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The mother of the accumulation assassin who collapsed 38 innocent holidaymakers in Tunisia has said her son is a 'victim' who charge accept been 'brainwashed'.

Radhia Manai, 49, claims her son Seifeddine Rezgui 'couldn't annihilate a mouse' in an account afterward the massacre.

On June 26, Rezgui opened blaze on a bank in Sousse and chased bodies into the Imperial Marhaba Auberge area he sprayed them with bullets and lobbed bootleg explosives at them.

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Terror: Seifeddine Rezgui wielding an AK-47 on the bank at the bank resort of Sousse in Tunisia on June 26

Radhia Manai said her son Seifeddine Rezgui 'couldn't annihilate a mouse' admitting the actuality he asleep 38 holidaymakers

Speaking to The Sunday Times from her home in Gaafour, Tunisia, she said: 'I couldn't accept it, I can't accept it. 

'Once there was a abrasion in the abode and I asked Seifeddine to annihilate it and he banned saying, "I can't annihilate anything". My son is a victim like all the others.'

Radhia believes addition was pressurising her son and conceivably aggressive to annihilate him if he didn't backpack out mass-murder.

'They charge accept accustomed him drugs and brainwashed him,' she added.

Radhia said she feels apologetic for the victims and their families and hopes the bodies abaft the artifice are found.

On Friday, the families of the 30 Britons who were asleep were abutting by the absolute country in a minute's blackout to bethink those who died on June 26. 

Predator: Advance burglarize in hand, Regzui was pictured stalking the streets of the accepted anniversary resort town

The anatomy of 23-year-old Seifeddine Rezgui pictured afterwards he asleep 38 innocent holidaymakers in Tunisia 

Eyewitnesses declared how the ISIS activist accustomed on the bank on a jet-ski with a awning which buried the advance burglarize he would anon use to gun bottomward dozens of innocent people. 

He again chased bodies into the Imperial Marhaba Auberge area he attempt at them and threw bombs.

Hotel workers approved to stop the analgesic - a maid threw a armchair from a balcony, others threw ashtrays and at one point auberge agents formed a animal barrier about the holidaymakers.

Police attempt him asleep as he headed assimilate the capital road, abroad from the confusion and action he had caused. Images of his body appear an unexploded bomb and a detonator. 


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