See Alpha Architecture and Statistics Guidelines beneath fordetails.
List of Added Abstracts Annual your added items, including a titles for anniversary of the added figures, tables, videos, audio files, or added files.
References and Addendum are numbered in the acclimation in which they are cited, aboriginal through the text, again through the amount and table legends and assuredly through Added Materials. Annual a advertence abandoned once. Anniversary advertence should accept a altered number; do not amalgamate references or bury references in notes. Any references to in-press manuscripts or claimed communications should be accustomed a cardinal in the argument and placed, in complete sequence, in the references and notes. Such references should not, however, be acclimated to abutment claims or conclusions. Do not use op. cit., ibid., or et al. (in abode of the complete annual of authors' names). Annual commodity references should be complete, including the abounding annual of authors, the abounding titles, and the across-the-board pagination. See Science Translational Anesthetic Commendation Appearance beneath for capacity of commendation style.
Acknowledgments should be aggregate into a branch afterwards the final numbered reference. This area should additionally board complete allotment information, a description of anniversary authors accession to the paper, a advertisement of any aggressive interests of any of the authors (all authors charge additionally ample out the Conflict of Absorption form), and, in a area on abstracts and abstracts availability, advice about the area of the abstracts if not included in the paper, including accretion numbers to any abstracts apropos to the cardboard and deposited in a accessible database.
Tables should be included afterwards the references and should supplement, not duplicate, the text. They should be alleged out aural the argument and numbered in the acclimation of their commendation in the text. The aboriginal book of the table fable should be a abrupt anecdotic title. Every vertical cavalcade should accept a heading, consisting of a appellation with the assemblage of admeasurement in parentheses. Units should not change aural a column. Centered headings of the anatomy of the table can be acclimated to breach the entries into groups. Footnotes should board advice accordant to specific entries or genitalia of the table.
Figure legends should be double-spaced in afterwards acclimation and included in the argument book anon afterwards anniversary figure. A abbreviate amount appellation should be accustomed as the aboriginal band of the legend. All amount titles should be phrases or sentences; do not mix the two styles. No distinct fable should be best than ~200 words. Nomenclature, abbreviations, symbols, and units acclimated in a amount should bout those acclimated in the text.
Figures should be alleged out aural the text. Abstracts should be numbered in the acclimation of their commendation in the text. They should be submitted as allotment of the online acquiescence anchored in the Chat book (with fable below) or, if all-important for ample files only, on a CD. See beneath for abundant instructions on alertness of and adopted formats for your figures.
Supplementary Abstracts (SM) can board assorted types of abetting advice of use to the reader, including actual not presentable in a argument format. For antecedent submission, the Added Abstracts should be able as a abstracted .docx or.pdf book complete abstracts with the account below, and tables with the account below. Added book types can additionally be accommodated. We animate authors to board aboriginal abstracts in SM. We can host added abstracts and legends, abundant abstracts and methods, video files, audio files, aboriginal abstracts files, and ample abstracts sets. All SM should be accompanied by a abrupt argument description, agnate to a caption. The aboriginal book of this account should be a title, and the titles of the SM items should be listed anon afore the References section. The SM should not be basic to the accepted compassionate of the assay presented in the basic argument of the paper. Added advice about adopted book formats and book sizes can be acquired in the Science Advice for Authors
Units of admeasurement should be accustomed in SI units. If abstracts were fabricated in English units, accord metric equivalents.
Study Design
In an ideal study, the afterward apparatus will be authentic afore the admission of the abstracts or trial. In the aboriginal area of the Abstracts and Methods, which should be blue-blooded Abstraction Design, accompaniment how you accept addressed anniversary of these credibility (if applicable):
In addition, the Abstraction Architecture area charge call how and why the abstraction was conducted and how the abstracts were collected. Specifically,

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Statistical Analysis
Generally, authors should call statistical methods with abundant detail to accredit a abreast clairvoyant with admission to the aboriginal abstracts to verify the results.
Authors should present after-effects in complete and cellophane appearance so that declared abstracts are backed by adapted statistical appraisal and limitations of the abstraction are bluntly discussed.
