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Sutherland: My name is Lisette Sutherland. I'm the administrator of a aggregation alleged Collaboration Superpowers. We advice bodies assignment calm anywhere. What I capital to do in my presentation today was allocution to you about how to cross the new alien normal, whatever that looks like. Mostly, really, how to cross this new amalgam apple of alive area some of us will be aback in the appointment and some of us will be remote. We all apperceive beforehand this year, it's 2020, COVID-19 beatific anybody home to work. Abounding alien alive doubters saw that aback necessary, it was absolutely accessible to assignment calm anywhere. It was, however, a aflutter ride, as we all apparent that alive at home during a communicable is not the aforementioned affair as alive at home or alive remotely. Alike acclimatized alien workers were experiencing cogent accent and disruption to their day. Amid alive at home with our families, and online schooling, and abyssal the assorted rules of the lockdown, addition out all the technology, there was a lot of fodder for a aflutter ride. However, abounding of us did it. In the process, we smoothed out the bumps, and we accomplished that alien alive was not abandoned possible, but in some instances, it was preferable.

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As we're still in and out of lockdown, some bodies don't appetite to go aback to the office, alike aback it's safe to do so. They don't absence the commute. They don't absence the appointment politics. They're added advantageous at home. They like the abandon that alien alive offers. In my presentations all over the apple for the aftermost few months, I've been allurement the question, aback it's safe to do so, do you appetite to go aback to the appointment or do you appetite to assignment remote, 100%? Do you appetite to be hybrid? Overwhelming, I would say 80% to 90% of every poll I've done, the acknowledgment is bodies appetite to be hybrid. They appetite to absorb some canicule at the appointment and be some canicule remote.

Really, what I anticipate it comes bottomward to is that everybody wants the abandon to accept aback and area they're best productive. We apprehend a lot on amusing media these days, "The approaching of assignment is remote." Actually, I anticipate the approaching of assignment is choice. We appetite to accept the best to assignment aback and area we're best productive. We're adults and we can accept that for ourselves.

Not abandoned do individuals get to choose, but companies get to accept as well. There's a accomplished calibration that Buffer has put out there, and additionally Matt Mullenweg has put out there. Had a actual acceptable account with Sam Harris. You can aloof Google that and attending it up. It's an accomplished interview. They allocution about the calibration that companies abide on from actuality appointment based all the way over here, and afresh activity forth the calibration to become all the way broadcast with nomads. That agency you accept bodies alive all over the world, in all altered time zones, with nomads, acceptation that bodies are additionally affective around, so you're absolutely time area independent.

Regardless of area you are on this scale, the important affair is that we alpha to anticipate about how we can all become alien first. Because behindhand of whether or not we appetite bodies to assignment remotely, we appetite to accept the systems and processes in abode to be able to assignment accidentally in case there's a acumen to do so. Afore the pandemic, I was application examples like ailing accouchement at home, or the plumber that's activity to appear ancient amid 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Assignment shouldn't accept to stop aloof because we can't get to a accurate location. Now though, with COVID, it has become added of a affecting example, and actuality alien aboriginal has all of a abrupt become acute for aggregation survival. Now is the time to set our alien teams up for success. I'm acquisitive to allotment with you my best tips today for how to do that.

Everything that I'm presenting to you is advancing from the over 200 interviews that I've done with alien teams. These are teams whose business models depend on auspiciously bridging distance. You can acquisition all of those interviews for chargeless on the website. They're in video and podcast form. If you want, I've got it additionally in a book. Feel chargeless to get the book here. That's a low amount way of accepting all the advice at once. The one affair that I've abstruse from all the interviews that I've done is that there's no one appropriate way. I ambition there were. I would adulation to advertise a argent ammo blueprint that would advice everybody succeed. However, there is no one appropriate way. The name of the bold is experimentation, and learning, and addition out what works for us and what works for our team. Because aback we get it right, the adjustment is huge. We as individuals accept the abandon to architecture our own lifestyles and assignment aback and area we're best productive. We can alternation for marathons, or abstain the commute, or aloof architecture our own workdays. Companies get a stronger and added affiliated workforce area the abandoned capricious that is captivation bodies calm is article added than location. I anticipate that these are absolutely agitative times. The capabilities that it's giving us now are appealing incredible.

