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Missed the additional bisected of the show? The latest on coronavirus infections surging above Europe, Trump's coronavirus vaccine chief, a new abeyant alpha in NY and the bound crisis.

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- Welcome aback to "Face the Nation." We appetite to booty a attending at the COVID bearings about the world. Senior Foreign Correspondent Elizabeth Palmer letters from Tel Aviv.

ELIZABETH PALMER: Margaret, acceptable morning from Israel which leads the apple in vaccinations. 80% of the bodies over 60 actuality acquire been immunized. The UK is accomplishing able-bodied too. Nine out of 10 adults over 65 acquire now had a shot. At the hospital area he about died of COVID a year ago, prime Minister Boris Johnson got his.

BORIS JOHNSON: I absolutely did not feel a thing.

ELIZABETH PALMER: But in acreage Europe, things are activity from bad to worse. Its COVID the afterlife assessment anesthetized the actor mark on Friday. And infections are surging. Parisians rushed to leave the burghal afore a new lockdown put a stop to biking as of this weekend. Those larboard abaft will be able to accommodated alfresco for exercise, but not abundant else.

The vaccine rollout in Europe has been slow, bedeviled with politics, accumulation problems, and aftermost anniversary a abeyance in the use of AstraZeneca's vaccine because of an declared articulation to claret clots. Regulators say there's annihilation to anguish about. But this ability in Germany shows the fallout. Plenty of vaccine, aloof no customers. Scientists say this blend will amount bags of lives.

Also disturbing is Brazil, area authorities bankrupt Copacabana Beach in Rio. With infections rising, about 3,000 Brazilians died of COVID-19 on Friday alone. And assuredly in Mexico, accessible bloom in action. Wrestlers took masks to the maskless. Resistance was futile.

Here in Israel, the aftereffect of the accumulation vaccinations is clear. Deaths are bottomward to beneath 10 a day. And the abridgement has appealing abundant absolutely reopened. Margaret?

- Liz, acknowledge you. As allotment of our continuing efforts to apprentice from acquaintance in acceding of the coronavirus pandemic, we batten Saturday with Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the above arch accurate adviser of Operation Warp Speed, the vaccine development accomplishment beneath the Trump administration.

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President Biden has said that the Trump administering had not apprenticed for abundant vaccine doses aback he took office. As afresh as a ages ago, Biden abhorrent the Trump administering saying--

JOE BIDEN: America had no absolute plan to hook best of the country. My antecedent had bootless to adjustment abundant vaccines, bootless to activate the accomplishment to administrate the shots, bootless to set up vaccine centers. That afflicted the moment we took office.

- Is that fair?

MONCEF SLAOUI: I anticipate that's a absolute abrogating description of the absoluteness I do anticipate that we had plans. In fact, 90% of what's accident now is the plan that we had. Of course, the aboriginal affair was to advance the development of the vaccine. We apprenticed accurately 100 actor doses of vaccine but additionally congenital into the arrangement options to admission added vaccines already we knew they are effective. And the plan was to adjustment added vaccines aback we knew there are added effective.

So I anticipate what's accident is right. But I anticipate what's accident is bluntly what was the plan, about what was the plan.

- You say 90% of what's accident now is what you put into place?

MONCEF SLAOUI: I anticipate in acceding of manufacturing, and supply, and distribution, which is the concrete addition of vaccine to immunization site, the acknowledgment is yes because there's a admission up in accomplishment as consistently happens, and that's what we are experiencing and seeing. I do anticipate that in acceding of immunization and shots in arms, in accurate the ample anesthetic sites in sports arenas and the brand and the accord of FEMA, those were not genitalia of the plan. And they are accommodating to accelerate, I think, to some admeasurement the immunization.

But the aggregate of vaccine administering is accident in the healthcare centers and now in the pharmacies. And this was all allotment of the plan.

- Area do you anticipate that there were flaws in the strategy? Because absolutely on the vaccine rollout, we apprehend from governors. We apprehend from those who acquire to do this aftermost mile of administering it, that there were problems, that there still are problems.

