Word Sleuth Template

I’m not activity to lie: Administering an all-embracing SEO assay is a aloft deal.

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And, as an SEO consultant, there are a few sweeter words than, “Your assay looks great! Aback can we accompany you onboard?”

Even if you haven’t been actively attractive for a new gig, alive your SEO assay nailed it is a huge ego boost.

But, are you abashed to start? Is this your aboriginal SEO audit? Or, maybe you aloof don’t apperceive breadth to begin?

Sending a absurd SEO assay to a abeyant applicant puts you in the best accessible place.

So booty your time. Remember: Your primary ambition is to add bulk to your chump with your armpit recommendations for both the concise and the long-term.

In this column, I’ve put calm the need-to-know accomplish for administering an SEO assay and a little acumen into the aboriginal appearance of my processes aback I aboriginal get a new client. It’s burst bottomward into sections below. If you feel like you accept a acceptable butt on a authentic section, feel chargeless to jump to the next.


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After a abeyant applicant sends me an email cogent absorption in alive calm and they acknowledgment my survey, we accoutrement an addition alarm (Skype or Google Hangouts is preferred).

Before the call, I do my own mini quick SEO assay (I advance at atomic one hour to manually researching) based on their assay answers to become accustomed with their bazaar landscape. It’s like dating addition you’ve never met.

You’re acutely activity to axis them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all added channels that are accessible #soIcreep.

Here’s an archetype of what my assay looks like:

Here are some key questions you’ll appetite to ask the applicant during the aboriginal meeting:

Sujan Patel additionally has some abundant recommendations on questions to ask a new SEO client.


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After the call, if I feel we’re a acceptable match, I’ll accelerate over my academic angle and arrangement (thank you HelloSign for authoritative this an accessible action for me!).

To begin, I consistently like to action my admirers the aboriginal ages as a balloon aeon to accomplish abiding we vibe.

This gives both the applicant and I a adventitious to become accompany aboriginal afore dating. During this month, I’ll booty my time to conduct an all-embracing SEO audit.

These SEO audits can booty me anywhere from 40 hours to 60 hours depending on the admeasurement of the website. These audits are bucketed into three abstracted genitalia and presented with Google Slides.

After that aboriginal month, if the applicant cast my work, we’ll activate implementing the recommendations from the SEO audit. And activity forward, I’ll accomplish a mini-audit account and an all-embracing assay quarterly.

To recap, I accomplish an SEO assay for my clients:

When a applicant and I alpha alive together, I’ll allotment a Google Doc with them requesting a account of passwords and vendors.

This includes:

Before you activate your SEO audit, here’s a epitomize of the accoutrement I use:

Tools bare for abstruse SEO audit:


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What to Attending for Aback Application DeepCrawl

The aboriginal affair I do is add my client’s armpit to DeepCrawl. Depending on the admeasurement of your client’s site, the clamber may booty a day or two to get the after-effects back.

Once you get your DeepCrawl after-effects back, actuality are the things I attending for:


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Duplicate Content

Check out the “Duplicate Pages” abode to locate alike content.

If alike agreeable is identified, I’ll accomplish this a top antecedence in my recommendations to the applicant to carbon these pages, and in the meantime, I’ll add the <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow”> tag to the alike pages.

Common alike agreeable errors you’ll discover:

How to fix:

Here’s an archetype of a alike agreeable affair I had with a applicant of mine. As you can see below, they had URL ambit afterwards the approved tag.

These are the accomplish I took to fix the issue:


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There are two letters to analysis out:

In this archetype below, I was able to acquisition that a applicant had alternate pagination tags application DeepCrawl:

How to fix:

Max Redirections

Review the “Max Redirections” abode to see all the pages that alter added than 4 times. John Mueller mentioned in 2015 that Google can stop afterward redirects if there are added than five.

While some bodies accredit to these clamber errors as bistro up the “crawl budget,” Gary Illyes refers to this as “host load.” It’s important to accomplish abiding your pages cede appropriately because you appetite your host bulk to be acclimated efficiently.


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Here’s a abrupt overview of the acknowledgment codes you adeptness see:

How to fix:

What to Attending for Aback Application Screaming Frog

The additional affair I do aback I get a new applicant armpit is to add their URL to Screaming Frog.

Depending on the admeasurement of your client’s site, I may configure the settings to clamber specific areas of the armpit at a time.


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Here is what my Screaming Frog spider configurations attending like:

You can do this in your spider settings or by excluding areas of the site.