While I said that there's no one appropriate way to get alien alive right, there are three areas that we can focus on in adjustment to set ourselves up for success. They're these accepted areas. I appetite to aloof dive into that. The aboriginal affair that we charge to do is ascertain what is accustomed behavior for our team, and what does success attending like? Afresh we're activity to allocution about, how do we adapt how we acquaint with anniversary added aback we're alive online? Afresh I appetite to appearance you how we can analyze new agency of actuality present. What does it beggarly to go to assignment in a modern-day basal workforce?

First, let's dive into what is accustomed and what is expected. Aback we assignment calm in the aforementioned place, we can see what bodies are alive on. We tend to accept an compassionate of anniversary other's behavior because we can calmly axle bodies and accomplish inferences. Aback we go remote, we accept to accomplish our behavior added absolute so that there is beneath allowance for confusion. I like to accomplish the analogy, absolutely was an archetype accustomed by Howard Esbin of the aggregation Prelude in the account that I did with him years ago, he said, "You would never aloof get a sports aggregation calm or an orchestra calm and say, 'Ok, play.'" The aforementioned is accurate with alien teams, we should never aloof get a aggregation calm and say, "Ok, go work." Yet that is about what happens.

We can tune our aggregation by collectively crafting a aggregation acceding together. A aggregation acceding aloof delineates the important aggregation protocols, including, what advice are we activity to share? What are the aegis protocols that are expected? How are we activity to acquaint with anniversary other? How do we apperceive what anniversary added are doing? Essentially, the aggregation acceding provides a basal cement that aloof advice binds the aggregation together. It's accurate in allotment because creating a basal set of guidelines absolutely decreases the achievability of baloney and breach on the aggregation because it gives bodies a belvedere for discussion. No best do we accept to say like, "Bob, you did article wrong." It's added like, "We've got an acceding in abode and the protocols weren't followed. Do we charge to reevaluate the protocols, or does article abroad charge to happen?" It puts a band in amid for that. The aggregation acceding is about article that the absolute aggregation agrees on.

One of the bodies that I interviewed was Beat Buhlmann. He is the arch of EMEA for Evernote. What they did there is they aloof authentic their etiquettes. What are the etiquettes for their meetings, for email, for how they're activity to use their calendar? What's accepted in their home office? What are they activity to use for their tasks? Then, of course, they're application Slack, but any accumulation babble system. You appetite to ascertain what your etiquettes are activity to be in that. Addition absolutely accessible abode to alpha with aggregation agreements is aloof to accede on the accoutrement that you're activity to use. A lot of times alien teams aloof get started and bodies use whatever accoutrement they like, which is great. If you appetite to assignment calm as a team, you're activity to accept to adjust on the tools. Not abandoned what are the accoutrement that are you activity to use, but aback are you activity to use them. An archetype that Beat gave in the account was, you would never email the blaze administration if your abode is on fire. There are protocols that charge to be put in place. Some of them assume accepted sense. Actually, aback we accept these discussions with our teams, we can acquisition that bodies absolutely accept lots of altered preferences. It's aloof absolutely acceptable to adamant that out.

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On top of the etiquettes that we're talking about, we additionally charge to define, what does success attending like for our team? What are the expectations of aggregation members? This is a mindset about-face from activity time based, so we're alive amid 9:00 and 5:00 is the archetypal norm, or after-effects based. Aback we go remote, we inherently go to after-effects based working. Thus, we charge to redefine what our expectations are. What did those after-effects attending like? It's accessible to ask that question, but absolutely anticipate about your own assignment and how you would ascertain after-effects on a account basis, for example. Aloof do a academic question. It is absolutely a about-face not abandoned in the apperception that needs to happen, but additionally in our agency of working.

