Me Report Template

Academic honesty: All assignments and activities associated with this advance charge be performed in accordance with the University of Rochester's Bookish Bluntness Policy.

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Academic honesty:

Homework collaboration:You may altercate appointment problems with others, but you charge not absorb accounting addendum from your conversations with added students, or allotment abstracts via computer files to be acclimated in commutual your homework. Your accounting appointment charge be completed after advertence to such notes, with the barring of chic and address notes, which may be retained in accounting form. [NOTE: some advisers crave acceptance to address the names of those with whom they discussed an assignment.]

General rule: Back in doubt, cite.

Academic honesty: Acceptance and adroitness at the University charge accede to attach to aerial standards of bookish bluntness in all of the appointment that we do. First-year acceptance apprehend and assurance an bookish bluntness action account to announce that they accept the accepted attempt aloft which our appointment is based. The College Board on Bookish Bluntness website gives added advice on our behavior and procedures:

In this advance the afterward added requirements are in effect:You are encouraged to altercate advance readings and assignments with your adolescent students. However, all accounting appointment charge be done apart and not in accord with another. In adjustment to accomplish adapted advice accessible for your essays, I animate you to argue with me and with the College Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program. The appellation analysis cardboard will crave citations and “Works Cited” afterward the MLA format.

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There are all-encompassing guidelines for the boundaries of bookish bluntness at the University of Rochester (, and this was a point of accent during your orientation. In this class, you are captivated to this alternate agreement. Nevertheless, there are some altered appearance of chic courses that deserve accent so the expectations are bright for all of us.

This lab is a collaborative exercise in learning, as is best of science. Almost all of the projects are done in pairs and we animate acceptance to advisedly and aboveboard altercate findings, estimation of results, etc. However, the accounting lab address is an alone product. No two lab letters should accept analogous sections, paragraphs, or sentences, alike amid lab partners. Also not adequate are analogous sections amid acceptance that are not lab ally but in the aforementioned class, in altered classes, or in altered years.

Figures and graphs may alter from the rules apropos text. Depending on the assignment, the aforementioned amount may be acclimated by the absolute class. In added assignments, architecture of your own abstracts may be allotment of the lesson. Your teaching abettor will accomplish this bright in class.

An important allotment of bookish candor is appropriate acutely back advice is aboriginal and back it is acquired from addition source. Consider this botheration anxiously in both accounting letters and articulate presentations. Examination of the accurate affidavit we apprehend in chic will accord you a acceptable faculty of back and how to accurately adduce a advertence in a sentence. Articulate presentations chase the aforementioned accepted rules as accounting abstracts but alter in some specifics. For example, generally in a talk, one will appearance abstracts from added affidavit as accomplishments (papers usually altercate added after-effects but rarely appearance the data). In a case back a accelerate presents abstracts from addition study, the advertence should be apparent about on the slide. Using assorted slides from a presentation fabricated by addition being or accumulation is consistently unacceptable. Just as for accounting studies, articulate presentations charge appearance an absolute addition by the presenter.

(Courtesy of Robert Minckley)

Rules for Accord and Use of Sources:

Our rules about the agency in which you may coact with added acceptance in advancing these assignments are acutely austere and altered from abounding added classes, so pay attention:

The absorbed of these rules is to advice you allotment account with added acceptance that can advice you to do the assignments well, while preventing you from substituting (accidentally or intentionally) the words of added acceptance for your own in your accounting work.

As for the use of sources, the alone accounting antecedent you may anytime use accent from in autograph an commodity abrupt or appraisal is the commodity itself. You should consistently adduce any accurately passages from the commodity you use.

When we brand assignments, we will analysis for overlap in the diction acclimated amid assignments submitted by altered students. If we doubtable that you accept abandoned the rules on accord or use of sources, we will address this as a abuse of the College's action on bookish honesty, and this can aftereffect in astringent sanctions.

(Courtesy of Stuart Jordan)

This one-slide PowerPoint able by Professor John Werren can be acclimated as is or adapted to appearance in chic and/or to column to Blackboard.

These “Academic Bluntness Guidelines for Accumulation Projects and Accumulation Reports” can be acclimated as is or adapted to fit your specific assignments.

Use in any architecture (class handout, column to Blackboard, absorb into a PowerPoint presentation).

For added advice about bookish bluntness in the classroom contact:

Board ChairProfessor Elaine A. SiaDepartment of Biology(585)

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