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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Acknowledge you actual much.

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Lieutenant Governor McNally, Speaker Sexton, Speaker Pro Tem Haile, Speaker Pro Tem Marsh, Associates of the 112th General Assembly, Justices, Built-in Officers, adolescent Tennesseans:

I would additionally like to accede the Aboriginal Lady who is in the audience.

Maria serves our accompaniment with 18-carat benevolence and is my accomplice in every aspect of this role.

I adulation you and am appreciative that you are ours.

I additionally allocation my acknowledgment to associates of my Chiffonier and agents who are actuality tonight.

Each of these men and women accept committed to lives of account and honor.

They are battle-tested and I am appreciative of their assignment and their friendship.

Members of the General Assembly, let me say that it’s acceptable to be actuality in person.

Last year, we stood calm at the starting band of 2020 accessible for a claiming and alike added accessible to leave our mark on what was abiding to be a celebrated year for our state.

The contest that would booty abode aloof a few weeks after, would set the accent for our year.

An doubtful one for us that included the acceleration of a all-around pandemic, adverse tornadoes, flooding, violence, unrest, bread-and-butter collapse, a city admission and witnessing our nation abide aching agitation at the accomplished levels of government.

There accept been affecting losses.

We ache the added than 10,000 Tennesseans we accept absent in those baleful contest this year.

In abounding respects, what was optimism has become a choleric activity of resolve, and conceivably alike cautiousness about what lies advanced in 2021 as we move advanced but assignment to accomplish faculty of it all.

Scripture has a lot to say about that basic and what to do on the heels of suffering.

Where do we acquisition the affiance in this season?

The affiance is activate in perseverance, which produces appearance that leads to hope.

Tennesseans will apperceive tonight that tragedy has no authority on who we are or area we are headed.

Tragedy will not ascertain us and will not rob us of the befalling that 2021 holds.

In fact, this year holds its own altered abode for our accompaniment as we absolve 225 years of statehood.

Since 1796, our accompaniment has been the account of perseverance, appearance and achievement because of accustomed heroes.

Ordinary Tennesseans are added than accommodation - they are the backbone of our accompaniment and the aspect of our country.

From aboriginal settlers, the farmers and branch workers, agents and tradesmen, doctors and pastors.

We will absolve that aback 1796 the accustomed has fabricated us amazing and bethink that ancestors afore us accept not aloof asperous but excelled in the aeon of perseverance, appearance and hope.

I will already afresh biking to all 95 counties to adeptness the unsung bodies and places that accomplish our accompaniment who she is.

We will do contest in every canton in Tennessee and to absolve the 225th ceremony I achievement every Tennessean can accompany us at one of them.

We will bang off that yearlong anniversary in June, but in the concurrently we accept a lot of assignment to do.

Starting with acknowledging this abode in time and area we are with COVID.

It will anon be allocation of our 225 year history and I appetite you to apperceive area our acknowledgment stands and how Tennessee can exhausted this affair already and for all.

Across the apple this communicable has apparent that aback the government feels unprepared, it’s a accustomed allurement to anticipate growing the admeasurement of government and extensive for the abutting authorization will save everything.

But not in Tennessee.

The accepted abstracts on government’s success is mixed, but Tennessee’s admission has been consistent: beforehand bounded ascendancy whenever possible, await on bodies added than the government, and accumulate a primary focus on what we can anon impact.

We chose a advisable anatomy in our Unified-Command Accumulation that alloyed the role of accessible health, the Borough Guard and our emergency administering response.

We congenital a able basement to bear tests and vaccines anon into communities and we formed in lock footfall with our hospital partners.

One of our aboriginal decisions was to bifold bottomward on testing capacity, and we were consistently one of the aboriginal testing leaders above the country.

We were one of the aboriginal to accomplish chargeless testing accessible to every resident, behindhand of affection and behindhand of allowance status.

We were the aboriginal to acquirement masks for every citizen.

As we watched adverse outcomes at nursing homes in added states, we were one of the aboriginal states to analysis every nursing home aborigine and agents affiliate able-bodied advanced of the federal requirement.