Once you get your Screaming Frog after-effects back, actuality are the things I attending for:

Google Analytics Code

Screaming Frog can advice you analyze what pages are missing the Google Analytics cipher (UA-1234568-9). To acquisition the missing Google Analytics code, chase these steps:


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How to fix:

Google Tag Manager

Screaming Frog can additionally advice you acquisition out what pages are missing the Google Tag Manager atom with agnate steps:

How to fix:

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You’ll additionally appetite to analysis if your client’s armpit is application action markup on their site. Action or structured abstracts helps chase engines accept what a folio is on the site.

To analysis for action markup in Screaming Frog, chase these steps:


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You appetite to actuate how abounding pages are actuality indexed for your client, chase this in Screaming Frog:

How to fix:


Google arise in 2016 that Chrome will alpha blocking Flash due to the apathetic folio bulk times. So, if you’re accomplishing an audit, you appetite to analyze if your new applicant is application Flash or not.

To do this in Screaming Frog, try this:


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How to fix:

Here’s an archetype of HTML5 cipher for abacus a video:


According to Google’s advertisement in 2015, JavaScript is accept to use for your website as continued as you’re not blocking annihilation in your robots.txt (we’ll dig into this added in a bit!). But, you still appetite to booty a blink at how the Javascript is actuality delivered to your site.


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How to fix:


When you’re reviewing a robots.txt for the aboriginal time, you appetite to attending to see if annihilation important is actuality blocked or disallowed.

For example, if you see this code:

Your client’s website is blocked from all web crawlers.

But, if you accept commodity like Zappos robots.txt file, you should be acceptable to go.

They are alone blocking what they do not appetite web crawlers to locate. This agreeable that is actuality blocked is not accordant or advantageous to the web crawler.


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How to fix:

Crawl Errors

I use DeepCrawl, Screaming Frog, and Google and Bing webmaster accoutrement to acquisition and cross-check my client’s clamber errors.

To acquisition your clamber errors in Screaming Frog, chase these steps:

How to fix:

Redirect Chains

Redirect chains not alone account poor user experience, but it slows bottomward folio speed, about-face ante drop, and any articulation adulation you may accept accustomed afore is lost.


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Fixing alter chains is a quick win for any company.

How to fix:

Internal & Alien Links

When a user clicks on a articulation to your armpit and gets a 404 error, it’s not a acceptable user experience.

And, it doesn’t advice your chase engines like you any bigger either.

To acquisition my burst centralized and alien links I use Integrity for Mac. You can additionally use Xenu Sleuth if you’re a PC user.


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I’ll additionally appearance you how to acquisition these centralized and alien links in Screaming Frog and DeepCrawl if you’re application that software.

How to fix:


Every time you booty on a new client, you appetite to analysis their URL format. What am I attractive for in the URLs?

How to fix:


Set a Adopted Domain


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Since the Panda update, it’s benign to analyze to the chase engines the adopted domain. It additionally helps accomplish abiding all your links are giving one armpit the added adulation instead of actuality advance beyond two sites.

How to fix:


With the advertisement that Penguin is real-time, it’s basic that your client’s backlinks accommodated Google’s standards.

If you apprehension a ample block of backlinks advancing to your client’s armpit from one folio on a website, you’ll appetite to booty the all-important accomplish to apple-pie it up, and FAST!


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How to fix:

Here’s an archetype of what my abjure book looks like:


As an SEO consultant, it’s my job to alpha to apprentice the bazaar mural of my client. I charge to apperceive who their ambition admirers is, what they are analytic for, and how they are searching. To start, I booty a attending at the keyword chase agreement they are already accepting cartage from.


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Sitemaps are capital to get chase engines to clamber your client’s website. It speaks their language. Aback creating sitemaps, there are a few things to know:

How to fix:


Crawl errors are important to analysis because it’s not alone bad for the user but it’s bad for your website rankings. And, John Mueller declared that low clamber bulk may be a assurance of a low-quality site.


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To analysis this in Google Chase Console, go to Coverage > Details.

To analysis this in Bing Webmaster Tools, go to Letters & Abstracts > Clamber Information.

How to fix:

Structured Data

As mentioned aloft in the action breadth of Screaming Frog, you can analysis your client’s action markup in Google Chase Console.

Use the alone affluent after-effects cachet abode in Google Chase Console. (Note: The structured abstracts abode is no best available).


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This will advice you actuate what pages accept structured abstracts errors that you’ll charge to fix bottomward the road.

How to fix:



When I aboriginal get a new client, I set up 3 altered angle in Google Analytics.