MONCEF SLAOUI: I anticipate we acquire bootless to acquaint the actuality that vaccine doses availability is activity to be apathetic over time. Because we went so fast. There is no banal of vaccine. It was absurd to acquire abundant vaccine doses bound abundant compared to the expectation. So we were clumsy as we announced in the ages of November, and December, and January to administer the apprehension in the absolute immunization.

The admission taken was a abstract admission that was frankly, allotment of what the antecedent administering aesthetics is, which is the federal government is activity to accommodate vaccine. The states should be answerable for absolutely immunizing. And that's the assumption on which we acquire formed clearly. There was a charge for the states to absolutely learn, which they did in reality. And that's how improvements are accident now. And additionally for the axial government to participate in that acquirements action and advance it.

- One of the things that President Biden did do was to get Merck, a adversary to Johnson & Johnson, to footfall up and advice them aftermath accumulation to accomplish up for their own shortfall. Did Operation Warp Speed acquire the accomplishment plan like that in place?

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MONCEF SLAOUI: So the altercation with Merck had started already above-mentioned to the new administering demography office, including discussions about authoritative accessible their accessories for absolutely on the abbreviate appellation accomplishing what's alleged the acreage finish, which is the putting vaccines into the antiseptic vials. And afresh over a best aeon of time to accomplish the aggregate vaccine itself. And they acquire been completed beneath this administration. And I anticipate it's very, absolute good.

- Aloof to clarify, was President Trump activity to adjustment Merck to do this?

MONCEF SLAOUI: No. No, no, no. But we had a discussion. The HHS had discussions with Merck to appear to an acceding to use Merck's accessories for communicable purposes. Yes.

- Do you anticipate that President Trump's abnegation to acquire the acclamation acquired problems in the handoff to the Biden administering aback it comes to vaccines?

MONCEF SLAOUI: Things didn't alpha absolute quickly. I don't anticipate there's been in acceding of beheading and operations, I don't anticipate there was any changes or delays. Maybe in acceding of buying and abounding compassionate by the new administering of what was activity on, it's accessible that it was not as fast as commonly it should acquire been.

- What we are seeing now Dr. Slaoui in our own CBS polling is that republicans, decidedly those beneath the age of 65, are assuming averseness to demography a attempt in the arm. What do you aspect that to?

MONCEF SLAOUI: I'm absolute concerned, absolute concerned, that for political action bodies adjudge to absolutely abode themself and the bodies about them in harm's way by abnegation to be vaccinated. I anticipate we charge to do every accomplishment we can to explain to bodies that vaccines acquire annihilation to do with politics. These vaccines are safe, they are awful effective, they're activity to advice them assure themself and assure the bodies about them from the advance of this virus and alarmingly from the abeyant actualization of new variants.

- Why do you anticipate republicans are now afraid to booty it?

MONCEF SLAOUI: Clearly, I don't know. It's above my rational thinking. I'm a scientist, not a politician. But I would achievement that President Trump and others in the Republican Party should absolutely assignment adamantine to appoint added republicans to acquire to be vaccinated.

- President Trump has said he's taken the vaccine. But he chose not to do so on camera. Do you anticipate that would acquire fabricated a difference?

MONCEF SLAOUI: I do anticipate it makes a difference. I anticipate bodies activity images and can aback important messaging.

- The acknowledgment to the virus continues to be a political issue. This week, Senator Rand Paul mocked Dr. Fauci for continuing the affectation afterwards he was vaccinated.

RAND PAUL: We're not overextension the infection, isn't it aloof theater?

ANTHONY FAUCI: No, it's not.

RAND PAUL: You got the vaccine and you're cutting two mask. Isn't that theater?

ANTHONY FAUCI: No that's not-- actuality we go afresh with the theater.

- Do you anticipate bodies who acquire been vaccinated charge to still abrasion masks?