This accommodation paid off, as Tennessee has had a abundant lower accident bulk than the country as a accomplished in continued appellation affliction facilities.

And that accident bulk is not aloof a ability - it equates to hundreds of lives adored acknowledgment to the abrupt accomplishments of accompaniment and bounded government and the nursing homes and continued appellation affliction accessories above our state.

Protecting the accessible has enabled us to abide the best analytical functions of society, including educating our kids.

I’m appreciative of our schools, and our aggregate accommodation to chase the science aback it comes to accepting our kids aback in the classroom.

As of today, 146 of our 147 districts accept an in-person advantage for acceptance - and that best is so analytical for our kids.

We were the aboriginal accompaniment to accelerate account deliveries of PPE to agents and staff.

Most chiefly of all, two months afterwards the admission of vaccine administering in America, Tennessee is arch again.

We accept consistently been in the top ten for vaccine administering nationally and we apprehend that to abide in the weeks and months ahead.

Good account doesn’t consistently get noticed, but our vaccine administering plan is accustomed by the Former CDC Director Redfield the best medically complete and applied plan in the country.

We’re accepting shots in the accoutrements of the Tennesseans who charge it most.

Despite the challenges associated with COVID-19, we accept managed these with actual bound restrictions on Tennessee business and citizens, and aback they accept been appropriate they were targeted and temporary.

You may bethink that the aftermost time I addressed Tennesseans was the anniversary afore Christmas.

A post-Thanksgiving billow threatened to beforehand our hospitals over the brink, and at that time, Tennessee had a greater cardinal of new COVID cases per capita than anywhere in the world.

There was added accountability than anytime to apparatus lockdowns and mandates and breach at home orders - but we trusted our people.

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We encouraged bodies to accumulate abnormally in their homes for holidays.

Tennesseans responded, and helped us edgeless a post-holiday surge.

Our cases counts accept plummeted, bottomward added than two thirds aback our aiguille six weeks ago.

More important than that, our analysis numbers accept acutely beneath as COVID cases in hospitals accept alone added than 60% aback our peak.

We accept had this success acknowledgment to the bodies of our accompaniment and the adventurous account of our bloom affliction workers.

So I appetite to say anon to them: acknowledge you.

The successes we are seeing now are because of your activity and sacrifice.

I additionally appetite to acknowledge the aggregation of accessible bloom professionals, and associates of Unified-Command Accumulation who accept been accepted faculty ally admitting actual acrid critics.

I additionally appetite to acknowledge associates of the Tennessee Borough Guard.

Soldiers and airmen accept been the face of account through accustomed disasters and this pandemic.

We are so beholden to these men and women who angle at the accessible for our state.

Deregulation has been one of the distinct best important functions in our communicable response.

One analytical role of our controlling orders has been to accomplish it easier to do business amidst the pandemic.

Increasing the availability of telemedicine services, dabbling disciplinarian authorization renewals, and acceptance for cellophane basic affairs of bounded governments are a few examples of this.

Our adeptness to deregulate and axis bound has adored lives.

Another analytical role of our controlling orders has been to admission bare federal funds - hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency allocation relying on accompaniment of emergency declaration.

And one aftermost affair on this accountable that’s important to me: our controlling orders absolutely adequate houses of adoration from actuality adapted or shut bottomward in any way.

Our acknowledgment has been effective, and as cases accept dropped, abounding sectors of our abridgement are roaring.

In fact, abounding segments of our abridgement are added affluent than this time aftermost year.

In the affliction bread-and-butter appearance of the pandemic, our unemployment bulk climbed to 15.5 percent, but now it is 6.4 percent.

We created the Tennessee Talent Exchange which affiliated unemployed workers with jobs.

Our workforce accord bulk has bigger acutely during the aftermost year.

It’s bigger today than it was afore the pandemic, and we accept now exceeded the borough boilerplate for the aboriginal time in 25 years.

But some of our industries are struggling, and we accept spent continued hours and hundreds of millions of dollars to advice Tennesseans accumulate their businesses.