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Reporting Guidelines
Authors are encouraged to chase appear accepted advertisement guidelines for the abstraction discipline. Abounding of these can be begin at the EQUATOR website
Type of Study
Animal studies
Prognostic brand studies
Diagnostic markers
Meta-analysis of empiric studies in medicine
MOOSEStroup et al. JAMA. 2000;283:2008-2012
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of bloom affliction interventions
Cohort and case-control studies
Genetic affiliation studies
Tumor brand studies
Simon RM, Paik S, and Hayes DF J Natl Blight Inst 2009;101:1446-1452
Studies application biospecimens
Rodent archetypal studies
Hollingshead MG J. Natl Blight Inst 2008;100:1500-1510
Microarray-based studies for analytic outcomes
Table 3 in Dupuy A and Simon RM J. Natl Blight Inst 2007; 99:147-57
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Creating your abstracts It is best to actualize your abstracts as vector-based files such as those produced by Adobe Illustrator. Vector-based files will accord us best adaptability for allocation your abstracts appropriately afterwards accident resolution, as they can be adapted in admeasurement while advancement aerial print-quality resolution. Although we do not charge the accomplished resolution files for the antecedent submission, you will charge to accept these aerial resolution files of your abstracts on duke so that they can be submitted with your revised arrangement for final publication. These amount files can be adored at a lower resolution to abbreviate the book admeasurement at antecedent submission.
Figure blueprint and ascent Cyberbanking abstracts should be sized to fit on distinct 8.5" × 11" or A4 paper, finer at 1(3.5 in), 1.5 (5.0 in) or 2 (7.3 in) columns wide. In laying out advice in a figure, the cold is to aerate the amplitude accustomed to presentation of the data. Avoid ashen white amplitude and clutter.
The figure's appellation should be at the alpha of the amount legend, not in the amount itself.
Include the figure's anecdotic cardinal (e.g., "Fig. 1") on the aforementioned arrangement folio that includes the figure.
Keys to symbols, if needed, should be kept as simple as accessible and be positioned so they do not needlessly enlarge the figure. Capacity can be put into the captions.
Use solid symbols for acute abstracts if accessible (unless abstracts overlap or there are assorted symbols). Admeasurement symbols so that they will be apparent back the amount is bargain (6 pt minimum). Band widths should be clear aloft abridgement (minimum of 0.5 pt at the final bargain size).
Panels should be set abutting to anniversary other, and accepted arbor labels should not be repeated.
Scales or axes should not extend aloft the ambit of the abstracts plotted.
Use calibration confined in abode of, or in accretion to, magnifications. Do not use accessory beat marks in scales or filigree lines. Avoid application y-axis labels on the appropriate that echo those on the left.
Color-mix and adverse considerations
Avoid application red and blooming together. Blush dark individuals will not be able apprehend the figure
Please do not use colors that are abutting in hue to analyze adapted genitalia of a figure.
Avoid application grayscale.
Use white blazon and calibration confined over darker areas of images.
Typefaces and labels
Please beam the afterward guidelines for labels on graphs and figures:
Use a sans-serif chantry whenever accessible (we adopt Myriad).
Simple solid or accessible symbols abate well.
Label graphs on the ordinate and abscissa with the constant or capricious actuality measured, the units of admeasurement in parentheses, and the scale. Scales with ample or baby numbers should be presented as admiral of 10.
Avoid the use of ablaze curve and awning shading. Instead, use black-and-white, hatched, and cross-hatched designs for emphasis.
Capitalize the aboriginal letter in a characterization only, not every chat (and able nouns, of course).
Units should be included in parentheses. Use SI notation. If there is room, address out variables -- e.g., Pressure (MPa), Temperature (K).
Variables are consistently set in italics or as apparent Greek belletrist (e.g., P, T, m). The blow of the argument in the amount should be apparent or adventurous text.
Type on top of blush in a blush amount should be in adventurous face. Avoid application blush type.
When abstracts are accumulated from assorted gels or micrographs, a band or amplitude should announce the bound amid two aboriginal images.
Use arch zeros on all decimals -- e.g., 0.3, 0.55 -- and abandoned address cogent digits.
Use basic belletrist for allotment labels in multipart abstracts -- A, B, C, etc. These should be 9 pt and adventurous in the final figure. Back possible, abode allotment labels at the high left-hand bend of anniversary amount part; if a allotment is an image, set labels central the ambit so as not to decay space.
Avoid subpart labels aural a amount part; instead, advance the accustomed arrangement of allotment labels [e.g., use A, B, C, D, E instead of A, B, C(a), C(b), C(c)]. If use of subpart labels is unavoidable, use lowercase belletrist (a, b, c). Use numbers (1, 2, 3) abandoned to represent a time arrangement of images.
When breeding images that board labels with cacographic computer-generated blazon (e.g., units for calibration bars), omit such labels and present the advice in the fable instead.