One of the companies that is on the website, area I activate a brace of quotes, 10up, I absolutely admired this quote. They said, "Any business that finer measures agent productivity, absolutely isn't relying on annihilation accepting to do with concrete location." Aback we're remote, we're affected to admeasurement abundance by far added cold metrics and things like time in the building. I additionally asked abounding bodies this catechism of, do you accept a aggregation acceding in place? Be cerebration about your own answer, of course. I beggarly a accounting aggregation agreement, not aloof protocols that everybody acts this way, but absolutely article academic accounting down.

Interestingly enough, pre-COVID, abandoned 20% of any poll participants anytime had some aggregation acceding in place. Post-COVID, it's up to 50% to 60%. For those of you that don't accept a aggregation acceding in place, I accept chargeless templates accessible on the Collaboration Superpowers website. Please go to that armpit and download your chargeless templates. You don't accept to do it alone. For the bodies that do accept aggregation agreements in place, a acceptable admonition is analysis your aggregation agreements regularly. They're active documents. The way that we assignment as a aggregation evolves, and so do the accoutrement and the apps that we use, because there's new things advancing out every day. We appetite to consistently revisit what we've agreed to as a team. I usually acclaim every three months, every six months seems a little bit long, because really, you'll be afraid by how abundant change happens. In any case, aggregation acceding templates are available. Feel chargeless to use them.

I appetite to focus on, how do we adapt how we acquaint aback we go remote? The accessible affair is that we all go online. Aback the lockdown started, abounding companies approved to actor the office. What it resulted in was amaranthine online meetings. Soon, we started to apprehend about Zoom fatigue. It absolutely became a thing. My neighbors were accusatory about the 3-hour appointment calls that they were on after a break. Sounds like ache to me. The affair to apprehend is some things don't construe well.

Before I get into how things don't translate, I aloof appetite to bound put the catechism in your head, how abounding hours a anniversary are you currently spending in online meetings? Is it aloof a brace hours a week? Is it a lot? Absolutely anticipate about, how abounding hours do you absorb in online meetings? A lot of bodies absorb added than 20 hours a anniversary in online meetings. Crazy, but everybody's assignment is different. The affair to apprehend is that alien assignment is a altered medium. I like to accomplish the affinity with radio and television. Both are broadcasting mediums, but you would architecture agreeable for anniversary of the mediums differently. The aforementioned affair is accurate with alien and in-person. They're both assignment mediums, but we charge to architecture how we collaborate with those mediums differently. For example, online, we accurate ourselves differently. We use emojis and GIFs sometimes to appearance what our bodies would do. We appearance acknowledgment differently. We accord acknowledgment differently. We anatomy assurance differently.

Another affair that happens is the anatomy of our banal changes. No best are we bedfast to 9:00 to 5:00 but rather we can now advance things out and do things differently. One of the keys to this new average is actuality added careful about how we use our time. A absolutely accessible abode to alpha is by abridgement our online meetings. If you're accomplishing a 1-hour online affair appropriate now, aloof abbreviate it to 45 minutes, 50 minutes, booty a 10 to 15 minute breach in between. Accord yourself a adventitious to angle up. Attending at article far in the distance. Stretch your anatomy out. All of those things. If you're defective to go longer, the recommended time is every 40 account or so, booty a 5 to 10 minute breach if your affairs are activity longer. That's the low blind fruit. One of the things you could change instantly that will accept a absolute aftereffect on how you're working.

However, aback we alpha to go a little bit deeper, or I would say forth the adeptness scale, we charge to question, do we absolutely charge that affair to activate with, or, can the babble be done asynchronously? For example, if we're aloof accomplishing cachet updates, maybe that could be acquaint in a Slack access or application a apparatus like I Done This, or article like that. Or, if you're activity to a affair to aloof accord a presentation, maybe accede recording the presentation afore the affair starts. Afresh accepting everybody watch it afore the meeting, and application your admired online time for discussions and accommodation making. Or, instead of brainstorming calm online, accept everybody begin afore they appear to the session. Afresh use your admired time online for discussions and accommodation making. Accepting bigger at asynchronous advice agency beneath interruptions and added ascendancy over our workday. Added importantly, it agency beneath affairs overall. It additionally has the added account of giving everybody time to action and acknowledgment to advice instead of activity with knee jerk reactions. Those are the ones that about get fabricated in timebox meetings.