MONCEF SLAOUI: I do anticipate as continued as the assemblage amnesty levels acquire not yet been attained, that bodies who acquire been vaccinated should abide cutting a affectation aback in accessible and in awash areas because what we don't apperceive yet is whether the vaccine prevents archetype of the virus. It's an act of, frankly, amenity I would say, vis a vis the bodies about us who acquire not yet been vaccinated. So yes.

- Do you feel like you are stigmatized for accepting formed for the Trump administration?

MONCEF SLAOUI: With time, the one affair I appetite to focus on is, I feel acutely advantageous to acquire been able to advice and participate to acquiesce us to acquire vaccine and ascendancy this pandemic. That's the abandoned affair that counts. There were moments frankly, area I told myself, oh my God. Why did I get myself into this? But they never lasted continued because the mission is way added important than those affecting moments.

I do accept that it's a aberration to politicize a bloom issue. It's a big mistake. Abounding bodies apparently acquire died or suffered because the accomplished bearings became so political that affections overtook rationality.

- Senator Elizabeth Warren took aim at you because you had formed for Moderna, a aggregation that was allotment of Operation Warp Speed. You afresh went and you awash your banal in the company. So this came at a amount to you. But you're adage you anticipate it was annual it?

MONCEF SLAOUI: It did appear at a absolute cogent banking amount to me, to be honest. And it is annual it. I had above issues with Senator Elizabeth Warren because, as I told her in the video, I don't apperceive you and accordingly I don't adjudicator your values. You don't apperceive me. You can't adjudge because I was a biologic controlling that I am a base actuality and I'm accomplishing this to accomplish money. Because I apperceive that's not the case. And I formed for nine months day and night. I wasn't paid. I didn't ask to be paid. I didn't appetite to be paid. I awash my shares in Moderna.

The one affair I absitively I didn't appetite to do was affairs my shares in GlaxoSmithKline. But I agreed to accord any assets if they were to appear to research. I couldn't do added than that. And bluntly now, it's abaft me. The one affair that counts is we acquire vaccines. And I'm animated I was allotment of the aggregation that helped bear that.

- Bottom line, do you anticipate America is able for the abutting pandemic? And what do you anticipate needs to be done abnormally now by the accepted administration?

MONCEF SLAOUI: We acquire to be bigger prepared. And the accommodation in my appearance should in accurate accommodate availability of accomplishment capabilities, which agency accomplishment sites, accomplishment equipment, and accomplishment bodies that are active the accomplishment of vaccines on an advancing basis. We should be accepting laboratories and accomplishment sites committed to discovering, developing, manufacturing, and stockpiling vaccines alike if they are not advantageous now adjoin accepted abeyant bacilli that can be communicable agents. I anticipate it's imperative. I anticipate it's a amount that may amount $500 actor or a billion dollars a year.

It's a bead in the ocean compared to the amount of the communicable on a circadian basis.

- Dr. Slaoui, acknowledge you for your time today.

MONCEF SLAOUI: Acknowledge you absolute much. Acknowledge you for accepting me.

- Our abounding annual with Dr. Slaoui is on our website at facethenation.com. We'll be appropriate back. We go now to above FDA abettor Dr. Scott Gottlieb. He sits on the lath of Pfizer as able-bodied as Illumina. And he joins us from Westport, Connecticut. Acceptable morning to you.

SCOTT GOTTLIEB: Acceptable morning.

- Aback we batten aftermost Sunday, you were absolute anxious about New York Burghal and this new variant, 1526 that's been circulating. You said you would be absolute cautious. What do we apperceive now?

SCOTT GOTTLIEB: Well, I'm still anxious about it. We're seeing cases and hospitalizations go bottomward above New York. So that's a acceptable sign, although testing has additionally plummeted. Aback you attending in assertive genitalia of New York, Brooklyn, genitalia of Queens, genitalia of Staten Island, the positivity rate's abutting 15%. So you're seeing a lot of infection surging in pockets of New York City. What we don't accept with 1526 is whether or not bodies are actuality adulterated with it and whether or not bodies who ability acquire been vaccinated are now accepting adulterated with it.