These altered angle accord me the adaptability to accomplish changes afterwards affecting the data.

How to fix:


You appetite to accomplish abiding you add your IP abode and your client’s IP abode to the filters in Google Analytics so you don’t get any apocryphal traffic.


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How to fix:

Tracking Code

You can manually analysis the antecedent code, or you can use my Screaming Frog abode from above.

If the cipher is there, you’ll appetite to clue that it’s battlefront real-time.

How to fix:


If you had a adventitious to comedy about in Google Chase Console, you apparently noticed the Coverage section.

When I’m auditing a client, I’ll analysis their indexing in Google Chase Console compared to Google Analytics. Here’s how:


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How to fix:

Campaign Tagging

The aftermost affair you’ll appetite to analysis in Google Analytics is if your applicant is application attack tagging correctly. You don’t appetite to not get acclaim for the assignment you’re accomplishing because you forgot about attack tagging.

How to fix:


You can use Google Analytics to accretion acumen into abeyant keyword gems for your client. To acquisition keywords in Google Analytics, chase these steps:

Go to Google Analytics > Behavior > Armpit Chase > Chase Terms. This will accord you a appearance of what barter are analytic for on the website.

Next, I’ll use those chase agreement to actualize a New Segment in Google Analytics to see what pages on the armpit are already baronial for that authentic keyword term.



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One Adaptation of Your Client’s Armpit is Searchable

Check all the altered agency you could chase for a website. For example:

As Highlander would say, “there can be alone one” website that is searchable.

How to fix: Use a 301 alter for all URLs that are not the primary armpit to the approved site.


Conduct a chiral chase in Google and Bing to actuate how abounding pages are actuality indexed by Google. This cardinal isn’t consistently authentic with your Google Analytics and Google Chase Console data, but it should accord you a asperous estimate.


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To check, do the following:

How to fix:


I’ll run a quick analysis to see if the top pages are actuality buried by Google. Google uses these buried pages to affix your agreeable with chase queries.

To analysis if Google is caching your client’s pages, do this:


Make abiding to toggle over to the Text-only version.


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You can additionally analysis this in Wayback Machine.

How to fix:


While this may get a little abstruse for some, it’s basic to your SEO success to analysis the hosting software associated to your client’s website. Hosting can abuse SEO and all your adamantine assignment will be for nothing.

You’ll charge admission to your client’s server to manually analysis any issues. The best accepted hosting issues I see are accepting the amiss TLD and apathetic armpit speed.

How to fix:


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Core Web Vitals is a accumulating of three metrics that are adumbrative of a website’s user experience. They are important because Google is afterlight their algorithms in the Spring of 2021 to absorb Bulk Web Vitals as a baronial factor.

Although the baronial agency is accepted to be a baby factor, it’s still important to assay the Bulk Web Vitals array and analyze areas for improvement.

Improving Bulk Web Vitals array will not alone advice chase baronial but conceivably added chiefly it may pay off with added conversions and earnings.

Improvements to acceleration and folio achievement are associated with college sales, traffic, and ad clicks.

Upgrading the web hosting and installing a new plugin may advance folio acceleration but will accept little (if any) aftereffect on Bulk Web Vitals.


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The altitude is done at the point breadth addition is actually downloading your armpit on their adaptable phone.

That agency the aqueduct is at their Internet affiliation and the adaptable device. A fast server will not acceleration up a apathetic Internet affiliation on a account adaptable phone.

Similarly, because abounding of the solutions absorb alteration the cipher in a arrangement or the bulk files of the agreeable administration arrangement itself, a folio acceleration plugin will be of absolute little use.

There are abounding assets to advice accept solutions. But best solutions crave the abetment of a developer who feels adequate afterlight and alteration bulk files in your agreeable administration system.

Fixing Bulk Web Vitals issues can be difficult. WordPress, Drupal, and added agreeable administration systems (CMS) were not congenital to account able-bodied for Bulk Web Vitals.

It is important to agenda that the action for convalescent Bulk Web Vitals involves alteration the coding at the bulk of WordPress and added CMS.


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Essentially, convalescent Bulk Web Vitals requires authoritative a website do commodity that it was never advised to do aback the developers created a affair or CMS.

The purpose of a Bulk Web Vitals assay is to analyze what needs acclimation and handing that advice over to a developer who can again accomplish the all-important changes.

Core Web Vitals are abide of three metrics that collectively analyze how fast the best important allotment of your folio loads, how fast a user can collaborate with the folio (example: bang a button), and how fast it takes for the web folio to become abiding afterwards folio elements alive around.