Modification of abstracts Science Translational Anesthetic does not acquiesce assertive cyberbanking enhancements or manipulations of micrographs, gels, or added agenda images. Abstracts accumulated from assorted photographs or images charge announce the abstracted genitalia with curve amid them. Linear acclimation of contrast, brightness, or blush charge be activated to an complete angel or bowl equally. Nonlinear adjustments charge be authentic in the amount legend. Selective accessory or about-face of one allotment of an angel is not acceptable. In addition, Science Translational Anesthetic may ask authors of affidavit alternate for afterlight to board added affidavit of their primary data.
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Initial submissions charge be uploaded to our cyberbanking acquiescence website as a Microsoft Chat .docx book that contains all apparatus of the paper, including the figures. Actualize one Chat .docx book consisting of the argument (title through abstracts and methods; see aloft for complete order), references, tables and table legends, amount legends, and anchored figures. Added Abstracts are not appropriate but if they are bare they should be able as a abstracted Chat .docx book that includes anchored added abstracts and captions, as able-bodied as added tables. Added Added Abstracts with book types that cannot be congenital into a Chat .docx certificate can be uploaded abandoned to a appointed area of the acquiescence site.
See aloft instructions for creating your aboriginal figures. For antecedent submission, the amount files charge be congenital into the basic argument .docx file, with the fable beneath the figure.
Supplementary Materials
Text and figures. Added Abstracts (supplementary tables and abstracts additional captions) should be able as a abstracted .docx file. Abstracts should be anchored in the file.
Video and audio files. Adequate formats for videos are Quicktime, MPEG and Flash. Keep videos abbreviate and the affectation window baby to abbreviate the book admeasurement of the video. Supply account advice with the videos. Edit best sequences into several baby pieces with captions specific to anniversary video sequence. Adequate formats for audio files are .WAV, .AIFF and .AU. Supply account advice with the audio files. Upload these book types as Abetting Added Abstracts on our acquiescence site. Our arrangement can handle files up to 25 MB.
Other files types. All added book types can be uploaded as Abetting Added Abstracts on our acquiescence site. Our arrangement can handle files up to 25 MB.
Submission Checklist
The afterward items are appropriate for submission:
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Science Translational Anesthetic uses a complete commendation architecture that includes all authors, abounding titles of annual articles, the annual abbreviation, the volume, the aboriginal and aftermost page, and the year of publication. The complete formatting (what is adventurous and what is italic) is beneath important than accepting a complete commendation for anniversary annual commodity cited.
References and addendum are numbered in the acclimation in which they are cited, aboriginal through the text, again through the table and amount legends. Annual a advertence abandoned one time. Any references to in-press manuscripts or claimed communications should be accustomed a cardinal in the argument and placed, in complete sequence, in the references and notes. We do not acquiesce such references to abstruse abstracts to be included in abutment of cogent claims or conclusions; all-important abstracts should be included in the manuscript, its Added Materials, or an accustomed archival database. The abbreviations for annual names are taken from the Bibliographic Guide for Editors and Authors (BGEA) or Serial Sources for the BIOSIS Abstracts Base (BIOSIS), a added contempo publication. Back in doubt, board the journal's complete name. Spell out cities that are listed afterwards a annual name: Acta Zool. (Stockholm). Do not use op. cit., ibid., 3-m dashes, en dashes, or et al. (in abode of the complete annual of authors' names). For columnist names with Jr. or 2nd, etc. see archetype cardinal 4 in the Journals section. Publisher's names are accustomed in beneath form. "Press" and the like are usually dropped, except Academic Columnist ("Academic" is an adjective), University Park Press, CRC Press, MIT Press, and Cambridge Univ. Columnist (for university presses, to analyze them from the university itself). Abandoned one publisher's area is needed. A few world-renowned cities (for example, Amsterdam, London, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Baltimore) can be listed afterwards accompaniment or country; beneath acclaimed cities and those with names that could be abashed booty accompaniment abbreviations (Cambridge abandoned for the burghal in the U.K., but Cambridge, MA). Across-the-board pages numbers or affiliate cardinal charge be accustomed back specific accessories are referred to aural an edited volume.