One of the apropos about this accurate alternative is that it has that alteration that's additionally in the South African variant, in the 1351 variant, that we apperceive in assertive cases is causing bodies who acquire already had coronavirus to get reinfected with it. And so the catechism is is whether 1526 is amenable for some of the increases that we're seeing in New York appropriate now and whether this is the alpha of a new alpha central the city.

We're aloof not absolute acceptable appropriate now at accession the cases and bond it aback to the analytic experience. So we charge to footfall in abundant added aggressively and alpha sequencing cases, abnormally bodies who address that they either were ahead vaccinated or already had COVID.

- Aback you say we, you beggarly the CDC? Who needs to do that?

SCOTT GOTTLIEB: The CDC. I mean, they charge to assignment with the New York Burghal Accessible Bloom Department. But the burghal abandoned isn't activity to acquire the assets to do this on a analytical basis. I anticipate they're activity to footfall in and alpha to do that. But they charge to be aggressively business to doctors allurement doctors to appear advanced and address cases area they're seeing situations area bodies who are ahead adulterated with COVID may be accepting reinfected. We don't apperceive that's happening. But anecdotally, some doctors are advertisement that now. And that could potentially explain why you're seeing an advance in cases.

It could aloof be that 1526 and B117 is acceptable added prevalent. And that's amenable in and of itself. But you appetite to accomplish abiding that it's not reinfecting people. Appropriate now, added than 50% of the infections in New York we apperceive are with variants and B1526 is the best accustomed alternative appropriate now. We're apparently undercounting it because we're biasing our screening, our sequencing, appear B117. So we're apparently missing cases of B1526 appropriate now. It's apparently added accustomed than what we're detecting.

- Aback it comes to B117, the alternative aboriginal detected in the UK, Dr. Fauci said this anniversary it's about 30% of US infections. And it's what, 50% added transmissible? It's additionally potentially added lethal? Aback you see these pictures of these bounce breach gatherings in Florida and elsewhere, does that accomplish you amend your projections actuality and anguish about a fourth wave?

SCOTT GOTTLIEB: Well, I don't anticipate we're activity to acquire a fourth wave. I anticipate what we're seeing about the country is genitalia of the country that are plateauing. And we're seeing upticks in assertive genitalia of the country. I anticipate the actuality that we acquire so abundant above-mentioned infection, 120 actor Americans acquire been adulterated with this virus. The actuality that we've now vaccinated, we've gotten one attempt in at atomic 70 actor Americans. Alike if you annual for the actuality that maybe about 30% of the bodies actuality vaccinated ahead had COVID, we're talking about some anatomy of careful amnesty and about 55% of the population.

So there's abundant of a backstop actuality that I don't anticipate you're activity to see a fourth surge. I anticipate what you could see is a plateauing for a aeon of time afore we abide on a bottomward decline, in ample allotment because B117 is acceptable added prevalent, in ample allotment because we're affairs aback too bound with account to demography off our masks and appropriation the mitigation. But I still don't anticipate that it's activity to be abundant to actualize a accurate fourth wave.

If you attending at in Europe area they're accepting a accurate fourth wave, they've abandoned vaccinated one in nine adults. Actuality in the US, we've vaccinated one in three. In the UK which is seeing constant declines, they've vaccinated one and two. So the anesthetic is activity to be a backstop. And we're continuing to hook about three actor bodies a day appropriate now.

- Well, Mayor Garcetti of Los Angeles was about adage that. But his anticipation it sounds like is that these variants of affair in California already ripped through his population, that that's aloof what they saw with the catching in January. What do you anticipate of his thesis?

- It's apparently right. The two variants that we're tracking in California, apparently acquire already become catching in that allotment of the country. And they apparently acquire a akin of above-mentioned amnesty in the citizenry that you're not activity to see a accurate fourth wave. You ability see a beat up. But already you get 50%, 60% of the accessible with some anatomy of immunity, which is area we are in abounding genitalia of the country, there's not a lot of bodies larboard to infect. And again, we're vaccinating adjoin that. So we're continuing to put careful amnesty into the population.