I accept this little yin-yang attribute up actuality to connotate that the arrangement of asynchronous and ancillary assignment is altered for every company. The key catechism to ask is, what do we charge to altercate online together? How can we use our time calm wisely and abbreviate the cardinal of ancillary affairs that we have? The bigger you can get with this, the added you can advance forth the alien adeptness scale, if that is what your aggregation wants. The abstraction is we appetite to abate the cardinal of affairs we need, and advance the affairs that we have.

We aloof talked about abbreviation the cardinal of affairs that we need, I appetite to move on to convalescent the ones that we have. One of the quotes from the interviews that I did years ago was from AgileBill Krebs, and he said, "People anticipate they appetite to be co-located. What we absolutely appetite is aerial bandwidth communication." We appetite to be talking to the bodies online as if they're in the allowance abutting to us. I like to accomplish the affinity with Star Trek, we appetite to advance a button and say, "Lisette to Bridge, report," and Bridge reports. There's no coffee boutique sounds, or agreeable accouchement in the background. It's aloof bright bright aerial bandwidth communication. In adjustment to accept that, we charge to accept a absolutely acceptable internet connection. Accepting acceptable internet is decidedly important for alien communication. I interviewed Maarten Koopmans, who is a physicist and software developer, and he said that bandwidth is like oxygen. It should consistently be in abounding supply. It's one of the analytical pillars for alien working. That is accurate because of the charge to acquaint with technology and the composure that technology is accepting with video, it is absolutely important to accept the bandwidth to be able to lath that.

One of the companies that I interviewed not too continued ago was Envato. They're based in Australia. Their aggregation was founded by agenda nomads. The CEOs and founders, they animate their advisers to biking three months of the year, at atomic they did afore COVID. The aphorism was if you're activity to travel, you accept to accept an internet acceleration of 20 megabits per second, download and upload, otherwise, you're advised on vacation. That's how important internet affiliation is.

When we're activity to be alive in this amalgam mode, though, not abandoned is internet important, but our basement becomes absolutely important and we charge to advance that. There's absolutely accessible agency to do that as individuals: a acceptable webcam, some lighting, a acceptable headset, and all of that. That will go a continued way for creating that bright bright communication. In our offices, we additionally charge to accomplish an upgrade. If you're sitting in an appointment like this, and you've got one of those old spider phones in the average of the table area you accept to angular over like, "Bob, it's Lisette." Those are so 1980s. We can do a lot better. There is a lot bigger technology out there appropriate now.

For example, a allowance such as this. Abounding systems can do allowance setups like this. What's important to agenda is that the alien participants are present in the room. They're not aloof diminutive tiny boxes beyond the top of the screen, or worse, sitting in a spider buzz in the middle. They are ample and present. The in-person participants are sitting adverse the alien participants, or at atomic in the amphitheater to accomplish it added inclusive. That's important. Both in-person and alien are able to see the advice that's actuality shared. No added accepting the camera pointing at a whiteboard area cipher can see what's there. The technology has gotten a lot added sophisticated. We charge to accomplish abiding that our appointment apartment are activity to be set up for this work, because amalgam is the best difficult work. If we're all remote, it's one thing. If we're all in-person, it's one thing. Aback we alpha to mix, technology becomes critical.

There is lots of abundant technology out there, like the Affair Owl, which is a 360 amount microphone and camera that acts as that spider phone. What it does for the alien participants is that it shows everybody that's in the room, and afresh it focuses on the actuality who's announced last, up-close, so that you absolutely get an abstraction of what's there. We appetite to abate the cardinal of affairs that we charge and advance the affairs that we have.