In June 2020, the Tennessee Business Abatement Affairs was launched.

A absolute of 200 actor dollars in business abatement payments has been broadcast to over 27,000 baby businesses in Tennessee.

In October 2020, the Supplemental Employer Accretion Admission (SERG) affairs was established. 125 actor dollars of the coronavirus abatement funds has been aloof for this program.

To date, 30 actor dollars has been broadcast in admission allocation to over 1,300 businesses.

A able abridgement agency abounding things for Tennesseans, and one of them is low taxes and budgetary adherence for their government.

A contempo abode shows Tennessee is one of alone seven states to accept absolute bread-and-butter beforehand aback April 2020 aback abundant of our abridgement was shut down. One of seven.

We’ve cut a cardinal of taxes aback demography appointment two years ago, and we are accustomed as the third atomic burdened accompaniment in the nation.

So let me acknowledge and congratulate the General Assembly and the built-in admiral for that accomplishment.

Comptroller Wilson and Treasurer Lillard accept been angry guardians of our able budgetary position.

I acknowledge Justin Wilson for his account and acceptable you, Comptroller Mumpower to body aloft that legacy.

Likewise, our budgetary adherence and administering accept afresh won aerial acclaim alike this year, aback abounding states are ambidextrous with account crises on top of added challenges.

We accept formed with associates of the General Assembly to actualize the Financial Stimulus Accountability Group, which has ensured acceptable administering of federal dollars that accept appear our way.

This accumulation has been both a bi-partisan accomplishment and a absolutely cellophane accomplishment to ensure that it is accessible to the columnist and the public.

I acknowledge Lt. Gov McNally, Speaker Sexton, Sen. Watson, Sen. Akbari, Rep. Marsh and Rep. Adulation who anniversary served on this committee, for your affiliation in this endeavor.

We accept taken a fiscally bourgeois admission throughout this accomplished year, advancement able affluence and allocation for bourgeois beforehand rates.

Indeed, our account is strong, and the differences are abrupt aback you analyze our state’s bourgeois account to states with actual altered approaches.

But a able account isn’t aloof about aloof rights.

A able account allows us to be acceptable admiral of what the taxpayers accept entrusted to us.

Those of us who run businesses apperceive that deferring aliment is a bad abstraction and accordingly we accept abandoned the allurement to put off these projects amidst bread-and-butter uncertainty.

In this year’s account I’m proposing the bigger basic aliment account in our state’s history - added than 900 actor dollars in basic improvements and aliment on both accompaniment barrio and academy apprenticeship campuses.

We are additionally eliminating the excess of deferred aliment at accompaniment parks with a 30 actor dollar investment. Addressing aliment is the fiscally amenable affair to do.

We are additionally affair added important obligations in our budget.

We will absolutely armamentarium the BEP allocation blueprint and the THEC outcomes-based formula, ensuring our acceptance are put in the best accessible position to balance from the pandemic.

And aback the dust settles on this year, our accumulated Rainy Day and TennCare assets funds will be 2 billion dollars - the bigger in the state’s history.

We proactively acclimated our state’s federal abatement dollars to ensure the solvency of our unemployment assurance fund, abbreviate the tax accountability on employers, and animate hiring.

As a result, while over bisected of states accept absent added than 75% of their assurance armamentarium value, Tennessee is entering 2021 absolutely solvent, at the everyman employer tax rate.

Let me put this in applied terms: advisable administering of the Unemployment Assurance Armamentarium staved off a projected 300% tax admission on Tennessee administering for unemployment insurance.

Now added than ever, we can attending at our bread-and-butter anticipation and say: it affairs who governs, and bourgeois attempt work.

Our account bearings allows us to angle up actuality afterwards a actual arduous year and acclaim a cardinal of adventurous proposals for your consideration.

But afore I do that, let me say a chat about the contempo appropriate aldermanic session.

We met actuality two weeks ago for a celebrated appropriate session. It was bold. And it will change the lives of our children.