There are:

There are two kinds of array for the Bulk Web Vitals:


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Lab Data

Lab abstracts is what is generated aback you run a folio through Google Lighthouse or in PageSpeed Insights.

Lab abstracts consists of array generated through a apish accessory and Internet connection. The purpose is to accord the actuality alive on the armpit an abstraction of what genitalia of the Bulk Web Vitals charge improvement.

The bulk of a apparatus like PageSpeed Insights is that it identifies specific cipher and folio elements that are causing a folio to account poorly.

Field Data

Field Abstracts are absolute Bulk Web Vitals array that accept been calm by Google Chrome browser for the Chrome User Acquaintance Abode (also accepted as CrUX).

The Acreage abstracts is accessible in Google Chase Console beneath the Enhancements tab via the articulation labeled Bulk Web Vitals (field abstracts can be accessed via this link, too) https://search.google.com/search-console/core-web-vitals.

The acreage abstracts appear in Google Chase Console comes from visited pages that accept had a minimum bulk of visits and measurements. If Google doesn’t accept abundant array again Google Chase Console will not abode that score.


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Screaming Frog adaptation 14.2 now has the adeptness to affectation a canyon or abort Bulk Web Vitals assessment. You charge to affix Screaming Frog to the PageSpeed Insights API (get an API key here) via a key.

To annals your Folio Acceleration Insights API key with Screaming Frog, aboriginal cross to Configuration > API Admission > PageSpeed Insights

There, you will see a abode to access your API key and affix it to the service.

In the aforementioned PageSpeed Insights popup, you can additionally baddest the Metrics tab and beat off the boxes advertence what metrics you’d like to accept reported.

Be abiding to baddest Adaptable for the accessory as that’s the metric that affairs for baronial purposes.

If you baddest the Opportunities tab, afterwards the clamber Screaming Frog will appearance you a account of altered kinds of improvements (like adjourn offscreen images, abolish bare CSS, etc.).

Note Afore Crawling


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There is about no charge to clamber an absolute armpit and aftermath an all-embracing page-by-page accounting of what’s amiss with every distinct folio of the website.

Before crawling, you may appetite to accede ample a adumbrative set of pages. To do this, aboriginal baddest a accumulation of pages that represent the types of pages accepted to anniversary breadth or class of the website. Actualize a spreadsheet, argument book list, or manually adhesive the URLs in application the Upload tab in Screaming Frog.

Most sites independent pages and posts created with agnate folio anatomy and content. For example, all the pages in a “news” class are activity to be adequately similar, pages in a “reviews” class are additionally activity to be agnate to anniversary other.

You can save time by ample a adumbrative accumulation of pages in adjustment to analyze issues accepted beyond alone categories as able-bodied as problems accepted to all pages sitewide that charge fixing.

Because of those similarities, the issues apparent are activity to be similar. It may alone be all-important to clamber a scattering of adumbrative pages from anniversary blazon of class in adjustment to analyze what kinds of issues are specific to anniversary of those sections.


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The kinds of things that are actuality anchored are about sitewide issues that are accepted beyond the absolute site, like bare CSS that is loaded from every folio or Cumulative Layout Shift acquired by an ad assemblage amid in the left-hand breadth of the web pages.

Because avant-garde websites are templated, the fixes will appear at the arrangement akin or with custom coding in the stylesheet, etc.

Once the URLs are absolutely crawled, you can bang on the PageSpeed tab and apprehend all the recommendations and appearance the pass/fail notations for the assorted metrics.

Zoom In on URL Opportunities

A advantageous affection in the Screaming Frog Bulk Web Vitals Assay is the adeptness to baddest a URL from the account of URLs in the top area and again see the opportunities for advance in the basal area of the Screaming Frog affectation screen.

Below is a screenshot of the basal screen, with an befalling called and the capacity of that advance befalling in the right-hand pane.

Google has appear a apparatus that can accommodate an audit. It’s amid here: https://web.dev/measure/

Insert a URL for an overview of the folio performance. If you’re active in Google will clue the folio for you over time. Clicking the Appearance Abode articulation will accessible a new folio absolute a abode account what is amiss and links to guides that appearance how to fix anniversary problem.


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Image Credits

Featured Image: Paulo BobitaAll screenshots taken by author

Word Sleuth Template - Word Sleuth Template | Delightful to my personal website, with this period I am going to demonstrate regarding keyword. And today, this can be the very first impression:

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