The added affair I recommend, of course, is to alternation your team. However, it is absolutely important. A lot of bodies think, alien work? It's pajama bottoms, slippers, and awning drinks. It is not, of course. There are new agency of behaving, new agency of cogent ourselves. Training can be absolutely important in agreement of advertent what those things could be for your team.

Let's allocution about, what does it beggarly to be present in the modern-day workforce? How do we go to work? Of course, it's actual easy, the webcam, that's the accessible one. A lot of bodies don't like axis the webcams on. "I'm in my yoga clothes," or, "My beard is not attractive good." I'll accept to say, aback we go to the office, you additionally accept to present yourself. Aback we go online, it's additionally important to be visible, not in every distinct instance. However, maybe alike in your meeting, you aloof about-face the cameras on for the aboriginal 5 account to say hello, and afresh to say goodbye. In the middle, about-face it off. In general, added bodies are axis the cameras on. I absolutely accept that the approaching of alien assignment is all through video. It aloof acutely adds to alien alive experience.

The added ancillary of it, though, of course, is that asynchronous advice again. Accumulation babble is a abundant belvedere for aloof befitting tabs on the beating of the assignment actuality done at any accustomed time, both accomplished and present. This is like a rapid, failing access that facilitates abundant bigger advice than email can. It's company-wide, so aloof authoritative the across and the adeptness to adeptness added bodies a lot easier. One, use your accumulation babble channels, and afresh get absolutely acceptable at accumulation chat. There's all kinds of etiquettes about that. I've got added advice on the Collaboration Superpowers website that you can analyze about the etiquettes about accumulation chat, the things that you charge to know.

Let's alpha to allocution about how bodies are absolutely alive calm online and actuality present. I'm activity to go from the best accepted which I've been doing, the video and the accumulation chat, about every alien aggregation has that. Now we're activity to alpha to get a little bit far out. I appetite to allocution about the abstraction of basal co-working, which is the aforementioned affair as concrete co-working, area you're alive calm in the aforementioned space, together, except for you're accomplishing it online. One of the teams that I interviewed at Spotify, they absolutely accept offices all over Europe, and afresh additionally in New York. Their teams formed calm for years application Google Hangouts, a brace of years ago. What they would do is they would accept a Hangout accessible at all times that would aloof affix with the videos, but afresh they accept the microphones on aphasiac so they can see anniversary other. Aback they capital to speak, they aloof unmute, allocution in to the group, and afresh go back. It simulates what it's like to assignment in the appointment together.

My colleague, Gretchen and I, we formed calm for 9 years. What we would do is we would say accost for 5 account with the video on, afresh about-face it off and aloof accumulate the complete on because the video was absolutely confusing for us. It was nice to be able to apprehend anniversary added like, "I'm alive on something. Can I ask you a quick question?" Or aloof to feel that faculty that somebody is around. There are additionally abounding apps now for this. One of them is Focusmate. You get commutual with a accidental actuality in the world, and afresh you get calm and you do an hour of work, and get calm and allocution about what you've done.

I appetite to appearance some added video agency of bodies that are alive together. What this account is, is a team, area they accept two teams in two altered offices. What they've done is set up video cameras in anniversary office, and they've got the video and complete on all day, which simulates what it's like to be in the appointment together. Afresh on the added ancillary of this lath here, they've got their assignment board. They're application some Kanban system, or a Trello agenda system. Some arrangement area they're activity from, doing, done, review, and aloof putting the agenda so everybody can see area the assignment is at and allocution to anniversary added throughout the day, aloof like what it's like to assignment in the appointment together.

There's addition aggregation that I went and visited, area they accept a huge appointment in Australia and addition huge appointment in China. What they've done is aloof set up video monitors all over both offices, so that you can accidentally bang into somebody in China, aback you're in the Melbourne office. They authority their circadian standups here. They absolutely accept video amateur that they comedy together. This is how they're aggravating to accompany their offices afterpiece calm and their cultures afterpiece together, so you can absolutely adhere out with anniversary added online.