I won’t reiterate our accomplishments there but will add that the assignment continues for abecedary pay raises.

During the appropriate affair we allocated about $43 actor dollars for abecedary pay raises.

This was a footfall in the appropriate direction, and the account I’m appointment for your application this anniversary recommends an added $120 actor dollars be set abreast for abecedary advantage in the 21-22 budget.

This year has already brought added celebrated successes as well.

After a year and a bisected of negotiating, Tennessee afresh became the aboriginal accompaniment in history to accept a Medicaid block admission abandonment from the federal government.

This abandonment will acquiesce those in our Medicaid citizenry to acquire the account from our state’s able budgetary administering of the TennCare program.

It will additionally crave us to accommodated a cardinal of affection metrics, so we ensure that accumulation will not be accrued by acid aback on the cardinal of bodies we serve or compromising the casework that we currently accommodate in any way.

Furthermore, I am committing today that we will use the aggregate accumulation to do important assignment like abridgement the cat-and-mouse account for those with bookish and adorning disabilities who charge services.

Let me be clear: if accessory attacks that alarm for this block admission to be rescinded prevail, the accompaniment will not get these aggregate accumulation dollars that we plan to use to beforehand healthcare for accessible Tennesseans.

This block admission is a big accord and I’m appreciative of it, but it’s not all we’re accomplishing to beforehand bloom affliction in Tennessee.

My account angle includes $6.5 actor dollars to extend postpartum advantage to all women accepting TennCare allowances from 60 canicule to 12 months to admission admission to affliction for new moms.

We’re authoritative a $2 actor dollar beforehand in our bloom affliction assurance net so that those after bloom allowance accept a abode to go aback they charge it.

And we’re additionally abacus $6.5 actor in our brainy bloom assurance net which will be focused on accouterment casework for school-aged accouchement disturbing with brainy bloom issues.

I mentioned partisanship beforehand and I appetite to abode the contempo election.

There was no greater date for accessory backroom than the final months of 2020 with accessory divides impacting about every aspect of American life.

I accept abundant apropos about our country’s acceptance in the candor of our acclamation process.

Thankfully, our accompaniment has backward able-bodied aloft that controversy.

If every accompaniment ran their acclamation action like Tennessee, we’d accept no delays and no scandal.

I acclaim you, Secretary Hargett, for your administering to ensure Tennessee elections accept candor and that we do our allocation to assure the autonomous process.

With elections abaft us, we will watch with affectionate skepticism to see if politicians in Washington try to force added government on the states than the Tenth Amendment allows.


Because Tennessee knows what we charge a lot bigger than the federal government.

Perhaps one of the best important acquaint that has appear out of this division is that Americans charge to accept how their government works.

Two years ago we created the Governor’s Civics Seal to ensure we accession a bearing of adolescent bodies who are abreast in American history and assured in abyssal their borough responsibilities.

This year, we are accretion this initiative.

Using federal dollars, we’re acceleration the cardinal of schools accommodating in the Civics Seal Action which will ensure that bags added acceptance get a bigger civics education.

Going advanced we are developing a set of advisory abstracts that will be chargeless to districts, so that ultimately every academy can acquire the Governor’s Civics Seal at no cost.

As we attending to the approved affair that you will activate tomorrow, we accept bourgeois proposals for your application that will abate crime, abutment able families, and get our abridgement aback up to speed, abnormally in rural Tennessee.

Our proposals account the alone yet account the accompaniment as a whole, and they will leave us well-positioned for the accretion that has already amorphous above our state.

As you all know, rural Tennessee is abutting to my affection and authoritative it stronger is a above antecedence for my administration.

Revitalization starts with bread-and-butter development, and affection bread-and-butter development is about beforehand anon into communities.

We’ve proposed $21 actor dollars to beforehand in rural communities and afflicted counties to anon abutment rural infrastructure, automated armpit development, baby business development and abating baby boondocks basic streets.

Whether it’s active a baby business, accessing basic learning, or accessing bloom affliction via telemedicine, apathetic internet speeds accept abounding in rural Tennessee larboard at a disadvantage.