I do anticipate that the actuality that we've array of taken our bottom off the anchor a little too aboriginal here, March was consistently activity to be a difficult month. Bodies appetite to angular forward. But we absolutely should acquire waited till April. The actuality that we've done that now apparently agency that we're apparently activity to plateau. Maybe we'll see an uptick in assertive genitalia of the country. The abandoned affair that could be a absolute bold banker actuality is if we acquire a alternative that pierces above-mentioned immunity, acceptation it reinfects bodies who've either already been adulterated or who acquire been vaccinated like the 1351 alternative or the P1 variant, the one in Brazil.

Now those variants aren't catching in the US. They're aloof sporadic. But 1526, the acumen why bodies are anxious about it, including me, is it could be such a variant. We charge to amount it out. We don't apperceive appropriate now. We charge to get bigger at free these things.

- Dr. Gottlieb, acknowledge you for your analysis. We'll be aback in a moment. The cardinal of unaccompanied amateur at the US Mexico bound this bounce is on clue to be the accomplished ever. CBS News Correspondent Mireya Villarreal has been accoutrement the adventure from both abandon of the border. We asked her to allotment what she's been seeing.

MIREYA VILLARREAL: Every day, they see amid 200 and 300 people. Every day.

As a journalist, you're accomplished to aloof address the facts. But benumbed in the aback of a auto barter forth the banks of the Rio Grande River provides angle best bodies don't usually get. Aback you see a accumulation of migrants-- she's scared. There's more?

- Yeah. There's added coming.

MIREYA VILLARREAL: Filled with children, babies, a 10-year-old boy traveling abandoned from Honduras. Said, God is watching over him. That's why he's not scared. It's adamantine to accommodate your affections as a human. So he's 10, he doesn't apperceive area his dad is. His mom is in Honduras. There's a ancestors up there that's activity to affectionate of watch over him.

Fleeing violence, poor active conditions, and bribery in their home countries, abounding biking for months to get here. They are hungry, wet, and atrocious for a adventitious to appeal asylum, a appropriate afforded to everyone, no amount how they get actuality by a United Nations Treaty in 1951, and US law in 1980.

- Well, this is one of the capital bridge areas area they like to cantankerous because it's absolute abandoned out here.

MIREYA VILLARREAL: We anchored with bounded constables who were allowance acknowledge to the latest billow of migrants in South Texas.

- You acquire to be asked to film.

MIREYA VILLARREAL: Because federal agencies won't acquiesce media admission to shelters or processing facilities.

- But you cannot be here.

MIREYA VILLARREAL: For decades, the bound has been acclimated as a assurance to advance political agendas forward. But all efforts to acquisition any affectionate of band-aid acquire failed. Bounded leaders on the arena on both abandon of the bound are annoyed of the federal government's disability to fix the system.

This is absolutely a abbey academy that has now been adapted into a apartment for migrants. We acquire a lot of bodies from a lot of altered areas. One affair they acquire in accepted is they appetite to be able to acquire their adventitious to go into the US, ask for asylum. Burghal governments, nonprofits, and acceptance based organizations are already afresh address the burden of this altruistic crisis.


MIREYA VILLARREAL: So we aloof batten with his ancestors over here. She's six years old. They beyond the river. They'll be allurement for asylum. And he said he wasn't scared.

- It is not about whether they should be actuality or not. They are here. So what we charge to do is assignment calm to affliction for them correctly.

MIREYA VILLARREAL: The Biden administering refuses to alarm this a crisis. Instead they see it as a absolute austere challenge. But the chat crisis is authentic as a bearings that has accomplished a analytical phase, a affect we acutely saw from the aback of that auto barter forth the banks of the Rio Grande.

- Our Mireya Villarreal advertisement from the US Mexico border. We'll be appropriate back. That's it for us today. Acknowledge you all for watching. Until abutting week. For "Face the Nation," I'm Margaret Brennan.


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