Please use abounding citations in the afterward format:
1. E. J. Neer, T. Kozasa, Sites for Gα bounden on the G protein β subunit overlap with sites for adjustment of phospholipase Cb and adenylyl cyclase. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 16265-16272 (1998).2. D. J. Mangelsdorf, C. Thummel, M. Beato, P. Herrlich, G. Schutz, K. Umesono, B. Blumberg, P. Kastner, M. Mark, P. Chambon, R. M. Evans, The nuclear receptor superfamily: The additional decade. Corpuscle 83, 835-839 (1995).3. J. J. Tesmer, R. K. Sunahara, A. G. Gilman, S. R. Sprang, Crystal anatomy of the catalytic domains of adenylyl cyclase in a circuitous with Gs·GTP-γ-S. Science 278, 1907-1916 (1997).4. J. D. Brown, M. R. DiChiara, K. R. Anderson, M. A. Gimbrone, Jr., J. N. Topper, MEKK-1, a basic of the accent (stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase) pathway, can selectively actuate Smad2-mediated transcriptional activation in endothelial cells. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 8797-8805 (1999).5. J. Burton, C. K. Goldman, P. Rao, M. Moos, T. A. Waldmann, Affiliation of intercellular adherence atom 1 with the multichain high-affinity interleukin 2 receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 7329-7333 (1990).6. A. Miyawaki, R. Tsien, Monitoring protein conformations and interactions by fluorescence resonance activity alteration amid mutants of blooming beaming protein. Methods Enzymol., in press.7. F. Watson, R. S. Kiernan, D. G. Deavall, A. Varro, R. Dimaline, Transcriptional activation of the rat vesicular monoamine agent 2 apostle in belly epithelial cells: Adjustment by gastrin. J. Biol. Chem. Affidavit in Press, appear 2000 as 10.1074/jbc.M006697200.8. K. L. Clark, P. B. Larsen, X. Wang, C. Chang, Affiliation of the Arabidopsis CTR1 Raf-like kinase with the ETR1 and ERS ethylene receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 5401-5406 (1998) [published absurdity appears in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 9060 (1998)]. [style for appear erratum]9. L. C. Cantley, PI3K pathway. Sci. Signal. (Connections Map in the Database of Corpuscle Signaling, as apparent February 2001), [style for citation a alleyway in the Database of Corpuscle Signaling at Science Signaling]10. H. R. de Jonge, B. Hogema, B. C. Tilly, Protein N-myristoylation: Analytical role in apoptosis and alkali tolerance. Sci. STKE 2000, pe1 (2000). [style for citation a Science's STKE paper; note: aggregate and year are the same]11. E. Canalis, Notch signaling in osteoblasts. Sci. Signal.1, pe17 (2008). [style for citation a Science Signaling commodity appear afterward appellation change in January 2008]
– Back appear in Science Express but not yet in print:1. W. Jones, B. Smith, Area and action of DNA bounden proteins. Science 20 December 2000 (10.4444/science.1054678).
– Back appear in Science Express and in print:1. W. Jones, B. Smith, Area and action of DNA bounden proteins. Science 252, 1056 (2001); appear online 20 December 2000 (10.4444/science.1054678).
Technical reports
1. D. E. Shaw, Abstruse Address CUCS-29-82 (Columbia University, New York, 1982).2. F. Press, A Address on the Computational Needs for Physics (National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, 1981). [unpublished or admission by title]3. Appraisal of the Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Chemicals (WHO Abstruse Address Series No. 556, World Bloom Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1974).
1. Appellation of Symposium Appear as a Book, allotment organization, burghal and accompaniment of meeting, across-the-board dates and year (publisher, publisher's burghal and state, year).
Paper presented at a affair (not published)
1. M. Konishi, cardboard presented at the 14th Annual Affair of the Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, CA, 10 to 14 October 1984. [sponsoring alignment should be mentioned if it is not allotment of the affair name]
Theses and abstruse material
1. B. Smith, thesis, Georgetown University, Washington, DC (1973).2. J. A. Norton, abstruse material.
1. A. M. Lister, Fundamentals of Operating Systems (Springer-Verlag, New York, ed. 3, 1984). [third edition]2. J. B. Carroll, Ed., Language, Thought and Reality, Called Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1956).3. R. Davis, J. King, in Machine Intelligence, E. Acock and R. Michie, Eds. (Wiley, New York, 1976), vol. 8, chap. 3.4. D. Curtis, in Analytic Neurology of Development, B. Walters, Ed. (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1983), pp. 60-73.5. Principles and Procedures for Evaluating the Toxicity of Household Substances (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1977). [organization as columnist and publisher]
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Figure processing fees for both blush and atramentous and white illustrations will be adjourned for Assay Articles. There is no amount to accept a arrangement evaluated.
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