We'll alpha to get a little bit into the far out now. With basal co-working, there are a cardinal of altered basal offices now on the market. A basal appointment is absolutely what it sounds like. It's an appointment that you go to online. One of the added broadly basal appointment platforms is alleged Sococo. Aback you log in, you see a attic plan. Anniversary one of these alone boxes represents a room. Anniversary one of these black dots represents a actuality in that room. You can abandoned apprehend and see the bodies that are in the aforementioned allowance as you, but you can see area everybody is on the basal attic plan. If I capital to go from this allowance over to this allowance over here, afresh all I would charge to do is aloof bifold bang on that added allowance and I would be there.

The abutting anatomy of technology is telepresence technology. These are basically drivable robots. You would log in on Zoom, aloof like you commonly would, except for that you would drive them application the arrow keys on your keyboard. You would aloof axle in, drive them. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard. This is Suitable Technologies appointment and they had 50% of their workforce appear in, in the flesh, and 50% would axle in via robot. That is a possibility. It's article that bodies are doing.

Virtual absoluteness is acceptable added popular. The Oculus Quest 2 is about to appear out, and that is starting to change the bold because the amount of the accessories is acceptable lower, and the composure of the technology is incredible. Basal absoluteness has been in actuality for decades. It's been broadly acclimated in baby circles for classes and conferences like with telepresence. It's additionally acclimated for aggressive simulations. It aloof hasn't been broadly acclimated in the business association yet. I anticipate that that's activity to be advancing more, as we alpha to try to amount out, how can we accompany ourselves afterpiece together?

There are lots of altered apps now for alien workers on the market. This one's alleged Rumii. You put on your goggles. Go into your basal appointment room. Angle about your basal lath with your basal colleagues, and accept your standup affairs or any meetings, really. There are lots of altered technologies out there that alien teams are experimenting with. It's not so far out.

The added affair that's coming, which is here, but it's absolutely appropriate about the bend is hologram technology, area you can absolutely aloof axle in and present as a 3D hologram. I apperceive it sounds actual far out. This is my Star Wars reference. I apperceive it seems actual far out. I promise, holograms are appropriate about the corner. Aback the technology gets acceptable enough, this could be a bold changer.

What we talked about is we defined, what is accustomed behavior? What the expectations are for our team. What success looks like? We've talked about how we charge to adapt how we acquaint together. We've talked about, how can we analyze new agency of actuality present? The approaching of assignment is choice. The adeptness to accept on our companies how alien we appetite to be, and the adeptness for the alone to accept aback and area to work. It turns out that accepting that best is additionally decidedly hard. There's no one appropriate way. That's both a acceptable affair and a bad thing. The acumen is because alive from home is both alarming and horrible. I should absolutely say alive from anywhere, is both alarming and horrible. If you haven't apparent the biscuit comic, it is absolutely account seeing. It's actual funny. Because aback we assignment from home, all of a sudden, we accept to put our own boundaries in place. That can be decidedly hard.

I like to accomplish the affinity for accident weight. Anybody that has absent weight knows the blueprint is easy. We aloof accept to eat beneath and move more. The beheading of that is decidedly hard. Alive from home, and accepting that work-life alloy can additionally be decidedly adamantine because we charge to actualize able boundaries for ourselves, and we charge to advance them ourselves. However, aback we get it right, the adjustment is huge. We as individuals get the abandon to architecture our own lifestyles and assignment aback and area we're best productive. Companies get a stronger, added advantageous and affiliated workforce. As we go in and out of lockdowns about the apple and try to cross this new way of alive together, we can at the actual atomic use this befalling to become alien first, area possible. Now is the time to set our teams up and ourselves up to succeed.

I've got a cool kit accessible on the website for free. This will accord you icebreakers, time area tips, alien affair tips, all kinds of things. You can aloof download that for free. I can accord you a abatement on the "Work Calm Anywhere" handbook if you aloof use the cipher WTA30. There's the URL for that. I absolutely animate bodies to alternation your teams. It's not pajama cheers and awning drinks. There's a little added to it than that. Accepting the able training that you charge is absolutely important.

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