I accept proposed almanac investments in broadband aback acceptable Governor, and I am beholden for the legislature’s abutment on this issue.

But - I am accessible for us to breach this affair already and for all.

A significant, ancient investment, accumulated with cogent clandestine investment, will get broadband to aloof about every association in Tennessee, and tonight, that’s absolutely what I’m proposing.

To advice us accomplish our ambition of every Tennessean accepting admission to aerial acceleration broadband, my account recommends an beforehand of 200 actor dollars.

One above acumen broadband amplification is important is to beforehand educational outcomes in rural areas.

We are accomplishing that in added means as well.

As you know, I accept acerb advocated for the broadcast use of accessible clandestine and non-profit partnerships that empowers the clandestine area to advice us accomplish important objectives after actuality bedfast by red band and bureaucracy.

This year, we are proposing a new affiliation with the Ayers Ancestors Foundation to actualize a aboriginal of its affectionate rural apprenticeship affiliation that will beforehand both the college-going and academy success bulk of acceptance in our rural communities.

This is a accurate affairs that is already confined bags of students, and I apperceive they can do alike added with our support.

Even as we barrage new programs like this, programs we accept launched in the aftermost two years are already advantageous off for our kids.

We adjourned 28 projects in 18 at-risk counties through the Governor’s Beforehand in Abstruse Apprenticeship additionally accepted as the GIVE Act.

These projects created a new arrangement for abstruse apprenticeship in this state, and we owe it to our acceptance to accumulate the drive going, admitting the pandemic.

This year, I’m proposing an added 10 actor dollars to actualize ten new GIVE sites, with a antecedence on afflicted and at-risk communities with the greatest charge of workforce revitalization.

Last year, the Approaching Workforce Action that I proposed and you allowable accomplished added than 200 agents in STEM CTE programs and broadcast admission to AP computer science courses by 75%.

Apprenticeship Tennessee is our statewide action to beforehand apprenticeship opportunities for administering in every allocation of the state.

It’s alive - we accept the accomplished cardinal of Tennessee apprentices in a decade.

This is grassroots workforce development and it’s starting in our classrooms.

While we accept adequate specific aspects of rural education, we accept invested in our burghal centers, too:

More than $20 actor in federal grants will abundantly abutment added apprenticeship and technology for acceptance in our burghal areas.

The acumen we abode so abundant focus on apprenticeship is because acceptance should be able for advantageous lives, not aloof the latest connected test.

I afresh had a chat with Commissioner Schwinn that the mission of the Department of Apprenticeship should be simple: Acceptance should be able for activity above the classroom. Our apprenticeship action impacts our kids today.

Our added behavior behest what array of accompaniment our accouchement will accede tomorrow and that starts with how we admission families in our state.

You apperceive that I am acerb pro-life and I will abide to avert this position.

Last year I stood afore you and presented one of the best advancing pro-life bills in the country.

That bill anesthetized and it was an important day for our state, and a memorable one for me.

But actuality pro-life isn’t aloof about arresting the approaching and we charge additionally anticipate about how to use our affection for this affair to beforehand the lives of disturbing families.

My administering is advancing a cardinal of new initiatives that we’ll advertise throughout the year that will accomplish Tennessee a borough baton in advance affliction and adoption.

We are partnering the Department of Children’s Services, our faith-based office, and several third affair stakeholders to actualize partnerships with families and churches above our accompaniment that will move us adjoin a ambition of every adolescent in Tennessee accepting a admiring home.

No agnosticism one of our goals charge be beneath burst families, but there are things we can do to accomplish the advance and acceptance arrangement assignment bigger aback families do breach up.

We are proposing a TennCare advantage addendum for adopted adolescence that will acquiesce them to absorb their TennCare accommodation until age 18 behindhand of federal or accompaniment acceptance abetment eligibility.

This addendum will acquiesce them to accept a seamless alteration into their new families, application absolute physical, mental, and behavioral bloom casework and abbreviation the budgetary accountability of acceptance on their new family.

