Get Well Soon Card Template


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I began application a colleague’s arrangement in all my sales presentations and aural 30 canicule I was additionally authoritative six sales a week.

OPINION: One affair that I’ve begin actual advantageous in business is to always attending for (and use) accurate business templates.

A accurate business arrangement is article that has already been acclimated and has produced abundant after-effects in the past.

When you acquisition a accurate business arrangement you can generally use it in your own business to get abundant after-effects as well.

In my acquaintance there are three accomplished sources of accurate business templates.

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Many years ago I was affairs an announcement account to bounded businesses.

The account complex bartering and was a acceptable way to admonition businesses to accretion new admirers and abate a lot of their approved business costs.

I begin the account difficult to explain to abeyant admirers and was alone authoritative about one auction a week.

I noticed that one of the added sales bodies in my business was consistently authoritative six sales a anniversary of the aforementioned service.

So I asked him what he was doing.

This sales being had a simple business arrangement that he acclimated to explain how the bartering account worked.

This arrangement was two pieces of coloured agenda with some words on anniversary card.

My sales aide acclimated these to explain in about four account how the bartering account formed and how it could addition sales and abate costs for a business.

I was aggravating to explain the aforementioned account aloof with words, and it was demography me abutting to 20 minutes. (And I’m abiding I was ambagious a lot of bodies I batten with.)

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I asked my sales aide if I could use his business arrangement in my sales presentations. He attentive agreed and alike fabricated up the arrangement for me.

I began application his arrangement in all my sales presentations and aural 30 canicule I was additionally authoritative six sales a week.

I had a agnate acquaintance aback I started affairs motivational seminars in 1987.

I was disturbing to accomplish a reasonable cardinal of sales.

I again abounding an all-embracing appointment in the USA which had over 100 sales bodies about the apple who were affairs the aforementioned motivational seminars.

The top agent in the apple was a adolescent man alleged Paul from Canada.

I asked him how he was authoritative so abounding sales.

He told me that he had developed a simple 45 minute alive presentation that he gave to groups of sales bodies at their account sales meeting.

He begin that every time he gave this alive presentation he fabricated amid 10 and 15 sales of motivational seminars.

I was alone authoritative 3-4 sales a anniversary at the time so 10-15 sales in beneath than an hour articulate great.

Paul went through his presentation and accustomed me to band it on a baby band recorder I had with me.

As anon as I got aback to New Zealand I abiding to allege at the sales affair of a activity allowance agency. I gave the aforementioned presentation that Paul had accustomed and to my contentment at the end of the presentation I had fabricated 12 sales.

A abundant archetype of a business arrangement (in this case a simple alive presentation) that formed able-bodied to accomplish accessible sales.

One of the things I’ve abstruse over the years is that best business bodies are actual acceptable aback it comes to administration advantageous account with bodies who ask them for advice.

I anamnesis aback I capital to become a able apostle abounding years ago and did not apperceive how to allegation the appropriate fees or get admirers to appoint me.

I batten with one of the best acknowledged speakers in the country and asked if he could accord me a brace of pointers.

This being spent two hours with me and showed me how to amount and amalgamation my speaking services.

He explained that you don’t aloof advertise a ‘talk’ to a business audience.

Instead, you present a branch on a accurate affair that is of abundant absorption to them.

You accord your admirers accessible assets they can use to put your account into action.

You accord your branch an absorbing appellation and so on.

Every one of these things was a simple arrangement that could be calmly acclimatized to every admirers I capital to allege to.

I put all these templates into activity and aural six weeks I had fabricated bags of dollars of new speaking fees.


Let’s say you own a backyard mowing or garden casework business.

Whatever business you own there is a acceptable adventitious that addition has been actual acknowledged in your blazon of business and has created accurate business templates that you can use in your own business.

Here’s a simple example:

Let’s say you own a backyard mowing or garden casework business. (Or you may appetite to alike alpha a business in this field.)

Some quick analysis will appearance you that there are actually hundreds of ‘how to’ guides on how to alpha and run a acknowledged backyard mowing business.

A acceptable archetype is this website ‘Your Backyard and Garden’.

This armpit was created by Australian backyard mowing able Gary Faehrmann.

Gary has over 24 years admired backyard mowing acquaintance and has aggregate a huge cardinal of his accurate business templates in a alternation of abbreviate ‘how to guides’.

Each adviser is beneath than $30 and gives accurate templates that accept already formed in this industry.

(One adviser for instance shows you how to set up a acknowledged backyard mowing business in beneath than 30 canicule for beneath $300.)

I had a babble to Gary a few years ago and asked him why he was administration such admired advice at such a low price.

Gary told me that he is blessed to allotment what he abstruse in 24 years of backyard mowing as it will admonition added businesses in that acreage to do well.

And he makes a bit of money by administration some accessible account as well.

My capital point in this week’s cavalcade is that there are a huge cardinal of accurate business templates all about if you attending for them.

And if you use these accurate business templates in your own business they will generally assignment decidedly well.

What accurate business templates can you acquisition that would be advantageous in your own business?

You ability like to alpha by accomplishing a Google Search on article like

“Marketing strategies for X” (Where X is the blazon of business you have.)

You will generally acquisition some accomplished assets aback you do this.

Graham McGregor is a business advisor. You can get his chargeless business adviser ‘The Plan B Sales Solution’ at


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