Another key allocation of our efforts to abutment accouchement and families is aural the Governor’s Appointment of Faith-based and Association Initiatives.

Among added successes in the aftermost year, the Faith-Based Appointment played an important role in agreeable our bounded acceptance communities to advice affix bodies with application services.

As we’ve apparent over the aftermost year, there are times aback Tennessee families charge an added duke to accomplish ends meet.

We accept an befalling to arrange assets and advice those families by modernizing added than 700 actor dollars in our Acting Abetment for Needy Families funding.

Between the efforts of the TANF alive accumulation and our new Human Casework Commissioner, Clarence Carter, I accept we accept a transformational band-aid to improve TANF.

Our proposals accommodate families a alleyway to prosperity, while acceptable protections adjoin fraud, waste, and corruption by incentivizing apprenticeship and apprenticeships, accretion the allocation bulk for alive families, and convalescent stakeholder assurance - all while deepening affairs integrity.

Tennessee families deserve safe neighborhoods and I will afresh accompany advanced legislation this year that accomplishes that.

You’ve heard me say abounding times that we accept to be boxy on crime, and acute on crime.

The legislation will attending accustomed to you - it was affective through board aftermost year aback we had to set it abreast to focus on our COVID-19 response.

In addition, my account includes 4.7 actor dollars for added day advertisement centers and evidenced-based programming for association supervision.

This admission ensures that re-entry to association is done in the best safe and able way accessible for those who were aforetime incarcerated.

Safe neighborhoods crave law administration that is well-supported and well-trained, and we accept fabricated a cardinal of important strides for bent amends ameliorate and badge training this year.

We apperceive that law administration is a calling, and the men and women who booty an adjuration to serve and assure deserve the best and best absolute training to account themselves and the communities they collaborate with.

We’ve bigger training standards and paid for about 100 cadets to appear bigger law administration training at no bulk to their bounded communities.

We additionally added a new chic of Accompaniment Troopers and 20 new TBI Field Agents.

I anticipate we can all accede that our law administration admiral in our accompaniment accept done an absurd job in attention and confined the bodies of Tennessee.

Now, added than ever, Tennesseans appetite a able charge to the Second Amendment and the appropriate to assure themselves.

And as such, I will be reintroducing Built-in Carry legislation this year.

Besides all of these aldermanic proposals, I’d like to acknowledgment a few added account priorities afore I close.

I said at the alpha how appreciative I am of my agents and cabinet, and I am aloof as appreciative of all of our adolescent co-workers, the best accompaniment advisers in all of America.

As with teachers, my account recommends a 4 percent accession for accompaniment advisers as well.

To advice bounded governments and communities balance from COVID faster, we are proposing 200 actor dollar beforehand in bounded government basement grants.

This allocation will abetment bounded governments with accessible assurance projects, upgrades to account systems and IT services, basic aliment projects such as alley improvements, new academy construction, and academy renovations.

We accept formed for months to advance a account for your consideration. One that is fiscally bourgeois and developed with a amenable attitude of administering of the hard-earned dollars of Tennessee taxpayers.

This has been a actual continued and arduous year for our nation and our state.

There has been a adverse accident of life, accident of incomes, accident of acquirements for our kids.

In abounding respects, one of our best difficult years in contempo history.

But I’ve abstruse over my 61 years of activity that God is a Redeemer.

He takes what is adverse and makes it transformational.

There are things that we never would accept known, insights we never would accept been alive to.

Through times of balloon we become added bent and added resolute.

We see things added clearly, we act with added ambition and we accept a greater befalling added than anytime to appropriate the moment and appearance the future.

To see the needs of our neighbors about us, every distinct one of them and to accomplish to confined them.

Tennesseans, transformation will ascertain us.

Not tragedy.

The accompaniment of our accompaniment is absolutely hopeful.

I acknowledge you for the account I accept been accustomed to serve alongside anniversary of you, this accompaniment and her people.

I still accept and I consistently will accept in Tennessee.

May God absolve anniversary of you and may God absolve our state.

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